The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1180: Obstacles to joining the Demigod Alliance

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The animal skin volume turned into fly ash, and the fly ash quickly condensed into a badge and fell into the hands of Xiaowei. The last layer of the seven-story holy tower quickly grew larger, and in a blink of an eye it became a huge space with a length of 35 kilometers and a total area. It's actually bigger than the previous six floors combined.

Little Ville laughed, he deserves to be the master of mystery. This reward is really generous enough. The badge in his hand is full of mysterious colors. The sky, earth, and ocean elements have everything they need, but they don’t seem overly complicated and complicated. The back is engraved with four stars and a small Will's name.

The scenery in front of me changed slightly, and I opened my eyes to see Lilith, Xiao Weiya, and Carlson demigod.

Carlson's demigod cast his eyes on the badge in Ville's hand, with a bright smile on his face: "Passed?"

Although it was a question, the tone was full of joy and affirmation.

Little Ville raised the badge in his hand, and Carlson half-god took it casually. Turning it over, his expression instantly became a little weird: "Four stars?"

"This, is there a problem?" Ville didn't really confirm the meaning of this badge, but Carlson's demigod was very clear and took out his own badge. Behind it was his name and four stars. .

"Stars are the status levels of members of the Mystic School. The lowest one is the highest, the highest is seven. There is only one person with seven stars. That is our leader, the mysterious lord. There are six stars, none of them, and only three five stars. People, the number of four stars is a little bit higher, and it’s no more than twenty. The stars represent personal strength on the one hand, and contribution on the other. You..." Carlson demigod didn’t want the strength of Ville at all, but He has just completed the assessment, what contribution will he make?

Little Weier's heart moved slightly, he took the token in his hand, and his spiritual power penetrated into it. A message came in an instant, and he quickly understood what his contribution was. All the tricks and knowledge of the first six levels, except for the gods. It is related to the art, all organized into a book and placed in the library of the school of mystery.

These books of knowledge and the mysterious master have the highest authority. Other people want to read it but it is not so easy. Unless they have the permission of themselves or the mysterious master, they can only see the title but not the content, and they are These things can be opened to other members for a fee.

Holy light, earth, ocean, storm, shadow, starlight, blood, and life, each of them is at least the third-order peak level, and there is even some knowledge that belongs to the demi-god level. Together, they are enough to get him four stars. Evaluation, after all, four stars correspond to demigods.

When Ville was inquiring, Carlson's demigod also inserted Ville’s information in the mystery school through his badge, and quickly learned the reason and contribution of his becoming a four-star member, and saw the list of knowledge classics. The name, the expression on the face is rich.

"As expected of my direct descendants, this knowledge reserve..." Carlson half-god found that he didn't know how to praise him. This was not a genius, but a real evildoer, but Lilith had already been before him. Completed her assessment, but the level is only three.

"Grandpa Grandpa, we have successfully joined the Mystic School. The next step is to apply for the Wizarding Alliance. Lilith and I are going to the Third Ring Wizard Islands to apply again. If possible, we even want to go directly to the Second Ring Wizard Islands Alliance headquarters. Apply to join." Little Ville shrugged and said, "We have been delayed here a little longer."

Although Carlson's demigod is a little bit disheartened, he has to admit that what he said is really reasonable. This little guy is on a parade. He stayed here for the longest time. It is common for three to five days in other places, and the most is not. It will be more than half a month, but here, he stayed for half a year.

"Don't worry, I have prepared documents and other things for you. I will also help you collect recommendations for joining the Demigod League. You can come to me to get it when you come back." Carlson's demigod face The expression was slightly strange.

Little Ville and Lilith weren't the generals, so they naturally noticed some, and hurriedly asked if there was anything wrong.

"Little Vil, the goddess of blood hunting is a evil **** and is not recognized by the demigod alliance, but the **** of pirates and the goddess of pain and torment are official members of the demigod alliance. They also have some friends. You will kill the pirates first. God, the goddess of pain and torture, these two things will have some disturbance in the alliance, which will hinder you from joining the alliance. But you can rest assured, grandpa will take care of it. After all, we are Reasonable side.” Carlson demigod was somewhat guilty when he said this.

