The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1136: Deep Sea Demon

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The king fell, his personality was released, and the entire maze space trembled violently, the surrounding scenery changed slightly, and the power of the space bound disappeared without a trace, and the eyes were blood-red, and it was in a sea of ​​blood.

The Blood Sea King's Deep Sea Devil's Seal plunged into the sea, and his injuries recovered a lot in an instant. The power of the earth king's domain was fully released, and his figure instantly came to the corpse of the violent dragon carp. Before he could move, one The tentacles stabbed fiercely like a sharp sword, and in a blink of an eye the corpse of the berserk dragon carp was rolled up.

"Don't think about it!" A three-foot-long rock sword quietly appeared in the hands of the Lord of the Earth, and the whole person jumped up and slashed severely. The tentacles of the Deep Sea Devil were cut off, and there was no temporary safety that followed. But more tentacles.

The loud noise of "Boom Rum~" suddenly remembered that the crystal land ten miles in diameter formed by the crystal heart was overturned by the power of the sea of ​​blood launched by the deep sea devil, and the king of the earth was blocked by countless layers of tentacles, unable to get close to the rage. The dragon carp, the corpse of the raging dragon carp was wrapped in a blood-red sea water and fell to the sea of ​​blood, and a blood basin swallowed it fiercely.

"Deep Sea Devil, do you dare!" The Lord of the Earth is incompetent and furious, but the instinct of the Deep Sea Devil belongs to the Warcraft can make it anxious to swallow the Raging Dragon Carp of the same level enemy. The method of enhancing the strength of the Warcraft is very rough, even if it is. After achieving Tier 5, she still likes to use the swallowing method. How can Tier 4 monsters like the Deep Sea Devil be an exception.

"Ah~~~" Watching the corpse of the violent dragon carp fall into the mouth of the deep sea devil, the king of the earth rushed into the crown, and fiercely threw the giant giant rock puppet into its blood basin, but was hit by tentacles halfway through. .

The king of the earth is extremely anxious, that kid can withstand the gastric juice of the violent dragon carp to complete the feat of killing the king beast, but the gastric juice of the deep sea devil does not understand it. This thing is strongly corrosive, and it is not the violent dragon carp at all. Compared to.

No, this kid must be rescued as soon as possible, and at the worst, some treasures that support him must be supported so that he can last longer!

The Lord of the Earth didn't choose to tear the space belly and flee, but instead rushed towards the Deep Sea Devil's Medall like a meteor, vowing to make a hole in it to rescue the hapless kid out.

The Lord of the Earth is unwilling to end here. It also depends on whether the Deep Sea Devil is willing to continue to fight. It was originally pulled into the mysterious space for unknown reasons. It was naturally willing to join forces with the violent dragon carp to encircle and kill the Lord of the Earth. Fighting, now that he consumes a lot of money, there is still a baby in his stomach that needs to be digested. After digesting this corpse of the same level, the strength is definitely greatly improved, how can it continue to stand in a stalemate with the king of the earth.

Tear the space is not the patent of the Demon Race, the Devil of the Deep Sea can also do it.

Before the space cracks had time to form, suddenly layers of mist suddenly appeared and surrounded them. The surrounding scenery changed again, and the power of space prohibited them, and they returned to the mysterious space.

The Lord of the Earth roared and rushed towards the Devil's Medallion of the Deep Sea, and a bad premonition grew in his heart. The endurance of the Miyu Whale King is too strong, right? After a month of battle, the impact brought by the fall of a king beast, unexpectedly recovered in such a short time?

In this matter, it always feels a little weird, what is wrong?

Time waits for no one. The longer the time, the more power the Deep Sea Devil can get from digesting the tyrannosaurus carp. He must get that kid out as soon as possible, and he has just been able to swallow the behemoth of the tyrannosaurus carp. The Deep Sea Medallion is exactly what it is. When the combat effectiveness is the weakest.

Let's break out, the king of the earth, for himself, and also for the little friend who has been fighting side by side for more than a month!

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the Lord of the Earth's momentum climbed steadily, his body abruptly raised by three points, the horns above his head flashed with dazzling light, and wisps of flames appeared quietly and quickly spread throughout his body.

