The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1115: Welcome to Ice and Fire Island

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Ice and Fire Island completely deviated from the place where it was shipped, and entered a relatively safe place thousands of miles inside the Misty Sea. The demigod-level monsters that originally inhabited there became the feats of General Ice and Snow, and the corpses became the rations of the Ice and Fire Pirates. Three or five new Tier 3 holy fighters can be regarded as dead well.

The current masters on Ice and Fire Island are like clouds. There are more than a dozen combat teams. Only one team is allowed to go out at a time. The stay time is also strictly limited. Once the limit is exceeded, they can't come back. There are many arrangements outside this place.

And the robbery of the battle team going out is not the main thing. Inquiring about the news and collecting materials are the key points. After all, the Ice and Fire Pirates rejected the sea king’s proposal and offended the king above the sea. The short period of recuperation is still very important. Necessary.

The ice and fire pirate group is really united, at least there are no people who are timid and fearful of betraying the ice and snow general Rose, or that such people are not qualified to go to sea, it may not be known.

The Binghuo Island Pier has been vacant for a long time, but today it is very lively, and a "good news" spread throughout the island.

Three years ago, the captain was angry and killed the mad dog Temple, and won the captain’s beauty. In the end, in order to keep the Ice and Fire Island from being involved, he reluctantly left the captain’s husband and son who was the first beauty in the world. Now he is back with full achievements. .

It turns out that this captain’s husband-in-law is not only powerful, but also amazing in wisdom. The earth-attribute breath he showed three years ago was actually just a disguise. He is a true marine-attributed brave and one of the most famous male and female robbers in the past three years. Blond brave.

Ice and Fire Island disappeared for three years. It was not just that they were not hit by the sea king because they were hiding deeply, but the bigger reason was that the sea king did not really work hard to find them. Otherwise, with the strength and energy of the sea king, how could it be possible? There are no clues about the time of year. You must know that they are not really isolated from the world for the past three years.

The captain's husband and son-in-law are really great, and they carry all the pressure by themselves. Only such a person can be worthy of the captain who is the most beautiful woman in the world!

Another point is that not all brave men can be willing to become a burden, this is true love.

News circulated one by one on Ice and Fire Island. What is the beauty of the captain's husband and son-in-law is not under the sea witch, and even slightly inferior to the captain, otherwise how to make the old sea king's heart be moved?

The captain’s husband-in-law’s strength is undoubtedly strong. The mad dog Temple is the best proof. The first thing he will do when he returns this time may be to beat all the battle captains once, to make his name and become the first under the captain. Man, a well-justified captain's husband-in-law.

The sky was bright, and there was a sea of ​​people on the ice and fire island pier under the mist. A photoelectric appeared quietly in the distance, and it drove in quickly, getting closer and closer.

A clear shadow can already be seen, this is a large pirate ship.

The sails and the patterns on the sails can be seen faintly, which are the emblems of the Ice and Fire Pirates.

The fluttering flag came into view, accompanied by a blurry pendant on the mast.

Gradually, the ship approached, and then they saw all the members of the pirate ship, two figures of gold and silver standing on the bow, and all the others were hanging on the mast.

"Papa Papa~" "Papa Papa~" "Papa Papa~"

Amid the neat applause, the pirate ship "boomed" and landed. Best and the ten combat captains came out respectfully. Without giving Little Will any reaction time, he first showed a pattern, and then bowed and said: "Welcome to the captain's husband-in-law. Come back!"

"Welcome the captain's husband and son-in-law to return!" The voices of the ten battle captains became louder, and their voices spread far, but they always felt a trace of gloat in their voices.

"Welcome the return of the captain's husband and son-in-law!" hundreds of pirates shouted in unison.

"Welcome the captain's husband and son-in-law to return!" This is the voice of thousands of residents of Ice and Fire Island, but it is not neat.

Little Weier and Silver Dragon Linda were a little lost when they saw the pattern that Best was quietly displaying. The aura that was brewing on their bodies converged quietly. The corners of Xiao Weier's mouth twitched twice, and he waved the wind blade whistling. All the pirates on the mast were put down.

