The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1160: Strength determines status

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A big battle lasted for a day and night, and finally ended with Ville taking Laird but Rebecca helplessly.

"Sure enough, there is still some lack of experience. Obviously, you have strong restraint in attributes, domains, and laws." Ville released Laird who was hanging on the cross, the earth domain was retracted, and the crystal heart instantly shrank into a slap. The size is in his pocket. This thing needs to be recharged every time it is used, which is a little troublesome, and as one's strength increases, the use time has become much shorter, and it can only last for three days at most.

Rebecca took a deep breath, and the sea field quickly recovered, silently regaining her magic power. At the beginning of this day and night battle, Ville was caught off guard and a little embarrassed, and then she and Calder teamed up to obtain it. Some advantages.

No, at that time, it was still not an advantage. It could only be said that it was a balance of power. The opponent's abilities were too comprehensive. The two semi-god powerhouses still did not fall behind in the fight against his own two demigods, and even attacked more and defended less. It does not mean that he is not good at defense. But the two of them were unable to force him to defend, allowing him to attack unscrupulously.

As the fighting steadily intensified, the young man's performance was getting better and better, making it more difficult for them to cope. The counterattack continued to decrease. Until half an hour ago, the young man seemed to be a little impatient. Temporarily trapped, he directed all firepower at Laird to take him down.

When looking back and fighting with herself again, Rebecca could only defend everywhere, and had no strength to fight back. With the toughness of the ocean attributes, she was able to ensure that she would not be defeated, but she was defeated in the opponent's earth domain. Forcing defense, it consumes a lot of money, and she knows the truth that she can't hold it for long. It's only a matter of time before she loses.

At this moment, the young man stopped, and the duel ended in a tie, but both his side and the other side knew the result of the fight.

"Before we were rude, please forgive me!" The strong need to be respected, this is the code, and everyone needs to abide by the code. They did not put the little guy under fifty years old in their eyes before. , Even if he heard him capture the goddess of pain and torture alive, and behead the goddess of blood hunting, he still didn't believe his strength was very strong.

Both the goddess of pain and torment and the goddess of **** hunting are only mid-level demigods. Although they have a great reputation, they are not so powerful demigods. They are demigods without strong racial support behind them. They are the storm mermaid demigods of the sea clan royal family. , They are indeed qualified to despise such demigods.

In addition, Ville used the hands of Viya to figure out the **** of pirates, leaving them with a deep-rooted impression of opportunism, which made them think that Ville used the power of other people to complete such a record this time.

The preconceived notions made them miscalculate the strength of Xiaoweier and adopted the wrong method, which led to a sad bitter fruit, but they could only eat such bitter fruit with tears on their own.

Little Ville stretched out a lazy waist and waved his hands indifferently and said: "I was very good at fighting this one. I have added a lot of experience in fighting between demigods, and there is no loss. Let's just forget it. I played with the Mermaid of Storm. The contact is only limited to the lord of the far sea and Feimer. This is the first time that the demigod is seen. If you don't mind, you can sit together."

They naturally wouldn't ignore Ville's invitation. They originally came to the door by themselves. No matter what the result is, some things must be made clear.

The topic hadn't been entered yet, and the introduction of Little Ville made them morale. The opponent's camp was too strong. Even if he pulled all the demigods in the clan, it wouldn't have much effect. It was totally unstoppable.

"This is Shaun the Shadow Dragon, um, the older brother I met on the road to the dragon, a high-level demigod, the realm of strength is a little bit higher than me, not too much." Xiaoweier only said the realm of strength , Ignoring the combat effectiveness, but let Rebecca and Laird overestimate the strength of the shadow dragon Shaun. If you count it, his strength is not much different from Rebecca. Rebecca has rich experience and Shaun is physically strong. The blood is strong.

"This is Linda the Silver Dragon, a high-level demigod, who helped me a lot on the road to the dragon."

"This is Dali the white dragon, a mid-level demigod, Linda's partner, don't get me wrong, they are all female dragons, this is true love, true love that breaks through gender, don't you think so?"

"This is Ice Shadow Dragon Rose, the granddaughter of Brother Sean, an intermediate demigod, you can ignore it, alas, you girl really dare to do it."

"The elves are priests, middle-ranked demigods, but this time it was ordered by the high priest to assist me in opening up a sub-shrine on the new island."

"Night elf Janet, a junior demigod."

"Sea Witch Eleanor, a first-level demigod."

"Aquaman Dragon Landis, an elementary demigod."

"My sister Wei Ya, you should know that the demigod Intermediate Pinnacle is not below me in combat power."

"My fiancee, Lilith, is a junior demigod. She is a little bit behind because of the need to manage the territory and has delayed a lot of training time. But I believe that she will catch up soon. She has never let me down. She has never been disappointed. I pulled the distance.” Ville’s words were very positive, but Lilith accepted the compliment with a smile, making the two storm mermaid demigods a little unbelievable.

