The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1161: The enthusiasm of the Lanyu tribe

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The speed of the flying warship is not slow. Lord Seia asks for help from King Storm Mermaid City through the teleportation array, and is received by high-level officials. The high-level can meet the demigod strong, the demigod strong agrees to take action, and then all the way to chase the flying warship.

It took a lot of time. By the time Rebecca and Laird intercepted the flying battleship, they were already close to the Seven Rings Wizard Islands. Although their battle was high in the sky, it still shocked many people. There is no shortage of masters in the lawless land, not to mention that this is already close to the territory of Thunder Naga, at least the demi-god powerhouse of Thunder Naga clan has discovered the movement here.

Rebecca and Laird did not stay too much, and directly led Lord Seia to tear the space away. Ville once again launched the flying warship to continue flying towards the Thunder Naga territory.

Thunder Naga is a relatively scattered royal family, and the seven royal tribes do not belong to each other in their own way. This time Xiao Weier went to visit the Lanyu Naga tribe that he is most familiar with.

The letter was written earlier, so when the flying battleship landed on the Lanyu Naga tribe, the king of Lanyu and the little princess Alesia had already waited there early. Apart from them, the most eye-catching one was undoubtedly one The white-haired Naga old man, his aura resembling a thunderclap, did not send out, and there were faint flashes of lightning around his body.

The Maid of the Sealan tribe lined up first, followed by Ville, Lilith and others, and the eleven demi-god powerhouses stepped out one after another. The shock to the Naga tribe of Lanyu was not small at all, and it made the king of Lanyu, Meimulian. Lian, countless thoughts in her heart keep beating.

"Welcome to the Lanyu tribe, friends of the Naga clan!" The King of Lanyu personally greeted him. The last time he saw him, he was just a sky knight hiding behind the music goddess Baihuayin. See you again. By his time, he was already a demigod powerhouse who needed to look up.

"It's nice to see you again, the beautiful King of Orchid Island, and the lovely Princess Alesia." Ville is in a good mood now. Through a day and night battle, he successfully comprehend the statue of the goddess of the ocean. I saw some clues from Rebecca, and finally condensed a new chain of ocean attribute laws half a day ago.

After some greetings, the King of Lanyu introduced the old man to Xiaoweier, the ancestor of the Lanyu tribe, Lucas, a demigod high-level powerhouse.

When I first saw Ville and the others, Lucas looked still, but he was very shocked. Without him, there are too many strong men. There are only three demi-gods and eleven demi-gods, yes. There are only four people who are threatening. How can this make him not alarmed.

Ville introduced Shaun the Shadow Dragon, Linda the Silver Dragon and others one by one. The two high-level half-length dragons were naturally respected by Lucas. In addition, the identity of Wei Ya also made Lucas have to Put down your body and salute, how can the reincarnation of the gods be leisurely?

But when Lilith was introduced, Lucas could only shook his head and sighed, "The young people nowadays are really amazing. Compared to our old bones, I just achieved the third level when you were young. Can't compare, can't compare."

Little Ville is not overly modest. After all, the achievements of himself and Lilith are clearly there. This cannot be faked. If you are humble and say it is nothing, then it will be a bit slapped.

It would be better to accept the admiration of the other party with a little restraint.

The flying battleship was stopped, and Weier and others entered the Lanyu tribe under the enthusiasm of the King of Lanyu. Naturally, Weier gave a meeting gift because there was a demigod, so the gift should not be too light. It was a demigod demon crystal that made Lucas very satisfied, and it was also a demigod demon crystal with the Thunder attribute, which would be of great help to him.

Little Ville also saw it. Lucas should have just been promoted to the high-level demigod, and the aura on his body has not been completely stabilized, but even so the night is already very powerful, the high-level demigod is the bottom line that can truly open the road to becoming a **** , The previous goddess of pain and torture, the goddess of **** hunting, wanted to become a god, but couldn't even meet the minimum requirements.

The Thunder Naga tribe is not rich, at least it cannot be compared with the Sunshine Land, but after all, it is a royal family, some good things can still be taken out, Lucas personally accompany, the king of Lanyu, the little princess Alesia is warm and thoughtful , The atmosphere is very good.

Everyone was satisfied with a meal. After the meal was full, the maid and servant were repatriated, and everyone began a formal meeting. This time it was Eleanor, the Sea Witch and Rose, the Frozen Dragon.

The sea-blue clan is not a small clan in the sea. There are tens of millions of people, but the number of Sea Witch Eleanor is not that large, and there are only a few hundred thousand people who are willing to follow her to leave. This is still the result of Shaun, the King of Shadow, coming out and saying, otherwise the number will only be smaller.

Don’t ask why the night elves were able to escape all of them. The question is that Wicks is insidious and cunning. This **** can also make others grateful to him. This kind of ability is not something that everyone can have, at least the proud sea witch Ellie. Nuo can't do it, and there is no such person under him.

