The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1159: Mermaid Demigod Strikes

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Flying warships are very rare in the distant sea. It can even be said that before Julian returned to the Sixth Ring to construct the Wizard Tower, it was also a very rare good thing in the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, until one day suddenly, the Sixth Ring Constructed Wizard Tower. Announced that all the technical difficulties of flying warships have been overcome, and the flying warships of self-built have been launched.

The Sixth Ring Wizard Tower was once again a blockbuster, breaking the blockade of the Five Ring Wizard Islands on the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, allowing the flying warships to spread throughout the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, and even gradually spread to the Fantasy Wizard Islands, even beyond the Seven Ring Wizard Islands. They have also appeared in illegal places, but the number is very scarce.

The Sixth Ring Constructed Wizard Tower is not something that everyone can take. The current Constructed Wizard Tower is no longer what it used to be. The strength is only one aspect, and its status in the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands is even higher. There are many. This is the place of choice for wizards from many wizarding colleges after graduating. The major families pay much attention to this place, and even send people to stay there. The city outside the wizard tower has expanded three times in 20 years, but it still can’t satisfy the growing crowd. .

The flying warships that belong to the six-ring construction wizard tower are generally small warships. Ten to twenty feet are commonplace, and no more than thirty feet at most. Now the flying battleships flying over the far sea are fifty feet tall. Living high above the nine heavens makes one can only look up.

Suddenly three figures appeared out of thin air, blocking the front of the flying battleship. With a low roar, a powerful force broke out in an instant, and a field formed and enveloped the flying battleship in an instant.

"Swish~swish~swish~" The flying battleship went straight down like a bird that had lost its wings, three figures flew out one after another, six hands were raised high, and the flying battleship more than fifty feet was lifted abruptly. stand up.

The hatch opened, and all figures walked out quickly. The high sky seemed to line up quickly as if on the ground. The leaders were Little Will and Lilith, and the one responsible for lifting the battleship to the sky was the Shadow Dragon Shaun and Yin. Long Linda, Bai Long Dali Er.

Little Ville’s eyes fell on the three figures in front of him, three storm mermaids, one third-order, one half-god intermediate, and one half-god high-order, "Does it domain? If it’s the high-order half-god’s The domain may still be seen, the mid-level demigod domain is still a bit short of fire! Storm domain, open it!"

From domain to domain, Ville directly confronts storm with storm. He is also a demi-god intermediate. Ville’s twelve laws of the chain interlocked with each other and made a sound of "crashing", instantly enveloping him within kilometers. Inside, the flying battleship shook slightly and immediately recovered its dangling ability, liberating the three semi-god powerhouses.

The mid-level demigod storm mermaid master's face sank slightly, and his magical power poured out frantically, but no matter how he urged him, his violent wind field was slightly opened by Ville’s storm field, and there was even a trace of it. Signs of stability.

"Bha~" Seeing that his domain was about to lose control, a white jade hand fell on his shoulder, and his powerful magic power instantly poured in to stabilize his state: "Laird, enough, you have lost! "

"I..." Laird, the mid-level demigod storm mermaid, looked embarrassed, and finally fought back fiercely, but Ville lightly dismissed it, and could only take back the domain angrily.

A sneer appeared on Little Ville's face, "Come as you want, leave as you want, do you think I am such a talkative person? I have seen your storm domain, so let you see my earth domain?"

"Wait a minute, we are not malicious, but..." The demigod high-level female storm mermaid hadn't finished speaking, Xiaowei had already threw the crystal heart out, and it instantly expanded to a radius of ten miles with the infusion of magic power, "Earth Field, open!"

There is a restraint relationship between attributes. Both the storm and the ocean attributes must be restrained by the earth. Little Will is confident to use his storm domain to fight against the masters of the same level, but for the storm domain that is a small level higher than himself, he is not. Very confirmed.

"High-ranking demigods!" The expressions of the two demigods finally changed greatly. Since they dared to stand in the way, it is impossible not to investigate them, so they naturally know the ages of the three people standing in front of them.

Wil Declan, Lilith Kendall, and Via Declan, none of them are 50 years old, but their strength is not what they should have at this age. Fortunately, Via Declan, they It is the reincarnation of the gods, and they have restored the strength of the demigod in adulthood, and are recovering year by year. According to the calculation, it is only the peak of the mid-level demigod, and there is still a little distance from the half-high level, or a year and a half.

But what the **** is Will Declan and Lilith Kendall? Is the dragon blood fusion elven blood really so powerful? Or, is the road against the dragon really so against the sky?

"You have tried it, let me see if you have the qualifications to talk to us on an equal footing!" Ville lightly pressed his hands to the ground, and the three-level storm mermaid sank instantly, not waiting for two and a half. The mermaid of the gods reacted and fell into the hands of Little Vir.

Throwing the Tier 3 mermaid to Sean casually, Weier said lightly: "This little guy is too weak, and a little aftermath may not be able to bear it. You can take care of it first and return it to them later."

The expression on Lord Seia’s face was slightly distorted, and the corners of his mouth twitched but he couldn’t say a word. He was thrown to Sean like garbage. The latter waved a cloud of shadow and directly surrounded him, but it was not protected. Prevent him from seeing the outside scene.

Silver Dragon Linda casually applied an anti-gravity technique on the Crystal Heart and the Flying Warship, only inadvertently, the demigod's high-level strength was exposed, making the faces of the two storm mermaid demigod masters on the opposite side even more ugly.

