The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1120: Courtesy of the Shadow King

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A huge palace occupies a thousand hectares, crystal clear and beautiful, the people coming and going are very lively, the demigod beasts guarding the front entrance, the soldiers guarding all the third-order masters, and the patrol team shuttles endlessly, and the two figures are silent. Appeared in the square in front of the palace, it wasn't Little Weier, Linda Silver Dragon, or anyone else.

Linda looked up at the sky, with a hint of excitement on her face: "A hundred-mile habitat has been opened up under the sea. This Shadow King may be stronger than we expected. What are you going to do? Go in?"

This palace is very huge. There are tens of thousands of people who can perceive it at a glance. Moreover, this is still a class-level person. Other non-class-level people can be ignored, except that the only creatures living here are the ice and snow goblins. A family, it seems that the King of Shadows is more emotional.

"It's not necessary. The person we are looking for is not in this palace." Ville's advanced appraisal eyes opened wide, and his mental power swept away. Everything within a radius of ten miles entered his eyes. There was no person in the palace that he was looking for, even There is no master at the level of a demigod, except for Warcraft.

Silver Dragon Linda's mental power was output, and a powerful aura suddenly broke out. The two demi-god-level monsters in front of the palace trembling all over, stood up tremblingly, and made a stern demonstration against Linda and Little Weir. Roar.

Neither Ville nor Silver Dragon Linda glanced at them. Their eyes flashed, and at the same time they showed a smile: "Found it!"

The corner of Yinlong Linda’s mouth was slightly raised, and the expression on her face was slightly subtle. When he was a half-god intermediate, this kid was a third-order high-level. When he became a third-order consummation, he was still a half-god intermediate. When he was promoted to a demigod, he was still a demi-god intermediate, and now although his strength was still a demi-god elementary-level but he was able to slay a demi-god intermediate-level beast, he was still a demi-god intermediate-level.

Not only fighting power, but also in other aspects, this kid has also started to catch up with him in all aspects. This makes Linda feel very dangerous. It was an "inadvertent" competition just now, but in terms of mental power, he still had no mental power. To have the upper hand, this is unscientific.

There are so many secrets in this kid.

Silver Dragon Linda shook his figure and rushed out 100 meters in an instant, but the sound of the breaking wind sounded, and the familiar figure had reached the nearby area, so Linda had to speed up again. In terms of physical strength, am I not as good as you?

You are only a half-dragon of the blood of a black dragon, and you are still a half-dragon of the young dragon stage. Auntie, I am a complete adult silver dragon. How could I be inferior to you in terms of physical fitness.

There was no magic, vindictiveness, and pure physical fitness on the way. Linda found that even if she took a half step first, she ended up on a small hill ten miles away at the same time. There are no gorgeous and exquisite palaces, no mountains, water, birds, and flowers. A bamboo forest, a stream, a simple wooden house.

"You guys are faster than I expected." A tall figure in a sling clothes by the creek crouched and fished quietly, but he actually used a straight hook, and there was no bait on it, and fish were swimming. Playing freely in the water, he didn't even know that there was an evil dragon sitting next to him.

There are a lot of things that can be seen in the appraisal of Littleville, but there are also some things that are not visible. "There are some things that you don't know. Now that you know, you must know more clearly, right?"

"They are the same passers-through, who can pass into the ninth level of the half-dragons. It is meant to help each other. If the question is not very confidential, it's okay to tell you." The tall figure did not turn around, the tone was very flat, and kept as much as possible. The image of his own superior.

"The two of us, who is the senior and who is the junior?" Xiao Weier opened his mouth, making Silver Dragon Linda stunned. This kid's problem is very weird.

The fishing rod in the hands of the tall back figure shook slightly, and faint ripples arose on the surface of the water. The swimming fish were panicked. He suddenly turned around. This is the face of an ordinary middle-aged man. The years have left a faint look. The white hair on the temples not only did not destroy his overall image, but added a touch of special charm.

It's just that the appearance of this trace on his body is somewhat inconsistent, and a half-god high-class half-dragon should not be like this at his age.