The Hailan tribe hopes to get help from the Lanyu tribe to help them become believers of the Ocean Goddess. On the one hand, they help train sacrificials, bishops, missionaries, and priests. On the other hand, they send people to the big island that is about to migrate to help establish the Ocean Goddess. Of the sub-temple.

For this kind of good thing, the Lanyu tribe will naturally not extrapolate it. The king of Lanyu and the demigod Lucas naturally agreed. It is just a little different that Lucas takes over the whole thing and wants to directly take the whole thing. All matters concerning the beliefs of the Hailan clan were swallowed, but the King of Lanyu meant to separate this delicacy from other tribes.

There are only a few hundred thousand people in the Hailan clan, and it can’t stand the number of masters, especially the holy masters, far surpassing the Lanyu tribe. This makes them a little guilty when they are teachers. On the contrary, it is Lucas, a high-level demigod who faces the sea. The witch Eleanor is very natural, after all, she has confidence in her strength.

Without waiting for their internal opinions to be unified, Rose Ice Shadow Dragon made the same request, but their number was slightly smaller, only over 30,000, but the overall strength was not weak at all, especially the number of Saint-level masters and subordinates. The number of magic familiars is still higher than that of the sea blue clan, which is the influence brought by the existence of the shadow king.

This time Lucas was also a little silent. Although Rose, the mid-level demigod master, is already a believer in the Dragon God, her strength is a bit too strong. Just now, the strength of the Hailan clan has already made the king of Lanyu. Wanting to divert, although Lucas wanted to swallow it all, he also had some worries. Now that he added the ice and snow goblins clan, he also knew that the Lanyu tribe couldn't swallow it.

Lucas smiled bitterly and looked at Little Weir: "Brother Weir, how many people are in need of the asylum of the goddess on your side, please tell me directly, one by one, in the end, I may be really real. Can't stand it."

Little Ville shrugged slightly and said: "There are indeed some people, um, they are not of very good background, and their temperament is a little bit rebellious, and the number is only tens of thousands, and the strength is not as good as the ice and snow fairy clan. Half of them should be about the same. Up."

Who are they? Naturally, he is a member of the Ice and Snow Pirates. These people are now a little hesitant about the placement of these people. Vil is still a bit hesitant. In the end, he decides to see what they want. In terms of faith, Vil prefers the goddess of the ocean, the goddess of dawn, and the **** of war (the beast). .

The goddess of the night and the goddess of the earth belong to the main gods of pan-faith, and there is no need for Little Wil to do anything specially. When the time comes to the sacred country, it is not too simple to invite people. After all, the relationship between themselves and them is pretty good. , So that Little Will has high prestige in the sacred country.

In addition to such things as the Dragon God, the Goddess of Music, the God of Food, etc., Ville also has plans, which need to be started one after another, and the situation is a bit more complicated.

"It seems that the Seven Kings Meeting every five years needs to be advanced." Lucas laughed and said, "And this time the Seven Kings Meeting may be more lively than before. We old guys have to come out and sit together. Up."

Little Weir was overjoyed, "If this is the case, it would have helped me a lot. After all, the entire Naga clan has helped me even more. By the way, there is one more thing. I have been to Far Sea Territory before and took them back. I hope to establish a higher level of trading relationship with the Naga royal family and replace the previous distant sea territories as a support point for the wizard islands, the continent of the gods, the six-ring structured wizard tower, and my new island trading network. ."

"Haha, this is a good thing. Although I don't know what other tribes think, my Lanyu tribe fully supports it." Lucas was overjoyed, but there was such a good thing. Suddenly, it seemed that he had thought of something. He hurriedly asked: "Before I vaguely sensed that there are fluctuations in domain clashes in your defense war, that is..."

"Because I took back the control of Fimmel's seven-story holy tower and the trading rights of the distant sea territories, it attracted the dissatisfaction of the storm mermaid royal family. The two demigods came over and talked to me. Although the process was a bit tortuous, the final result was Still good." Ville waved his hand to indicate that the problem had been resolved.

"I don't know which two demigods are?"

"Rebecca demigod, Laird demigod."

"It's actually them, a high-level demigod, and a mid-level demigod. It seems that the Mermaid of the Storm attaches great importance to you, but they still underestimated the strength of the little brother."

"They are very strong ~ Although I used the more restrained earth domain, in the end only took the Laird Demigod, but Rebecca Demigod."

"It's already pretty good. Although the little brother has a high level, he is relatively lacking in experience. As time goes by, the battle accumulates, and the increase in combat power is just waiting. Wait, you just said you, you fight them yourself?" Luca Si suddenly realized that Ville was not talking about us, but me.

Little Will nodded and said, "I am a demigod of vindictive spirit and magic power, and I use the earth domain that relatively restrains them. If I fight alone, isn't it bullying them?"

Lucas: ..., when I didn’t say anything before, you are already very strong now. One person fights two demi-god masters, and finally you can win the demi-god middle-level one. You don’t need to accumulate anymore. It seems that I can't beat this kid with a high probability.

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't rashly provoked and suppressed this kid before. Wait, this kid just said that in addition to trade privileges, there seems to be something else, the seven-story holy tower is in control? !

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