The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1179: The purpose of joining the occult school

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"Is it finally the last level?" Ville looked at the Human Sovereign sculpture in front of him, with a slightly weird expression on his face.

The Human Sovereign is not a god, but a master at the main **** level. Little Weier has seen many god-level masters, and the main **** level master has only seen the human emperor and the incomplete death **** Ramad. Well, the beast **** is a clone. It doesn't count.

It's just that his relationship with the Emperor at the time was a little subtle, and he was actually the employer of the Emperor.

No matter how incredible the things Human Emperor did at the time and how powerful he was, he couldn't change the fact that he had been hired by himself, and his unattainable image in the eyes of Little Weier instantly dropped a lot.

Without the image of being unattainable, he has become more real and vivid, and his good impression of him is not diminished in the slightest.

What to test for this level?




Or maybe, talk about the cultivation and investment of gods?

The animal skin scroll slowly unfolded, but it was the most common knowledge question and answer, and the first question made Little Will a little confused: Who is the founder of the mystical school?

As long as it is a formal wizard, no one should be ignorant. Although the lord of wizards is mysterious, at least everyone knows that the founder of the mystic school is the lord of mystery.

Wait, I'm afraid this question is not so simple to answer. He meant to ask, who is the Lord of Mystery?

Little Weier sat cross-legged in front of the Human Emperor sculpture, quietly looking at this sculpture full of natural and natural atmosphere, but there were countless thoughts in his mind.

The seven-story holy tower is tested on the seven floors, the goddess of dawn, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the ocean, the goddess of night, the beast gods, the goddess of elves, and finally the emperor...

My own assessment actually takes half a year. After half a year, this animal skin scroll can connect all levels of the seven-story holy tower, and the person who made this animal skin scroll is undoubtedly a member of the mystery school. The possibility of the mysterious master is not It's big, but it must be arranged by the Lord of Mystery.

"The candidate is between seven." Little Ville's voice was a little erratic. It seemed to be muttering to himself, and it seemed to be verifying the answer: "If it is only mysterious, I will choose the goddess of the night, if you say From the words of the mysterious lord, I think the human emperor has the greatest possibility.

"A great reputation does not mean that it is not mysterious. The Church of the Goddess of the Night is one of the few large churches in the continent of the gods, and it can even be said to be one of the churches with the most believers in the continent of the gods. The strength is also the strongest, but the goddess of the night It is still very mysterious. His image and oracles have always been mysterious, and even his appearance is full of mysterious aura."

"Comparatively speaking, the human emperor does not exist in the minds of ordinary people. Even the advanced powerhouses of the Wizard Islands may not know anything. The real knowledge of the human emperor’s existence is all due to strength or longevity. A long-standing existence."

"If you only look at the number of people you know, Human Sovereign seems to be very mysterious, but once you know the deeds of Human Sovereign, you will find that Human Sovereign does not seem to have too many mysterious things. He is a strong man with a With a just, brave and kind heart, his strength is extremely strong, but in terms of mystery, he really can't compare to the goddess of the night."

"But if you choose someone to be the mystery lord, I will choose Human Sovereign." Ville's voice is very slight. The reason for this choice is very simple. Between the Goddess of Night and Human Sovereign, if you must say something, Human Sovereign Maybe I like the word mystery more, maybe it's the idea of ​​wanting whatever is missing.

In addition, the goddess of the night is a god, and there is no essential difference between the goddess of the earth and the sea, while the human emperor is a strong human race, and is more likely to be the lord of wizards.

Hearing Ville's final choice, a score suddenly appeared on the animal skin scroll: one thousand.

Then the second question follows, who are the gods invested by the mysterious lord?

There are some remarks at the back, multiple choice questions, points will be deducted if you make a mistake, incomplete points can be scored, please choose carefully.

Countless messages in Ville's mind quickly turned, and slowly said a name: "Goddess Elf."

This is the exact quota that Ville knows. Through the intelligence of the seven-story holy tower, it can be understood that the tree of life became the goddess of the elves and the emperor controlled it, and the tree of life, the predecessor of the goddess of elves, became the treasure of suppressing the demon of hell. But if you think about it this way, it looks like the battlefield back then was near the current Elf Island?

It's really deep enough.

However, it is also possible that after the tree of life suppressed the **** demons, it moved there later, and this possibility is not small at all. It is impossible for the elven goddess to allow the elves to inhabit near the battlefield. That would be too dangerous. The elves at that time The goddess should be very powerful.

"Goddess of Dawn." Ville is not very sure if this answer is correct, but in a high probability, the human emperor who suppressed Lamod is probably the one who rescued and promoted the goddess of Dawn into a god, from him and Lamod. I am very familiar with this matter. From the point of view, the probability of saving the goddess of dawn is the greatest if he makes a move completely harmless.

"Beast God." Little Weier knows that the Beast God is a disciple of the Human Emperor, and he can become the Lord God. In addition to his own efforts, the Human Emperor’s "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art" and fighting qi fist are indispensable. Now he is still full of gratitude to the emperor.

As Ville's voice fell, the score was increasing by one thousand, one thousand, and one thousand, indicating that the three names Ville said were all correct.

"Music goddess." Little Ville knew that in the process of helping the music goddess to become a god, he really asked the emperor for help, but the emperor did not come directly, but hid in the dark to **** him, and the final result was music. The goddess became a god, and the emperor just watched the excitement and didn't make a move.

The score increased by only one hundred this time, letting Ville know that he guessed it correctly, and suddenly a name popped out of his mind and said casually: "The God of Food."

A series of animal skin rolls? ? ? When he appeared, Ville smiled slightly and said: "The Crown Prince once promised to help Hamlin in front of me. I have faith in him and believe that Hamlin will become a **** with the help of the Crown Prince. Moreover, this One day is not far away!"

With a soft sound of "ding~", the score directly increased by 5,000 points, indicating that Ville's flattering opponent was very comfortable.

You can say if you know, you can’t talk nonsense if you don’t know, Little Weier said that he is a smart and good Who knows that a wrong question will deduct extra points, what if you just clear it to yourself? , It is best to be stable, so Ville chose to end this topic.

Then the third question also appeared, but this time the topic was relatively reliable. It was about the understanding of the mystical school. I listed the advanced meditation ideas of the mystical school. The points are also given for correct answers, and points are deducted for incorrect answers. , Little Ville easily listed the meditation thoughts of the starry sky, ocean, earth, shadow, and storm attributes he knew. Although he didn't score many points, there were as many as two or three thousand.

The fourth question examines the distribution of the strongholds of the mystical school. This little Will can name a dozen or so casually. The most important headquarters and the wizard tower are definitely not wrong, and the academy is better guessed, the fifth ring Miti Wizarding Academy.

The fifth question examines the people of the mystical school, the sixth question examines the great achievements of the mystical school, and the seventh question: the purpose of joining the mystical school.

This question is very straightforward, and Ville’s answer is also very straightforward, "The purpose of joining the mystic school is to increase my identity in the wizarding community, and to join the wizarding alliance as a member of the mystic school, to provide an identity background for the forces that are about to be created. At the same time, it also prepares for joining the Abyssal Battlefield in the future."

"My end point will not be a demigod, even the fifth level can't stop me from moving forward, I once said..."

"If one day, I can hold a piece of sky for you, please let me fly and fly to the boundless starry sky. If one day, I can help you break the shackles, please don’t continue to hide yourself in the dust of history. Feelings are not Unilaterally, we are willing to pray for you and protect this continent you love deeply. This is your home and ours!"

"Joining the mystery school will bring me closer to you!"

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