The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1170: Beast God 6 Levels Demigod Edition

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Amidst the roar, a tall figure crashed to the ground, unable to rise again, heralding the defeat of the sixth demigod priest in the Beast Temple.

"Bah~" he spit out a mouthful of **** sputum, Xiaowei patted his chest vigorously, making a "pop" sound, the broken jacket turned into pieces of flying ash, and the animal leather pants on the lower body were still intact, not really fruitful. Ben, the bruise on his face is the glory of battle, and he is not ready to eliminate it immediately.

It is not easy to visit the beast gods. Even if it is just a clone of the beast gods, there are six levels of the beast gods of the saint-level masters, and the six levels of the beast gods of the semi-god masters. Level master has become a demigod master who is not restricted by age.

Are there many demigods in the Beast Temple?

To be honest, it is not difficult to meet the six levels, but in fact there are not so many, and different from the holy masters, the six levels of the beasts can be passed by multiple people, and the six levels of the beasts of the demigod level are not only single players. , Each level also has different emphasis and restrictions.

The test of the first level is the strength, which limits the fighting spirit and magic power, and the domain cannot be used. However, Ville severely crushed the tauren demigod in strength, letting him know that although the strength of the cow is very large, it is harmonious. The dragon is still far behind.

The test of the second level is speed, which also restricts fighting spirit, magic power, and domain, but there is one thing that is not limited, and that is the bloodline. Ville directly incarnates as a demon leopard, and spends a day and a night to win the victory.

The third level tests endurance. Practice under a waterfall of hundreds of meters. If you can’t use vindictive power, magic power, and domain, whoever supports it for a long time will win. This level has been longer than seven days and seven nights. In the end, An orc demigod voluntarily surrendered and ended.

No way, he feels like he is opportunistic, but he can't stand Xiaoweier who cheats, and he directly incarnates a Xuanshui turtle lying there and sleeps. The impact of Baizhang Waterfall can't cause any harm to him. This little **** sleeps as soon as he sleeps. Well, he was still snoring, the sound was even overwhelmed by the sound of the waterfall, and it directly broke the orc demigod.

The fourth level tests the domain. You can’t really do it. The power of fighting spirit is restricted. You can only compete against the realm in the domain. The opponent in this level is the fox demigod. This is a mid-level demigod, but Beat the invincible hand of the temple with the ever-changing illusion field.

This time she encountered an opponent who didn’t play cards according to common sense. Ville simply used her as a sharpening stone in the field of tempering. Shadow Field, Ocean Field, Storm Field, Thunder Field, and Earth Field were used in turn, even if they fell. When going downwind, he didn't rush, even consciously letting himself down, leaving a gap for the opponent to attack, and he was passively defending everywhere.

But when it comes to a critical juncture, Ville immediately switches to other areas to change and respond to crises, and what he is even more rascal is that he uses the demi-god mid-level shadow area, ocean area, storm area, and thunder area in normal confrontations. When encountering danger, immediately change to a demigod high-level earth domain.

With the high-level knowledge of the earth realm of the little demigod, Weir can definitely guarantee his invincibility. After all, this realm has too many legacy of the earth king, coupled with the understanding of the laws of earth space, let him be in this In the field, invincibility can be guaranteed at the same level, at least the same level is unbeaten.

The ground's defense is so unreasonable.

This level has been competing for half a month, but it’s not that the opponent is too strong, but that Ville has been dragging him to prevent the opponent from withdrawing. Such good opponents and sharpening stones are rare, and Ville has increased his major attributes abruptly. After half a chain of laws, she felt that there could not be much progress in a short time, which made her admit defeat and withdraw.

As soon as the fox demi-god sacrifice ended the battle, he fled back to the Beast Temple and said that he would not meet again with Little Ville. His illusion is ever-changing, but the other party’s shadow domain is really dark, and you can’t see anything. , Even blocked her voice, so that she couldn't do anything.

The opponent’s ocean field is rich and colorful, and it can’t hold back the various undercurrents and storms in his sea, and even pirates. He guided those "pirates" to do some things, but the other party suddenly activated the power of pirates to steal a trace of his own illusion. The law, let yourself accompany the wife and break down.

The opponent’s storm domain is violent, everywhere in the sky and underground, high and low, fast and slow, strong and weak, which makes oneself a little unable to keep up with the rhythm, and there is a terrible tearing and annihilating power in it, and the pervasiveness destroys his illusion so miserably. .