"The great devil clan is also a powerful clan in hell. Our clan will awaken the fire talent after adulthood, no matter what the initial attribute is. It's just that the level of this talent and the level of development vary from person to person." The Lord of the Earth's voice was slightly low, He revealed that when he lifted it up, the double pressure was already covered with bright fire red, "but there is one thing that can't be wrong. When the fire of anger that belongs to the great devil burns, he is invincible!"

The power of the earth around the king of the earth changed bit by bit, gradually turning into the power of lava. The Deep Sea Devil felt a strong threat, and immediately madly launched the water of the sea of ​​blood to rush towards the king of the earth, but he Retreat quickly and want to leave the shrouded area of ​​the crystal earth and the earth domain.

"Hey~" Flames steamed from the arm of the Lord of the Earth, and his long nails popped out. The length of a foot is not much or less, like ten sharp daggers, filled with the power of thick flames, this is the great devil. The talent abilities will increase as the strength of the Great Devil clan increases, infinitely improved!

The Deep Sea Devil really panicked this time. It couldn’t understand why this **** didn’t activate this ability when he first started. If he used this ability right from the beginning, he and the Rage Dragon Carp would never continue to entangle him. Beat up.

The Lord of the Earth does not want to activate this ability, but the cost to activate this ability is too great. Let alone the overdraft of power, the time for its effect is also limited. If the power is overdrawn, the period of weakness will be very long. Said, it will even overdraw the vitality.

Formidable power comes at a price, especially explosive power!

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the entire crystal land was trembling violently, and a flash of fire flashed like a shooting star. When he appeared again, he had reached the huge head of the Deep Sea Devil. This time the tentacles were in the way. Only then began to squirt blood and fall off naturally.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" The fiery king of the earth turned into a fiery red whirlwind around the Deep Sea Devil's Medallion, and his tentacles were torn and cut off by him, and the Deep Sea Devil's body was already scarred, even more. The terrifying thing is that it found that its body actually lifted off a little bit.

Mystery space is forbidden. It is not only space, but also air flight, air flight of extraordinary power, but the king of the earth abruptly eliminated the effect of the Deep Sea Devil with his own high-speed movement, and kept jumping and rushing to make it. The higher and higher liftoff has not been able to fall down.

The Deep Sea Devil made a horrified sound, spewing ink and blood crazily downward, but the speed of the Lord of the Earth was too fast, and the natural wind around his body could tear these things apart, causing him no harm!

After all, it takes time for the tentacles of the Deep Sea Devil to regenerate. All the tentacles are broken, and the body hangs weakly in the air. The mood of the Deep Sea Devil at this moment is desperate. Is it really so hard for me to eat a delicious one?

The figure of the king of the earth appears in the high sky like a phantom, the fiery red color is particularly dazzling, "This state cannot last, but as long as you defeat you, a lost whale king can't stop me from leaving, so please rest assured go to hell!"

The Lord of the Earth did not fall freely, but bombarded the sky in the opposite direction, suddenly accelerating like a rocket, rushing towards the Deep Sea Devil's Medall like a meteor, and piercing the body of the Deep Sea Devil with his sword fiercely. It hit a pair of! "However, with the loud noise, the king of the earth fell on the crystal earth, his feet trembling slightly, the crystal earth made an overwhelming "click" sound, and cracks appeared in a radius of thirty to fifty meters. This treasure could not bear it for the time being. This kind of impact, even if the king of the earth applies the earth domain to bless it, and uses the heart of the earth to make several enhancements before that.

"Bang!" The Deep Sea Devil landed in the body, twitching slightly but couldn't make any counterattack. The blood flowed across the wound as if it was burned and couldn't heal. The Lord of the Earth slowly stretched out his right hand, a fist-sized piece. The blood red magic crystal appeared on the palm of his hand.

This is the magic crystal of the Deep Sea Devil, the source of its power!

"Able to die in my state, you are not wronged!" The Lord of the Earth is very confident in his state, not to mention the same level of monsters that are not good at defense such as the Deep Sea Devil, even if it is the raging dragon carp, he is confident. Breaking the defense, just wanting to kill it is very difficult, the dragon beast is not only powerful in its body, but also has various resistances, including flame resistance.

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