The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1169: I am the main palace

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"Five hundred and thirty-seven dark goblins, I want them all!" After visiting the goblin laboratory in Little Ville's space, Julian decided directly, not to mention Julian, even if he is the controller of other construction wizard towers. , And all eyes are shining.


Each of these five hundred and thirty-seven dark goblins is not a general generation. Although their own strength is not worth mentioning, none of them are truly advanced, but their alchemy attainments are not weaker than theirs at all, even in demons. Guidance technology is more in-depth and solid than them.

Five hundred and thirty-seven goblin alchemists at the master level of the wizard tower, who work hard and love their jobs and work hard, where can we find such coolies?

"Haha" Little Ville gave Julian a slanted look: "They have a problem with their identity, and they are not suitable for appearing in front of everyone in a short time. The **** devil energy on their bodies is deeply rooted and cannot be ruled out. It is not appropriate to construct a wizard tower life. You, should Don’t you just want them to be coolies and don’t want to give them freedom?”

"Who, who said it!" Julian snorted proudly: "I will set aside a living area for them, where they can live and study freely."

Little Ville shook his head and said: "I will open up my own base, based on the 2,000-mile island. There are lava fire dragons sitting underground, and the sea king dragon guards the surroundings. The islands are in the fairy goddess temple, ocean goddess temple, beast **** temple, and dawn. The Goddess Temple, the Earth Goddess Temple, the Night Goddess Temple, the Music Goddess Temple, and the Craftsman God Temple will all be built."

"Everyone can find their faith there, whether they have the blood of **** demon or not, as long as they believe in the gods, they can get salvation, and they will not be discriminated against or treated differently. These dark goblins are among them, and they will become the best craftsmen. Believers in the gods."

Julian nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "Is there still a job in the temple of the craftsman **** on your big island? I recommend Mr. Mario."

Weir couldn’t help but get a black line. You’re too dark. I don’t give it to you. If you turn around, you will occupy my family and people together. It is estimated that I will pay for the future R&D costs and resources. You give the topic and finally grab it. Going through the research results, you won’t even say thank you.

Black, I know so many people, no one is darker than you.

"Julian, it's a pity that you don't go into business." Little Will expresses his emotion sincerely.

"Hehe, 90% of the bulk sales to construct the Wizard Tower were negotiated by me, and all bulk sales would not take effect without my approval." Julian curled his lips in disdain, "Your half-elf named Leya My lover is known as the first rich lady in the Elf Island, but she does not have as much wealth as I do in one menstruation every year. Boy, I won’t let you suffer. I will give you the alchemy laboratory in your old lair to my management, and I will pay for it. You are an alchemy baby with unlimited potential."

"Pay? Well, this word is very good." Little Ville chuckled. Julian doesn't bother to pretend to be with himself now, or to deny that he is taking advantage of himself, but these people really don't have much time to manage. There are not many people who use them well, count one yourself, Wicks count one, Lilith count half, and finally Julian.

These are people who can be trusted absolutely and are capable enough, but I and Lilith manage them a little bit of underachievers. Their goal is a higher level of strength, and the strong people who are all powerful and powerful are the two of them. There is not so much time for constructing alchemy.

It stands to reason that Wicks should be the most suitable candidate. The dark goblins have no guts to resist. However, Wicks himself has a knack for the dark goblins and is unwilling to be too close to them, and he doesn’t even like to use them too advanced. His alchemy technology alchemy equipment, this will remind him of not very happy memories.

And since Wicks found his faith, he has now devoted himself to the affairs of the Elf Goddess Temple, and even wants to hand over his management of the night elves. If Janet was not strongly opposed to it, he would probably do something. Ascetic monk in the temple.

"People can't give it to you. They can live better only under my hands. You can't shelter them." Little Ville's directly made Julian jump with anger, but there is no way to refute it. There are also constructing wizard towers. The secret realm, although only a small secret realm with a radius of ten miles, can also stock the dark goblins, but it is really too much worse than the big island of 2,000 miles.

And even if you don’t talk about the big island, Ville’s own different space is not comparable to the six-ring construction wizard tower. It is said that this kid’s gift to his sister is a different space with a radius of more than 200 miles, which is simply inhumane. .

"I don't need people, but I must have my share of things and results." Julian took the initiative to back down, but he valued the results very seriously, and unreasonably continued to make his own request: "In the future, I will construct the wizard tower. They also have to help with research topics. Of course, we will not let them work in vain. I can still afford the necessary labor fees."

Little Ville suddenly felt that he was in a loss. In fact, I really want to say that he doesn't have a high demand for things like Alchemy Wizard. He is taking a high-end route, and his alchemy casting and alchemy pharmacy have already arrived The demigod level is enough for you and the people around and the alchemy magic is more biased towards war and construction. If it is not for the development of the army and national territory, or a large industry, this kind of technology It has little effect on oneself, even if it is necessary, it is more inclined to low-end applications. Ordinary magic vehicles and goblin airships are enough, and the others are useless.

The result now is that I have raised a huge R&D team of more than 500 people, usually stocking, and occasionally making some low-end handmade works for himself, but Julian can borrow their power to serve himself at the price of a smile. , Develop the things needed to construct the wizard tower, including the war fortress.

And Julian just played a trick, saying that I can pay, not us, that is to say, she completely regards these 500-plus technicians as her reserve army, and what she pays is only a personal bargaining chip, not a bargaining chip. Constructing transactions in the name of Wizard Tower are completely two concepts, and they are also two completely different price points.

"Suddenly feel that I am at a loss." Little Ville also felt that raising those dark goblins but not making good use of it was just doing a loss-making business.

Lilith couldn't help laughing: "We really rarely use them. In that case, why not let them give full play to their subjective initiative? The legendary goblins are not only excellent alchemists, but also excellent businessmen. It is entirely possible for them to be responsible for this independently."

Ville's eyes brightened, it seemed that it was indeed feasible, but Julian's face suddenly turned dark, his eyes were so resentful that he looked at Lilith, and protested silently.

Lilith smiled at her slightly and made a mouth shape: I am the main palace.

Julian couldn't help but get a black line. Sure enough, this girl is beginning to feel a sense of crisis now, but is this useful? Our team here is super strong.

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