The enemy’s Thunder Domain is better than the Storm Domain. The overwhelming Thunder seems to be capable of destroying everything. Under the thunder and lightning of the sky, the things you have imagined can’t keep up with the rhythm. What’s more, the opponent is incarnate as a thunder giant. In the thunder and lightning, there was a war dance, and he even pulled himself to jump forcibly.

A ten-foot tall thunder giant danced with a petite fox girl less than six feet tall. The scene was too beautiful to imagine. No, it was unbearable to look back.

The other side’s land area is relatively normal. Mountains, plains, deserts, hills, swamps, grasslands, rivers, steep cliffs will have lairs of red flames, and there are fierce and cunning blue dragons lurking in the desert, on high mountain tops. There is a crystal dragon lying in a crystal palace. When the river passes on the plain, there are swimming fish jumping out. On both sides of the river bank, you can even see golden wheat ears, and you can smell the fragrance of autumn harvest.

This bastard’s realm of the earth showed too many things, too exquisite, and real. The fox demigod went to great pains to distort and change it a little bit, but in the end, because the opponent’s domain was too big, she almost tired her down. He didn't complete half of the renovation work, but instead let him learn a lot in the process.

The fifth level tests magic power. The demigod in this level is the most miserable. How can he think that this kid actually has magical power to control such a talent? Not to mention, he is still in the land, ocean, shadow, storm, and thunder attributes. At the level of a demigod, there is even a fire elemental spirit on her body. Once these six demigod levels are controlled, what else can the other party do?

On the contrary, Little Ville wanted to learn more from him, and did not give him the opportunity to surrender. There was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment. Various elements and various methods emerged in an endless stream. At the beginning, they only used it in turn. I learned more and more from the opponent, and slowly used combo skills.

First, the combination of two elements, the combination of six elements in twos, really doubled the power, but this still couldn’t defeat the orc demigod, because the other party would use this method, and then Ville began to try the combination of three elements and directly used himself And the demigod of the orc clan is dying.

Yes, Ville’s immature three-element combination is a double-edged sword, hurting others and himself, but Ville’s own magic resistance is very strong, and his physical fitness is much stronger than that of all orcs and demigods. That is, as the saying goes, thick skin is not afraid of being beaten, and in the end the opponent will take the initiative to withdraw from the injury.

He was really scared, afraid that he would be too late to admit defeat, and the other party would come up with a four-element combo, which would kill himself with him if he could not. Such a lunatic would definitely not be like meeting him for the second time.

The last level tested is grudge, no battle armor or weapons, pure body and grudge competition, even grudge armor is forbidden, this level directly beats the bloodliness of Xiaoweier, regardless of the dragon bloodline. The blood of giants is more enthusiastic about fighting, especially the blood of giants, which is the standard fighting race who doesn't fight for a day.

At first, the game was fairly normal. Later, Ville started to play and directly gave the opponent a field. He gave up the field. With a strong body and vindictiveness, he took the opponent’s vindictiveness and the field head-to-head and came to a man. Close combat.

The "Ten Thousand Beast Boxing Book" obtained from the **** of beasts gradually became integrated. When he could surpass the opponent in the orc boxing method, Ville's boxing method suddenly changed to the boxing method learned from the devil boy, such as Xingyiquan, Wuxingquan, Hongquan, Soft boxing and other methods emerge in an endless stream, making the opponent terribly uncomfortable.

After Xiaoweier used these fist techniques once, the fist technique changed again and became the fist technique belonging to the thunder giant in the "Thor Code". It was combined with great strength and combined with a trace of thunder power, because It was Thunder's grievance that was not a violation, but it made the opponent even more uncomfortable.

The mammoth demigod was self-reliant and had a thick skin and was super able to resist, but he was beaten by the opponent, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his body was scarred and he fell to the ground, and after the opponent gave up his defense, he was beaten with fists and feet that didn't force him to lose, but only shallow The traces of him caused him to lie on the ground in tears. Everyone in the Beast Temple called him a monster. Today, he finally encountered a monster that was even more monster than himself.

The six levels of beast gods at the demi-god level are not easy to pass. It can even be said that only a handful of people have passed so far, and the person who passed before Vil is called Wezel.

Seeing the name left by himself in the Beast Temple, and then taking a look at the name before him, Little Weier suddenly felt that he was indeed a disciple of Professor Wetzel. He could walk the path the teacher walked. This is the case of the road against the dragon, and the same is true of the six levels of beasts.

Maybe the Classical School can take a stroll on its own and leave its own name by the way.

"Master Well, Master Beast God, please!"

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