The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1137: Behind the scenes

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The king of the earth looked up at the sky, his body was slowly flowing flames, the blood-red magic crystal in his hand was shining with a faint light, but it could not be successfully detonated. The Deep Sea Devil could only die unwillingly, and he could not even initiate the final fatal blow. The flames of the big devil made it lose its remote control of its own magic crystal, and it finally died.

Seeing the death of the Deep Sea Devil, the Lord of the Earth took a deep breath, and the flame on his body slowly converged back into his body and turned into a faint tattoo. His whole person's breath instantly wilted. Although it is not long, the consumption is not at all. small.

No, why hasn’t the mystery space disappeared?

The king of the earth suddenly found a trace of anomaly, and the fallen king returned to his personality. How could the maze space be able to block this world law?

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Suddenly a burst of applause sounded above the head, and the crystal ground suddenly sank under the feet of the Lord of the Earth. The corpse of the Deep Sea Devil was thrown out and fell into the sea of ​​blood, and a figure shrouded in mist was silent. Standing in midair, only a pair of eyes full of greedy light are clearly visible.

"The racial talents of the Great Devil clan are truly extraordinary, far beyond the comparability of the subdragon beasts and the mere Deep Sea Devil. They are not unjustly defeated." This voice should be male, with a hint of joy and a hint of joy in the voice. , A trace of pride, and a trace of condescending pity.

The Lord of the Earth instinctively felt that the pressure around him seemed to have increased a little bit. This was not caused by his weakness, but the mystery space was really improving, "Who are you?"

The man in the mist blinked, and suddenly said naughty: "Guess?"

"You guessed it, what can I get?" The Lord of the Earth didn't think about the little buddies in the Deep Sea Devil, but sat cross-legged on the crystal ground. Under his control, the crystal ground quickly became smaller, and it became one in a blink of an eye. A round collapse with a diameter of ten meters.

The crystal land became smaller and stronger. The king of the land rose up and poured his power into it to form a transparent crystal barrier. The blood-red magic crystal quietly disappeared and replaced by the same-sized heart of the earth and the power of blood. Temporarily unable to use, all he can use is his own power of the earth king.

"If you really guessed it right, how about letting you live." The voice of the person in the mist was tinged with arrogance, a condescending posture, and a condescending tone, but this posture did not cause the Lord of the Earth to counterattack, on the contrary. Defaulted what he said.

"In this world, the personality is supreme, the three kings and four kings of beasts. I can confirm that the violent dragon carp and the deep sea devil are dead." The voice of the king of the earth is very steady, and the analysis is slow: "You can't be them. "

The person in the mist nodded slightly: "The bloodline of the violent dragon carp is impure, and the potential of the Deep Sea Devil is limited. Naturally, this seat cannot be such a low-level thing."

"Aquaman and I are roughly equivalent in strength. The strength I am talking about refers to the situation where I don't break out. Once it breaks out, I am sure to kill him, and his blood may not be much higher than that of Long, although it is pure. The blood of the demon race, but his blood is only medium and high, and he is not qualified to despise the blood of the dragon." The king of the earth smiled and looked at the figure in the sky and said: "So, you can't be the sea king."

"Is it that junk stuff, Aquaman, just a idiot."

Seeing the arrogant look of the people in the mist, the King of the Earth shook his head and said: "It is hard to say whether the Sea King is really stupid, but since he can live in the land of the four seas, so many king beasts linger for so many years, finally establish his The Sea King Palace, it means that his brain should be of the same level as the four king beasts. It is normal for you to look down upon it."

The temptation of the earth king didn't get any response, the people in the cloud still looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to continue.

Did not get the response he wanted, the Lord of the Earth continued to analyze and said: "I am the Lord of the Earth. You are not the Sea King, you are not the Rage Dragon Carp, and you are not the Deep Sea Devil. The remaining suspects are really very few, the Shadow of Shadow King, Snow Rock Eagle King and Lost Whale King."

"The Shadow King is mysterious and unpredictable, but his rise time is too short, and his growth process is clear. Although his race is not very clear, only one thing can be confirmed. He is a pure shadow attribute king, and he has not shown a trace of cloud and fog. Illusion ability. So, you are not him either." The earth king's very affirmative tone made the person in the mist nod and say: "This seat is indeed not the shadow king."

"You said that the King of Shadow is mysterious, I might as well tell you a secret, about the secret of the King of Shadow." The person in the cloud suddenly said happily: "I arranged the person who killed the wife and children of the King of Shadow back then. , I also leaked the place where he lived in seclusion."

The eyes of the Lord of the Earth shrank suddenly. This enemy is more sinister than he thought, but he was not disturbed. Instead, he smiled coldly: "There are many people who have enemies with the Lord of the Earth, and there are many warcrafts and demons. The wife of the Shadow King is the princess of the Ice Fairy clan, the true ruler, and the Ice Fairy clan lives in the frozen sea."

"So?" There was a trace of excitement in the eyes of the person in the mist.