Demigods are not so easy to achieve. After achieving demigods, every point of improvement is very, very difficult. There are even many demigods who can only travel at the elementary level of demigods in their lives, but they have not regarded demigods at all. Cultivation is one thing, who gave them such courage?

But just looking at the aura on Lilith's body, she knows that she is not as simple as entering the demigod, at least it is also a chain of three laws, and she has a demigod in the realm.

The all Tier 3 holy servant maids in the flying battleship made the two storm mermaids somewhat unacceptable, and Lord Seya shivered behind them and said nothing.

After seated, Little Ville ordered people to serve tea, and only then began to get into the topic.

"The legend of Lord Vill helping Baihua Yin to become a **** has been spread throughout the Wizard Islands, and I have also heard about it. The benefits brought to the distant sea territories and the Naga tribe on the way have already entered the attention of the royal city. Then the seven-story holy The tower-based wizard islands, the six-ring structure wizard tower, the continent of the gods, the far sea, and the trade network of the beast **** islands have benefited many parties." Rebecca first said something good, and then the topic changed.

"It's just that after your return from the road of the dragon, you directly took back the control of the seven-story holy tower of that little girl in Fimmel, and cut off the transaction of distant sea territories. Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Little Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly, took out an account and sent it to Rebecca. The latter was slightly suspicious, but after opening it, he found a book that recorded the details of the large transactions between the Storm Mermaid and the Sunshine Land, including the time and place. The price, the rate of defective products, and the rate of counterfeit products are all carefully recorded, and there are even some notes that mention the source of things.

Gradually, Rebecca's face became more and more ugly. At first, there were no such things, but gradually appeared over time. Recently, these things are actually more than genuine treasures, and what makes Rebecca unacceptable is that , The kid who wanted to sue himself is actually one of them, but Yuanhailing has always maintained a high degree of integrity.

"Pop!" Rebecca closed the account. Seeing Laird's puzzled eyes, she couldn't help handing the account book to him with a wry smile. At the same time, she sincerely apologized to Ville: "This kind of thing that insults my identity will be thoroughly understood. Investigate and punish the relevant personnel severely. Please give us another chance. This time Wangcheng will personally participate in it."

Little Ville waved his hand and said: "There is no need for this. It was just a three-level little fight before. Because of the relationship between Lord Bolton and Feimer, we chose Mermaid Storm. Although there are some benefits, it is not enough. It affects the balance between the three royal families. Now that I am a demigod and a high-level demigod, the next move will be larger, and it would be inappropriate to let the storm mermaid participate."

"The Mermaid of the Storm has already overwhelmed Thunder Naga and Siren Banshee, and when we allied with me, the balance between the three royal clans was really broken. This is not the result that the goddess of the ocean hopes to see."

Rebecca was stunned when he heard the words, and quickly reacted. Yes, just by looking at the many demigods present here, he knows that his influence and strength are already very strong. Once he joins forces with the Mermaid of the Storm, it is really possible. It triggers an unpredictable chain reaction, which affects the balance and stability of the entire sea clan.

But do you really want to let him and Thunder Naga join forces? Although it is only an ally, it feels a bit unwilling to strengthen Thunder Naga so much at once.

Seeing Rebecca’s thoughts, Ville couldn’t help but gently shook his head and said, “The **** of the storm is the ceiling and strongest pillar of the storm mermaid. Before the fifth-order **** of Thunder Naga appears, you don’t have to worry about it. A question of balance."

Rebecca reacted immediately, slightly embarrassed. Just as Ville said, the **** of the storm is the strongest pillar of the storm mermaid and the equalizer of the storm mermaid's strength. He has been balancing the strength between the three royal clans.

"Bang!" Calder slapped the table in front of him, looking at Lord Zea with a sullen expression, the latter shrank his neck and dodged subconsciously.

The winner is If Rebecca and Calder win, then what I did before cannot be overstated. After all, they are earning more benefits at a small price, but they lose , Then his previous behavior was an offense to the strong, and the consequences were very serious.

And just now through the dialogue between Rebecca and Little Will, he vaguely felt a little bit of difference. It seems that his level is far from enough to sit and chat with them. In the future, he may really want to cut off this financial path. Even before that, I might have to double the loss of the other party.

Sure enough, Calder acknowledged the account with a cold face and promised double compensation. This was not for the sake of face, but the strength of the other party made him have to.

He is also very clear that the opponent’s strength is enough to be equal to the Storm Mermaid clan. Even if such a person can’t blatantly form an alliance with it, he can’t be an enemy. His identity is slightly sensitive, and there are more than just elves standing behind him. Dragon Race, he is also the favored one of the goddess, and there is even the Human Race Wizard Alliance.

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