The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1114: The charm of sleeping beauty

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Scarface is the battle captain of the Ice and Snow Pirate Group. He owns a large pirate ship and possesses the strength of a third-order sacred warrior. There are also fifty or sixty tiers of sages under him. Five of them are magicians, and then...

They are captured!

Everyone was blocked and their power was dumped on the mast, looking from a distance like salted fish.

As pirates, they still have dignity. Even if they are defeated, they must follow the rules of pirates and have the right to demand some relatively fair treatment. Everything comes from what a thin man or a fat man said casually.

"You look familiar."

"Blond hair, perfect figure, it would be even more perfect with a pink skirt."

"Your current hairstyle is completely weak. Double ponytails are justice."

"No, no, ponytail is true love."

Familiar words made Scarface suddenly think of something, and asked casually: "Sleeping Beauty?"

Then all of them were hung on the flagpole.

It's not difficult to sail a boat or something, but it's just that there is a strong current pushing it, why use the old-fashioned manual method to sail the boat?

The sails are open and the wind goes smoothly. This is Ville’s ability. Fighting on the sea is definitely his home ground. Especially when he integrates the heart of the sea into the different space that carries the chain of the law of the sea, the different space is directly Improved again, incidentally, let him have a lot of combat power in the ocean attributes.

Now the combat effectiveness of Xiaowei’s ocean attribute has increased by at least 30%, especially in terms of magic power recovery and sea affinity, it has reached a very high level. The generals of this world are no longer his goal, and the four males are. .

However, Linda, a four-level opponent, is also very in need. In the future, her spoils will only be at the general level. However, compared to the generals of the demons, there are more general-level monsters. Weir is not worried about his lack of resources. You must know that you and Linda have just visited the Misty Sea and the Storm Sea. Neither the Blood Sea nor the Frozen Sea has time to patronize. After walking around these two places, Little Will has been able to complete it.

This consummation does not mean that his strength has reached the peak of a demigod, but that the extent that the "Genesis Code Pseudo Demigod Plug-in Method" can reach has reached the limit. Unless he truly achieves a demigod and has complete power in one, he cannot break through those The bearing limit of different spaces.

It can be said that the ninth level of the road to the dragon is stronger than all the previous spaces combined, and even more powerful, and the largest of the five different spaces in the hands of Xiaoweier is only the sixth level of the different space, which bears the limit. Naturally smaller.

Five different spaces, each of which carries a chain of nine laws, how strong will the combat effectiveness be after Consummation?

Little Ville himself is not very sure. If you want to increase your combat effectiveness, you can only start from strengthening and strengthening the alien space. For example, the heart of the sea is integrated into the alien space of the ocean attribute. The heart of the earth, um, that is Linda’s trophy. At present, it is only lent to Little Will for enlightenment, and cannot be easily integrated.

Silver Dragon Linda supported Ville’s going to find General Bingxue, and the others on this pirate ship were even very willing to lead the way. After all, this was their general’s husband-in-law. Although he escaped early, he can only be regarded as a fiancé-in-law. .

"Huh, runaway coward, just ran away on the day of the engagement, leaving the captain aside from the little man!" The Scarface Combat Captain was flushed, not knowing whether it was caused by being hung upside down by the blood flow, or because he couldn't beat the other party. It was caused by being hung up and acting ugly and embarrassed in front of his hands.

"You can't say that, Uncle Scarface, didn't you praise him countless times before for his willingness to bear all the blame for the captain, and reluctantly left the captain in order to prevent the captain from being implicated? I didn't expect that he would be among the male and female robbers. Blond brave man." The ball sighed. He and Zhuganer caught him at the beginning, but now that he wants to come, people should come to the door voluntarily.

The strong man who can kill the mad dog Temple will be captured by the two of them?

Now think about it, the reason why he was willing to be arrested was actually to use their hands to get on the stage for the selection of the captain’s husband-in-law, so as to become the captain’s husband-in-law. As a brave man, for the captain to be able to do it. At this point, it is really very, very difficult.

Ball: What a man!

Bamboo pole: What a little man!

"It's a little bit wrong, shouldn't he be a brave with earth attributes? Why now..." Although Zhuganer is thin, his brain is not too bad, unlike a ball full of fat.

The Scarface Combat Captain "hehe" smiled: "The captain has never admitted that he is a brave of the earth attribute, he himself only put away a treasure of the earth attribute, revealing a little bit of the power of the earth attribute, and did not show himself. It is the brave of the earth attribute. All these are guesses taken for granted by those people, and obviously, they guessed wrong."