"So you are not the Snow Rock Eagle King!" The Lord of the Earth gave this answer very positively, but it made the people in the mist happier: "Why do you see it?"

The Lord of the Earth looked up at the man in the mist so quietly, the latter did not rush to explain the answer, but asked: "Why can't I be the Xueyan Eagle King? Is it because my posture is not arrogant enough? My eyes are not enough. Sharp? I think it’s right to imitate the Xueyan Eagle King."

You are imitating yourself, that is to say, you have admitted that my inference is correct, the king of the earth looked at him quietly, and the latter suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "What you want to say is my current form, right? Do you really don’t know the secret of King Xueyan Eagle? King Xueyan Eagle once swallowed a transforming fruit, capable of transforming into a human form, damn, you don't know this."

The Lord of the Earth shook his head and said, "I really don't know this kind of secret. I infer that you are not the Snow Rock Eagle King, and you are not relying on appearance."

"What is that?" The person in the mist began to be a little curious: "You must know that of the four king beasts that are born to fly, only the Xueyan Eagle King, I not only imitated its sharp eyes, but also displayed its proficient cloud and mist talent. The bloodline of the Snow Rock Eagle King can be said to be the best among the four king beasts, with the three natural attributes of cloud, fog, rock, and ice, and the potential is at least Tier 5."

The king of the earth gently shook his head and said: "There are many kinds of arrogance, innate arrogance, real arrogance, arrogance in the bones, and arrogance on the surface disguised by an inferiority person. King Xueyan Ying is the king of the sky. It is not in the high sky, overlooking the earth and ocean, how open-minded, it does not go back to the family of the king beside the conspiracy, this is the arrogance of the king that belongs to it."

"You don't have this kind of temperament, the true king's temperament!" The Lord of the Earth's momentum is rising steadily, and his eyes are like electricity, staring at the person in the mist and coldly said: "You and the Whale King of Miscellaneous A clear connection, but you are not even the Whale King himself, you are just a little mouse hiding in the dark, a thief who likes to use small tricks to steal fruits."

The eyes of the man in the mist fell on the king of the earth, and the mist dissipated. A tall figure came into view. The big demon wearing gray armor and two horns came into view, "Oh, my people, Is it really good to say that your own people are?"

The big devil family?

The king of the earth was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned pale. He saw an arm made of steel. His tribe could still do it after the demigod’s most basic limb rebirth, but this guy has a big devil’s. The appearance, the breath of the big devil, gave myself a weird feeling, plus this steel arm...

"Heart Eater?!" The king of the earth let out an angry roar.

"Wrong!" The figure in the sky laughed and said, "I am a great symbiosis!"

The king of the earth shivered, and the raging anger couldn't be calmed down. What is a symbiosis?

To change the term to understand better, it is a parasitic demon, a kind of weird demon that is parasitic on other demon races and steals everything from each other in a subtle way. But after this kind of stealing is successful, the other party's talent will lose part of it, and the appearance may be aura. I can't tell, even some talents can still be used, but there is one thing that cannot be concealed.

The parasitic demons are unable to recover from physical injuries. This is their most distinctive feature.

And there is another feature of the parasitic demon, that is, each time you advance to the ranks, you can add a parasitic quota, and the parasitic experience will increase with the increase in strength. This parasitic demon is a fourth-order high-end, except for the body of the big demon, compared to the fan The Whale King is also his parasite, so will he have other parasites?

Wait, this is a world where the person is respected, and the person is bound to the soul instead of the body. That is to say, no matter how many parasites there are in this parasite, there will always be only one person, even though the person can Strengthen, but there will always be only one.

"Your other parasites were killed by the Shadow King?" The earth king instantly understood many things. The parasitic process of the parasitic monster is long. During the parasitic process, other parasites grow very slowly and will There is a certain degree of autonomy and a little lack of control.

When the parasite was parasitizing the Whale King with all his strength, his other parasites went out and were killed by the Shadow This time is the real reason why he planned to massacre the relatives of the Shadow King, the reason why he didn’t It's not that you don't want to deal with the Shadow King yourself, but you can't. At that time, the Miyu Whale King was still the Miyu Whale King, the real king beast, and at this moment, the Miyu Whale King is already a parasite of the parasitic demon.

"Now, my fellow clan, why can't you pretend to be stupid, maybe so I can let you go, why do I have to go to death. Don't you know that smart people don't live long?" Parasitic demon eyes A flame of anger was gleaming, and a fiery red light began to appear on his body.

The Lord of the Earth couldn't help laughing out loud: "Because I understand the abilities of the Magic Whale and the great effect of our personality on the space of the Magic, you can't let me go, come and fight, even if I die, I I also want to destroy your parasite, my people cannot be slaves!"

"Hehe, let you see the flame body of the great demon, you can die under your own racial talent, you should also look at it!" The parasitic demon's body was shrouded in red with a "coax", and the whole person was condescending. Charged straight down.

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