As far as the relationship between relatives and friends is concerned, Ville is a direct descendant of his own, and theoretically would be protected, but he is only an intermediate demigod. The **** of pirates and the goddess of pain and torture do not give him face at all. And I didn't put Willer's plain text on the asylum list before, and the one who really was on the list was Rhein Stadtshan.

When Carlson's demigod reacted, Ville was already a demigod and could shelter others.

The Demigod Alliance has a great influence in the Wizard Islands. Except for the demigods with official positions in the temple, most of the other demigods will choose to join, but are these demigods really high-quality people?

No, on the contrary, to be able to become a demigod, most of the people are not very clean, and even some demigods are quite disgusting, but they are all strong who have experienced the battle of the abyss and fought against the abyss demon, even if He is a bit unbearable, even if there are some problems with his behavior, the credit of protecting the world against the demons cannot be erased.

Has the **** of pirates done few bad things?

It is not rare to set up a pirate group, burn, kill, and loot personally, not to mention sheltering other pirates to do evil, and it is even more elusive, but such people have been accepted by the Demigod Alliance, and even a little offended the Demigod Alliance once or twice. No one will hold the contract until...

Behind the pirate **** stood the entire siren banshee clan, who eventually lost to the hands of Xiao Weiya and died in the hands of Xiao Wei.

Because she herself violated the taboo of the Demi-God Alliance, the Demi-God Alliance is not only unable to pursue it, but seriously speaking, she still has to appease Xiao Wei, and the Siren Banshee clan even dare not take any action. After all, as one of the three sea clan royal families The siren banshee is a demigod who actually hunts down the favored ones of the ocean goddess. This is simply rebellion and disrespect to the ocean goddess.

Even if they are dissatisfied, they can only endure it, but this does not mean that they will not have resentment towards Little Will.

Behind the **** of pirates stood the siren banshee family, and the goddess of pain and torture also had friends of her own. The bad guys also had three or five friends, not to mention a female demigod. The goddess of pain and torment not only had friends, but also There is a high-level friend of the demigod, nicknamed: the bearer of thorns.

The Thorns Bearer, also known as the Bound God, is a high-level demigod, who is a high-level demigod accomplished by fighting spirit. This person is surrounded by a demi-god-level symbiotic demon rose, holding a five-foot big sword~www. Once single-handedly killed three demons and demigods, he is a demigod with amazing combat effectiveness.

The thorn bearer is a powerful combat high-level demigod, and besides him, the goddess of pain and torture has a close friend, that is the judge of justice, this is a middle-level demigod who has practiced special laws, and His greatest feature is that he is a demigod who is quite difficult but has a good reputation based on justice.

This demigod is a close friend of the goddess of pain and torture. He has a good reputation. If he stands up against Vil, it is estimated that a large number of neutrals will stand on his side. This is what Carlson demigod is most worried about.

The goddess of pain and torture has always been a demigod with mixed reputation. Her abilities are very strange. If used well, it can save countless people. If it is not used well, it is really harmful.

"Fortunately, you just captured the goddess of pain and torture alive, and didn't kill her. There should be room for maneuver." Carlson's demigod comforted Weier here, but Weier secretly cried out.

Where is the goddess of pain and torment now?

She was thrown to the tree of death and the tree of life by Ville. There will be no death in ten or eight years, but the damage to her strength is absolutely inevitable. The most distressing thing for Ville is that she may already know death. The existence of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Life even inferred the uniqueness of the Snowwood World, knowing that it is not a simple alien space.

In a growing world that has both the tree of life and the tree of death, even the strong gods may not be able to withstand the temptation, let alone the strong demigods. Once the secrets of the snowwood world are revealed, Ville will definitely Will become the target of more than 90% of demigods, and even god-level powerhouses.

Therefore, the goddess of pain and torment cannot be released!

At least you can't put it until you have achieved Tier 5 powerhouse!

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