The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1119: This boy, I'm sure!

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There is a teleportation formation hidden in the belly of the ten-foot deep-sea ray. The sea beast that has condensed the chain of six laws in its own lair is strong enough to ensure the safety of the teleportation formation. At the same time, this thing is also hidden very tightly, at least one layer thick. The thick seabed silt must be cleaned up.

There was a conch in the hands of General Ice and Snow. After the sound blew gently, the deep sea rays moved the place honestly and took the initiative to help them clean up the silt, revealing a transmission array that was not too big, but not too small, with a diameter of more than ten meters.

"This is a teleportation array created by your grandfather, and there are a few small organs in it, you can set the destination of the teleportation." Rose looked at Xiao Weier with a smile, meaning it was self-evident.

Little Ville shrugged and said: "Dragon Whisper Magic Array, I dare not say that I am more proficient than your grandfather, but at least this thing can't help me. If you are not in a hurry, I can try to have a fun."

"Please~" The Ice and Snow General Rose is really not in a hurry. Although she is on the bottom of the sea, it does not have much impact on their half-lengths, at least for three to five days.

Little Ville cast his eyes on Linda Silver Dragon, "You or me?"

Yinlong Linda waved her hand and said impatiently: "Get to work early and finish early. If you know you are great, don't show off."

Is Ville's magic circle powerful?

It’s really amazing. I figured out the entire dragon language teleportation magic circle in three to five minutes. Then the eyes of advanced appraisal opened. The remaining details are instantly clear. This is a multi-choice teleportation magic circle. There are three. There are two targets to choose from, one target leads to the ocean of storms, one target leads to the sea of ​​blood, and the last one is the ice-bound sea, at least as shown above.

The fingers slid gently on the teleportation magic circle, and the magic stones in Ville's hand fell on different nodes. Soon the magic circle flickered, and the speed was so fast that Rose was a little at a loss.

"You, how do you know..." Rose didn't know what to say.

"Intuition, or the sense of smell of the same kind." Little Ville is proficient in the Dragon Whisper Magic Array. He saw something in this Teleportation Magic Array that others can't see. He passed the Eye of Appraisal, so he was so straightforward. Hiddenly, he completed the adjustment of the teleportation magic circle and turned on the teleportation function. There are some things he needs to confirm in person.

"Don't be stinky, you and I are not of the same kind." General Rose snorted and turned her head very proudly.

Little Ville picked his nose and looked helpless: "Little girl, don't be passionate, okay, your blood is already very weak. If you are like me, you are belittling me. The same kind I mean refers to the construction of this The people of the teleportation formation, that is, your grandfather, the Shadow King."

"This teleportation formation takes only one minute and twenty-nine seconds. If you can't make this trip, you can only wait for three days." Xiaoweier glanced at the three of them deeply: "You are sure not to follow me Go there together?"

The Sea Witch glared at him fiercely: "Are you sure there is no Rosetta Road, can you see His Majesty the Shadow King in the past?"

Little Ville waved his hand and directly pulled the silver dragon Linda through the teleportation array, without any hesitation at all.

The Ice and Snow General Rose hurriedly grabbed the Sea Witch with one hand, and with the other hand, the arrow brave quickly rushed into the teleportation formation. The Sea Witch flung her hands twice and didn't break free. It’s because you are too accommodating to him that you let him..."

Rose tightly grasped the little hands of the two girlfriends and said helplessly: "This teleportation formation was created by my grandfather himself. There is indeed a secret inside. The opening time is not only one minute and twenty-nine seconds, but also a weird setting. Certainly, after the first group of people pass by, the coordinates will be changed every ten seconds, and they will be randomly sent to other places in the world."

The witch was stunned for a moment, and then reacted and took a deep look at Rose: "Your Majesty the Shadow King is really thoughtful. With this teleportation formation, it will be a headache for those who hunt you down."

The arrow warrior nodded again and again. There are certainly not many people who know the opening method in this teleportation array. When the young man opened it, he didn't see it clearly. The hidden secret inside was clear at a glance, but she originally thought it was only a skill in the opening method, and the frequency of activation. There is attention to detail, but I did not expect that there will be another mechanism at the same time.