They came in a hurry, just to negotiate with them before they arrived at the Thunder Naga tribe. The information about Xiao Weier and others was limited to the number of demi-god masters, and they almost knew nothing about their specific strength. After all, they came to ask for help. The reporters were only a few Tier 3 juniors, and in their eyes the feelings that the demigod masters brought to them were very strong and strong.

They had never imagined that there would be high-level demigods in their team, and there were still three. The key thing about Geng Geng was that the master they were looking for was also a high-level demigod master, and his dismissal was on the contrary. When the negative effect was reached, the cold light flashing of a divine sword in the opponent's hand obviously moved his true energy.

Sure enough, I still have to speak with strength in the end. If I can't get their approval, I won't even have the opportunity to speak. What about the high-level demigods, I am my own high-level demigod master. Rebecca takes a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, a blue mage robe appeared quietly, with a five-foot-long dark blue wand in his hand, and bowed to Little Ville. The etiquette of a duel quietly compared the battle. The nature of positioning has become a discussion.

A faint sneer appeared on Little Will's face: "Be careful, the earth attribute is the most powerful of all my attributes, and I am not a pure wizard demigod, but a knight and wizard demigod! Magic swordsmanship, Earth Wave Sword!"

After becoming a demigod, Ville's magic swordsmanship has evolved, becoming a means that matches his strength on boarding, and it can even be said to be a trick.

Invisible fluctuations came oncoming, and the powerful force made Rebecca and Laird's complexion greatly changed, "The barrier of the sea!" "Armor of fighting spirit!"

"Boom!" In the loud noise, the two storm mermaids staggered back, but Ville's attack did not end. The whole person disappeared in an instant, and when they appeared again, they were behind them, with swords in their hands dancing horizontally, no Any move bonus is needed, just a flat slash to smash Laird's vindictive armor.

"Qiang!" Laird is a senior demigod after all. Although the level of strength, magic power, and vindictiveness are not as good as Ville in all aspects, the demigod master is a demigod master, holding a trident dangerously to block Ville's slashing attack. The whole person staggered and retreated before standing still, and immediately opened up his own domain: "Gaze domain, open!"

"Too slow, the dungeon!" The long sword in Ville's hand broke through the wave of Rebecca's fight, his left hand stretched out flat, and Laird was abruptly trapped by the roar of the earth.

"Hurricane Slash!" Laird was naturally unwilling to be trapped. He was cleared out from the beginning of the battle. The opponent clearly wanted to find face, and with a one-on-two crushing ending, he completely suppressed the two of them.

Although he knew that he was at a disadvantage, Laird was unwilling to accept such a result. With his all-out effort, he abruptly smashed the dungeon cage that hadn't really formed, and his whole person instantly turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards Little Ville.

He knew very clearly that neither his wind attribute nor Rebecca’s ocean attribute had an advantage in front of the opponent’s earth attributes, especially since he could not fight the opponent for a long time. He vaguely felt the difference between the crystal under his feet. Unusual.

"Hey, I actually became smarter, but unfortunately, his strength is still a little bit worse." Ville's figure quickly sank and disappeared in a blink of an eye. However, the ground roared and the thorns rose from the ground, and the wind swept Calder's body. The whole person rose from the ground, and the trident in his hand blasted the ground fiercely with a series of violent winds.

"Ocean realm, open!" Rebecca waved her magic wand in her hand and released a big move: "The stormy tide!"

It's foolish to fight on the opponent's territory. What if you don't occupy the right place?

Then create a small area of ​​your own, a battlefield suitable for you.

"The earth pulsates!" A voice sounded from behind, and Rebecca found that her domain was fluctuating violently, and the seawater that occupied a hundred meters in a radius was completely swept away by the earthquake.

"Gravity of the earth!" A gravitational technique in Ville's left hand slammed Calder to the ground, but he mercilessly killed Rebecca with a long sword in his hand: "Meteorite Heavenly Sword!"

"Ocean barrier!" "Water dragon impact!" Rebecca is not an intermediate demigod like Calder, but a real high-level demigod master, a demigod mage slain from the abyss, and a ferocious water dragon roars. But when he approached Little Ville, it suddenly changed: "The big sea cage!"

"Very good fighting consciousness, but it's far from enough. The Earth Cracking Sword!" Little Ville didn't retreat but advanced, and the long sword in his hand was severely chopped off. Before the water dragon turned into a cage, he was chopped to pieces by his sword~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The whole person keeps rushing towards Rebecca instead of speeding up.

The battle between the knight and the mage is to eliminate the distance between each other first. Ville is not a pure knight, but Rebecca is a pure mage.

"Chang!" Laird rolled out halfway, and the trident blocked Ville's sword. You staggered back a few steps and guarded Rebecca in front of Rebecca, and issued your own trick regardless of the cost: "Hurricane Strike !"

Rebecca pointed the magic wand in her hand, but instead of taking the opportunity to attack Ville, it gave Laird time to defend.

"Finally know the cooperation? But it's not enough, giants of the earth, rock puppets!" The ground roared in Little Ville's voice, and a golden, ten-foot-high rock puppet rose from the ground, waving his fist fiercely towards Laird. Smash it, and knock this half-god intermediate master back three steps with just one punch. Under its fist, he can only retreat steadily, even if the half-artifact trident can bring some damage to it, but as long as the rock puppet has a foothold The earth can be restored at any time.

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