A pair of piercing eyes were thrown at Ville like lightning, a trace of shock was fleeting, and then his eyes swept across the silver dragon Linda, with a weird expression on her face: "Hell silver dragon? You are not a half-dragon, you are pure. The **** silver dragon, that inverse dragon pattern..."

The corner of Xiaowei's mouth twitched slightly. The topic was really blunt, but in front of Silver Dragon Linda, there were indeed some things that were not convenient to say, "Introduce yourself, Black Dragon Bloodline Breaker Wil Starshan, Third-order Consummation, or the first-level pseudo-demi-god. This is Silver Dragon Linda, a half-god mid-level powerhouse with a chain of 17 laws, one of the guards of the eighth pass of the road to the dragon."

"Sean, Sean Slott, the owner of the shadow dragon bloodline, a high-level demigod, and a high-level demigod in this world." Shaun's eyes flickered, but he was satisfied with the third-order completion that Little Weir said. The demi-god is very interested in the beginner level. You must know that the laws in the space of the road to the dragon are not complete. There are great limitations and disadvantages in achieving a demi-god here, but sometimes some things have to be done, otherwise how to pass the barrier.

Moreover, even a demigod who is not solid is a demigod. Even if it shrinks after going out, it is a true demigod master who has broken the barriers of Tier 3 and Tier 4 demigods. It is a big deal to spend more energy and use other means to continuously consolidate the foundation. The chain of perfect laws is.

Shaun the Shadow Dragon waved his hand, a table and a few small stools appeared on the ground, and then waved his hand to the stove, kettle, tea set and so on. The shadow king actually started to make tea personally.

Little Weier and Linda Silver Dragon were seated, and the two watched Sean making tea in silence. Every move was natural. Obviously they could not be practiced in a day or two, and there was a trace of different charm in them. Obviously this set of actions is not simple.

Did you get the means from that place? He was able to calm the nerves and consolidate the foundation to purify the spiritual impurities, Xiaowei couldn't help but admire him, but he didn't say a word, instead he recorded his whole set of things and every detail without letting go.

"Brother stupid apostle, this set of actions was originally a clearly marked item in the apostle space. It only requires eighteen merits, yes, not one hundred and eighty, not eighty-eight, only eighteen merits..." Apostle Xiaowei Xiaowei’s voice came to mind, there was no way, Xiao Wei was afraid that he could not remember everything, so he called Xiao Wei and recorded it together.

"Isn't it fragrant for white prostitution? Can you get it for free, why do you need to pay for it? Anyway, I don't have to learn the full set, as long as there is a rough idea." Then Weier added: "After writing it down Pass this set of things to Lilith, she doesn't have the "Creation Code" or cheating in different spaces. She is a true self-achievement demigod and needs this thing more than I do."

"Hmph, can Lilith not think of things that the idiot brother Apostle can think of? She already has a better method." The apostle elf Xiaowei's voice was tinged with jealousy, making Ville happy. Her feelings are getting richer and richer.

The wind screamed in the distance, and three figures rushed quickly, not who the Ice and Snow General Rose, the sea witch Eleanor, and the Hero of the Arrow were.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I'm here to see you!" Bingxue General Rose said to his grandfather outside, but when he got here, he opened his mouth to be grandpa.

Xiao En didn't lift his head, and waved his hand. The three figures stopped for an instant and then fluttered to the side of the case. There were three low stools placed there early Such a big girl. , It's still so frizzy. Didn't you see that Grandpa has a guest here? "

"Guests? They?" General Rose snorted: "I brought this person, grandpa, this **** only took a short time to crack your teleportation magic circle, and then found it without my guidance. The road is faster than mine."

Xiao En nodded lightly and didn't look surprised: "I would feel strange if Little Brother Weir didn't have this ability. Also, you can't be so rude to your guests. He can be said to be grandfather's year-end friendship and talk to my peers. "

"What?!" Rose was stunned when she heard that his grandfather was such a proud person, even the Sea King and the King of the Earth did not bother to look at them, but it was incredible that this outsider could be treated so courteously by him.

"But, but he is my fiancé-in-law, and he is the son-in-law at home." Rose's words made Sean's hand shake, the flames rose instantly, and a pot of good tea was scrapped.

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