If someone hunts down Rose and follows her within ten seconds, they are likely to encounter an ambush from the other side. Those people should be the support personnel arranged by the Shadow King for Rose Dark. If they enter after ten seconds, they will not be able to find it at all. Accurate positioning, I don't know where to teleport to, then Rose will be able to escape smoothly.

This is early and dangerous, and late is also useless.

As the teleportation continued, the front suddenly brightened. The front was no longer the dim sea silt, but a crystal clear ice palace. Well, a house in the ice palace, two third-order perfect guards fell to the ground. , There was a demigod-level monster next to him, crawling and shaking.

"It's really anxious enough. I can't wait for a few seconds." Rose curled her lips and kicked away the demigod level monster in front of her. The latter rolled away more than ten meters away, her claws holding her head motionless. .

The corners of the sea witch's mouth twitched slightly, "Is this demon bear really a demigod level monster?"

The ice white bear, a high-level monster unique to the frozen sea, is extremely proficient in water, can breathe cold and is good at sneak attacks, and the powerful existence of amphibious amphibians, but it was actually scared like this in a few seconds.

Why did the sea witch know she was scared?

The reason is very simple. There is no magic power or fluctuations in vindictiveness in this small ice room, and there is no injury on the ice white bear. The boy should have knocked out the two soldiers at first appearance, and a look in his eyes frightened Han. After the ice white bear drove away.

The Ice White Bear is different from two male ice fairy soldiers of three ranks. Its defensive power is super strong, even if the ice general Rose, the sea witch, and the arrow warrior teamed up to take it for a while.

The Sea Witch found that she really looked down on this young man. This guy seemed to be stronger than she thought. Well, at least not under Rose. Would you like to **** this young man from Rose?

In this world, the strong are respected. Gender is not very important. However, the number and level of the strong males is far higher than the strong females, causing a certain degree of imbalance. On the whole, males are stronger than females, but certain In these races, the opposite is true, such as the Ice Fairy, the Aquamarine Clan, and the Night Elf Clan.

Ice and Snow General Rose, Sea Witch Eleanor, and Hero of the Arrow are among the best. They are powerful and have thousands of subordinates, and their own strength is even more extraordinary. The reason why they have been single is very simple. They can be attracted by them. Few people.

It is impossible to marry outside, and to become a parent, none of the semi-god powerhouses at the same level is a general generation, either with ulterior motives or they look down on them, without him, and ugly rejection.

Don’t think that the strong must be handsome. In fact, most of the demi-god strong in this world are ugly men. The devilish energy of **** and the constantly mutating blood of the demon race, but the few who look good are the sea witch Eleanor, God Arrow Warrior and Ice and Snow General Rose, they can have good looks, to a certain extent, they have a lot to do with their blood.

Ice and Snow General Rose snorted coldly: "What's the use of running fast? This is just a side hall. It's a long way from the place where Grandfather is hiding. You can't see Grandfather if you don't find all the correct roads. I am waiting for you to beg me!"

Rose finished speaking and rushed forward. Except for the houses made by the ice, there is a crystal clear ice tunnel outside, and there are so many ice-making tunnels, but there are not many people inside, only the ice. Sculptures appear from time to time.

Luo Ling turned left and right with her two girlfriends, walking around this so-called side hall as if walking through a maze. Demigods such as the Sea Witch and the Arrow Warrior were a little dizzy. Without him, the scenery everywhere is very similar. Easy to turn, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is even more exaggerated because the road here is not horizontal and vertical. From time to time, there is a winding road. I don't know when there will be an arc that makes you unable to turn.

"Here." Rose pushed a door open. In a small palace, two demigod-level monsters lay on the ground and shivered, and a teleportation magic array flickered, but it became weaker and weaker.

"How is it possible?!" Rose exclaimed, "How could he find here?!"

There was a faint smile on the sea witch's face. The secrets in this young man's body are really not ordinary, what should I do if I want to grab it?

However, he is the fiancé of his best friend, even if it is only in name, it is not appropriate to **** it by himself, right?

No, the sea witch clenched her fist tightly. It was interesting because her girlfriend had snatched it. Fire-proof, anti-theft and anti-girlfriend. Doesn't the implicit meaning of this sentence mean, don't you just grab your girlfriend's things? We are like sisters, yours is mine, mine is mine, so...

It's decided, this boy, I'll grab it!

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