"In other words, all of this is the result of deliberate guidance by the captain and the captain's husband-in-law." The Scarface Combat Captain felt that he had discovered the truth. Under some reasoning, everyone gave thumbs up, and then did this. The degree of flattering did not make Wille forget the humiliation they brought to him.

Women's clothing or something, and also impressed so many male pirates, it is really too ashamed, must kill people, all insiders can't let it go.

For this period of Ville’s experience, Silver Dragon Linda is not clear, but there is such a good opportunity that I can’t miss it, so the Scarface Battle Captain was let go, "I’m Vail’s sister, one of the few in the clan A clan sister who loves him very much, and he is very dependent on me to a certain extent. He will carefully consider my words, including his marriage."

Linda determined her identity first, and then began to inquire about that experience. Before that, it was inevitable that a realm would directly imprison Little Vil.

The Scarface Combat Captain is so mature, he can tell at a glance that the silver-haired beauty in front of him wants to watch a good show. At the same time, he can see that she is not malicious, so a shocking love story appeared in his mouth. .

Linda’s “brother” has been secretly in love with the No. 1 beauty in the world for a long time. He has been silently following all the intelligence of General Bingxue, the No. 1 beauty in the world, only because General Bingxue’s strength, appearance, prestige, and achievements are so high that he can only Silent attention, silent blessing, but did not dare to take the first step closer, until General Bingxue publicly selected her husband.

With a fluke, the "clan brother" bravely walked out, but the young man's skin is still a little thin after all. It is obviously difficult for him to go to the Ice and Fire Island to register for the selection by himself, so he was witty and chose to become a "captive." Participate in the selection in a special capacity.

Only those who are very concerned about the Ice and Snow Pirates know that they are arresting "candidates for generals, husband and sons". He pretends to be traveling alone, and he is caught by them. In order not to show his stuff and keep a little face, he enters In order to avoid being embarrassed and timid.

He endured the unbearable "humiliation" of the man next to him. For the sake of pure love and the beloved captain, he did not hesitate to dress up as a woman for the sake of pure love and beloved captain. He passed the first round of assessment with his perfect appearance and posture.

At the same time, he was also the only candidate who passed unanimously. Even a few female brave men coveted him, but such a "brother" is only loyal to the captain.

For the captain, he disregarded the danger and killed the sea king’s running dog Temple brave. For the captain, he did not choose to indulge in the gentle town, but resolutely chose to leave the ice and fire island, taking away the sea king’s anger and wanted, leaving peace and tranquility. To the captain.

"He is a real good man, a good man who is infatuated and unrepentant and brave to forge ahead!" The Scarface Combat Captain gave a thumbs up and said, "He is also a very smart young man, pretending to be a brave of the earth attribute at the scene. Turning his head, he became famous all over the world as the brave of the ocean, and worked hard to become a good man worthy of the captain."

"Although the brave is still a little bit away from the general, I recognize him for his hard work and infatuation!" The Scarface Combat Captain said very solemnly, "I feel a strong pressure from you. Your strength is very strong, and judging from the relationship and strength of the two of you, your race may be very strong."

"So?" Silver Dragon Linda said with a grin: "Your guess is not Our race has no weak, our race is powerful beyond your imagination, you have offended my brother before. It is simply unforgivable, unless you hand over the photo stones of his women's dresses, otherwise...

"Huh~, how did you know that I have a picture stone for women's clothing of the general's husband-in-law?" The Scarface Combat Captain was surprised.

"You really have one, hand it over quickly, don't force me to do it!" Linda was overjoyed, this kind of baby can't be missed.

"Fuck~" Linda didn't use all of her strength to cut through the field with a single sword, and she walked over with a green face and reached out to the Scarface Fighting Captain. He heard what he said just now.

He smashed the photo-enhanced stone in his hand, and Ville asked with a dark face, "Who else has this thing?"

"All the battle captains have one."

For this answer, Ville was not surprised, his goal was originally Ice and Fire Island, and it was completely destroyed.

"Later, in order to give Aquaman an explanation, Blade General Eric made a copy."

Little Ville nodded secretly. This is understandable. Moreover, General Blade was on the scene. He was also an eyewitness. If there is a chance, he must be killed as well, and a general-level master can bring him more or less. Some rule gains, but I don’t know what attributes he is proficient in.

"After seeing the picture, the old thing Haiwang left it behind. Then he kept the picture stone and issued a killing order. In fact, he secretly ruled out people from chasing you and demanding a live capture." Scarface Fight The captain whispered: "Later I learned from the captain that Aquaman gave up his plan to marry the captain because he liked Sleeping Beauty."

"Boom!" Ville's momentum exploded in an instant, "Aquaman~" (Gritting teeth)

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