The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1189: Is marriage a family matter that I don't care about?

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The Wizard Islands is not a paradise. Not all wizard apprentices from the continent of the gods are safe and sound. They didn't say some things, but there is a lot of information about the apprentice wizards from the continent of the gods, little Ville knows more or less.

Little Will ran around all day long, first for many years to become the **** of music of the hundred flowers, and then trapped on the road against the dragon for more than ten years. After he came out, he was already a dying, and looking back at the wizards who came to the Wizard Islands. Apprentices, how many people are there besides those around you?

Apprentice wizards who cannot become official wizards have no right to speak, but can they sit back and relax if they can become official wizards?

Monisa, Miranda, Yuna Peck, Garris, and Caesar Stella are not all. It can be said that most apprentices with excellent qualifications have been promoted to official wizards, and there are even some apprentices with excellent qualifications. People also successfully entered the ranks, but now there are only four people standing in front of Ville and Lilith.

Excluding Garis, who had returned to the continent of the gods before, now only Monissa, Miranda, Yuna Peck, and Caesar Stella stood in front of them.

Kennedy Kadar's disposition was not good enough. After failing to attack the official wizard, he gave up on himself and went out to perform the task as a senior wizard apprentice and never returned.

Daniel steadily defeated and was promoted to the official wizard smoothly, but then joined a mercenary group, and died in the mouth of the sea monster while performing the mission.

The Wizard Islands are not the continent of the gods. It is possible to jump out of a small place here with an advanced beast. Daniel died very wrongly, but this is the hardship that many newcomer mercenary members must go through. He was overwhelmed. Thinking that the official wizard is a master, but forgot that this is not the continent of the gods.

Little Fatty Launet is one of the few successful people. His businessman's mind is very good. He has gotten like a fish in the academy. Together with the wealth he got on the dream island before, he started a business in the Wizarding Academy. Become a rich man, but he was favored by a wizard family and called his son-in-law.

With little Weir’s hidden relationship, the care of the Wizarding Academy, and the investment of the small wizard family, the little fat man Launet was successfully promoted to the official wizard, and then Pidianpidian ran over to be the son-in-law of someone, but Relying on Ville's relationship, the mix is ​​pretty good, at least Julian is still very face-saving, the good things of the six-ring construction wizard tower can be bought at a low price and sold at a high price.

Derek stayed in school after he was promoted to the official wizard. His relationship background was not enough. He was squandered by his resources because of unplanned use. In the end, he signed a contract with the Wizarding Academy and stayed as a coach for a hundred years in exchange for a formal promotion. Resources for wizards.

In fact, in a strict sense, the little fat boys Launet and Derek are the normal conditions for the wizard apprentices of the Continent of the Gods in the Wizard Islands. Yuna Peck, Gareth, Monisa, and Miranda are more or less affected. With Julian's secret care, the talent is relatively good.

But even so, Monissa was a bit outdated in the end, her character was a little weak, and her lack of aggressiveness limited her height.

Little Ville is reluctant to mention sad things, but good things can be said, especially good things that happened to him. Miranda to show off is definitely the best way to combat love rivals.

Miranda is not a character who is beaten and never fights back. She looked at Little Weir contemptuously: "There are different genders, how can there be true love? You are just greedy for Lilith's body."

"Lilith and I will get married soon, and I will send you an invitation at that time." Little Ville smiled slightly, calmly and calmly.

Miranda was furious: "You are too much, before you gave Lilith an identity, you treat her like this every day, that way, really, too envious, no, you are a scumbag! Lilith..." Miranda Bricks Pounced into Lilith's arms for comfort.

This time it’s Little Will’s turn to be full of black lines. Are you eating my fiancee’s tofu?

Although Lily is beautiful, she does not discriminate against them, but if one of them is her fiancée, it is a different matter. Although Xiaowei is very confident in her fiancée, she is still very unhappy to see this scene.

How about finding a **** to pester her?

Ville pinched his chin and looked at Miranda up and down. It seemed a waste of such a beauty to keep doing this.

Miranda suddenly turned her head, broke free from Lilith's gentle and comfortable chest, turned her head to meet Little Weir's gaze, and then said timidly: "Boss Weir, please don't look at me with this gaze, I will get pregnant."

Little Ville couldn't help getting a black line. This woman is getting more and more exaggerated. Your scared look is too fake. Don’t say Ville, even Lilith, Monisa, Caesar, and Yuna Peck. Can't stand it.

Please, you are an imperial elder sister, so you don't want to be like a little bird and a shy little woman. Really, I really want to complain.

"The offspring of a demigod is not so easy to conceive. If you can really get pregnant by being stared at by a demigod, I think more than half of the male demigods in the Wizard Islands will be very interested in you. "Little Will smiled and looked at her, "If you are caught and sold to them, you will definitely be able to buy a high price."

"That..." Miranda seemed to be addicted to acting, timidly raised her hand and said, "Can I choose a demigod by myself?"

Little Weir gave her a slanted look: "Ah, there is a demigod powerhouse you know. Let’s talk about it. If it is a male demigod powerhouse with good character and is not repulsive to the human race, I can help you agree. ."

The corners of Miranda's mouth twitched slightly, and turned around to save Lilith: "This is my choice. If I have to choose, I will choose Lilith demigod."

Little Ville showed such an expression as expected, and said mercilessly: "Dismissed! Lilith is already famous, don't think about the wild flowers on the roadside."

"Miranda, do you really want to be a family with me?" Lilith smiled and patted Miranda on the shoulder.

Why not the head?

Hehe, Miranda is half a head taller than Lilith, even if she deliberately bent her legs, it is not easy for Lilith to be held by her and want to kill her by touching her head. Well, the main thing is inconvenience and uncomfortable.

"Hmm" Miranda held Lilith tightly with her arms, and took a deep It seemed that she wanted to **** all the aroma of Lilith into her belly.

"I'm going to officially marry Vale soon. If you don't mind, you can be a dowry maid." A faint arc appeared at the corner of Lilith's mouth. "It's a little bit difficult for the two of us to give birth to a child, but for Vale, You still have a chance."

There was a disgusting expression on Miranda's face: "Sister Lilith has different genders. How could it be possible to get married? This is a heresy and will be burned to death by hanging on the torture rack."

"Well, Sister Lilith, do you think I am qualified to be this dowry maid?" Monissa raised her hand timidly to ask, leaving Little Will with a black line.

Didn't you see that Lilith was molesting Miranda? What do you stand up for now?

Lilith glared at the little Weir who beckoned the bee and butterfly, and shook her head involuntarily. "Little girl, do you think it is so easy to conceive the offspring of a demigod? Don't say you are a first-level wizard, even if you are The second-level wizard and sky knight are also somewhat reluctant. Miranda is the sky knight, the first-level wizard, but barely qualified for it, and at the same time, she needs to be further promoted to become a candidate, little girl, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up."

Can't keep up with what?

Is there still many opportunities to be a dowry girl?

No, Sister Lilith seems to be talking about having a baby?

Do you still need to rush this?

Little Ville suddenly felt cold, with a premonition that he was not very good.

"Um, Lilith, my feelings for you are sincere, everyone else..."

Little Ville's words were interrupted by Lilith directly, "We said before, you are the master outside and I am the master at home, so you don't care about this matter."

Is my marriage a family affair that I don't care about? Little Ville was speechless.

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