Best took a step forward and made a gesture of asking, and a luxurious open carriage "tap and kick" drove over, "Please, the captain's husband and son-in-law, please start, the captain has been waiting for a long time."

Little Ville just wanted to have an attack, Bester opened his palms, and a small pattern came into view. He had to nod his head. He stepped out and in a blink of an eye he reached the carriage. The carriage was very luxurious but only one master made, and the style was gorgeous but beautiful. Not so majestic.

On the case table, there is an animal skin in front of the fruit plate with a line of simple dragon characters: Nice to meet you, my dear tribe.

Silver Dragon Linda appeared silently behind Xiao Weier, her eyes swept across the animal skin, her face could not help showing a faint expression of excitement, there really were dragons in this world.

Upon receiving Linda’s voice transmission, Ville rolled his eyes and answered him quietly, "Don’t you understand? With this sentence and the pattern, isn’t the identity of this family member clear? ."

"The world in the ninth level of the road to the dragon is unique. This level of different space is not so easy to achieve. It is not easy to occupy a world like this under the crown of the dragon god. Don't think about it anymore. He doesn't Can’t really cover the sky with one hand.” Although the height of Ville cannot truly see through the levels of the gods, the God of Wisdom is definitely above the gods. The news he received from the many apostles gave him a general understanding of the gods. .

There is actually a gap between the six-tier main gods, and the top ones are undoubtedly the Dragon God, the Night Goddess, the Ocean Goddess, and the Earth Goddess, while the Beast God, the Elf Goddess, and the Dawn Goddess are relatively inferior.

The difference is not only the strength and the background, but also the strength of the subordinates. The Dragon God can be said to be the highest existence among the gods. The god-level masters of the Dragon Race have double digits, and the Holy Spirit of the Ocean Goddess plus the gods can only be five or six. The goddess of the earth is slightly more and limited. The goddess of the night is the most mysterious of the three goddesses, and the goddess of the moon is the most powerful of the fifth-order goddesses, but compared with the dragons, they are still slightly inferior.

Therefore, the Dragon God can be said to be the most powerful existence in the world to some extent. Even the Human Race has many powerful wizards. It is said that the wizard lord has the strength of Tier 6, but through some channels, I have let Little Weir know something. Little secret, the identity of these wizards may be very problematic. They created a school of wizards, but they may not really be Although this is absurd, it is an indisputable fact, just like the **** of craftsman. Like the predecessor of the construction wizard, things in the world are so nonsense.

"Is General Bingxue the same as you? But I haven't cleared the level for so many years, and I just wandered at the general level. It's really a waste." Yinlong Linda curled her lips in disdain, and the dragon pattern was so powerful. The effect, she is actually only a demigod elementary level, isn't it a waste? You know Rose’s age is said to be sixty years old, well, sixty years old three years ago.

If she is really a barrier-breaker, in other words, she has been in this world for sixty years, and to be able to break into this world, her strength should be at the third-order Consummation level, unless it is a monster like Xiao Weier, who has too many attributes. Lead to incompleteness in completion.

The speed of the team is not fast. The main reason is that there are too many people on the left and right sides to welcome. The second wave of people has already appeared, but the people who appeared made Little Ville a little surprised. The night elves team, the leader: the hero of the arrow And, the night elf holy warrior Wicks.

Wicks' noble head lowered, and he bowed respectfully but said nothing.

The people who greeted the third wave also surprised Little Ville. A member of the Aquamarine family led by Sea Witch Eleanor, she has never left Ice and Fire Island?

The General Bingxue's mansion arrived soon, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of the door. On the holy face of the iceberg and snow lotus, he smiled and looked down. The surroundings suddenly became silent.

"This should be the grandest and most solemn welcoming ceremony on Ice and Fire Island, right?" Little Weier took a deep breath, slowly stepped off the carriage, and stared at General Bingxue, the No. 1 in the world with a trace of dragon blood. Beauty, you can't see the familiar trace on her hands as white as jade, is it hidden by the gloves?

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