The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1190: Demigod circle

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In the spacious and bright Crystal Palace, crystal lamps shone with multicolored lights. A huge crystal mirror occupies a wall. The length and width are more than ten feet. There are blue sky and deep blue water on it. A team of complex composition. Standing in an orderly manner, a huge flying warship flew slowly from far away.

Flying battleships don’t need gorgeous decorations. The cold light of steel and their huge size can also make the natives of the Gods Continent awe. The former Lord of Drake City, the Earl of Bordeaux, personally led Drake City’s senior officials to stand respectfully at the forefront. It is a member of the church, and behind it is the official wizard of the Wizard Tower.

The flat ground set aside early was enough for the flying warship to dock, and the flying warship slowly landed. The strong wind pressure caused all personnel under the hierarchy to stagger. In the end, several formal wizards and bishops in white jointly put down rain covers. Let them not be ashamed.

"Boom!" Amid the loud noise, the earth was trembling slightly, and smoke and dust hit everywhere. Only then could they better feel the astonishing deterrent power of this behemoth.

With the sound of "click~", the hatch opened, and two neat rows of etiquette teams came out first, but the unabashedly powerful aura of the handsome men and beauties of these etiquette teams made the faces of all the people who greeted them a little complicated. .

When they stood still, a young man walked out, hiding himself in a gorgeous elven-style wizard robe, and an exquisite sword at his waist. What he held was not a wand, but a scepter, belonging to the Church of the Holy Empire. Scepter.

This kind of nondescript dress has a different kind of charm. There is a strange sense of coordination in him. All the temperaments of wizards, knights, and clergy are wonderfully combined and sublimated to another level.

The boy's gaze swept away, and a ray of light shot from his eyes and fell on a transparent crystal mirror in the air. The crisp "click" sound was anxiously inaudible. Without seeing his movements, the broken crystal shards fell silently. In his hands.

In the Crystal Palace far away, the huge picture shattered in an instant, leaving only the dazzling light illuminating the entire palace. Several inaudible muffled noises sounded one after another and disappeared quickly.

A handsome middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous magic crystal robe, wearing a crystal crown, tasting wine with a crystal glass in his hand, the crystal glass in his hand makes a crisp cracking sound, his lazy expression disappears instantly, and his long silver hair follows The light came and flew backwards, but his eyes didn't blink and he took the "flash bullet" abruptly.

"Hehe, our little friends, the future allies are really unceremonious." The man in the crystal robe flashed a light, and the crystal cup quietly returned to normal. This was originally a consumable created by him. It was broken and repaired. It was too common for him.

"Future ally? I'm afraid it's not necessarily." A bearded man with a height of nearly ten feet, a ragged coat, and red, green and brown thorns entwined with a trace of anger on his face with visible scars. "He wants I'm afraid it won't be so easy to join the Demigod Alliance."

"Cliff, don't underestimate your enemy, he personally captured Teresa and killed the **** hunter of the evil god." Wearing a heavy silver armor, carrying a five-foot long sword without a beard, but with a white face. The man with a trace of majesty said in a deep voice: "It is not difficult for him to join the Demigod League."

"Trell, as long as you stand against it, I think he will have difficulties joining the league. You have this reputation." The thorny man called Cliff looked at the silver armored man sincerely, and the latter couldn't help showing his face. A touch of embarrassment.

In the shadow not far away, a sneer came: "Those who bear the thorns, our justice judge cannot judge the favored ones. People are not only the favored ones, but also the lord of the elves, the dragon blood awakened, and the identity background is strong enough. To the point of rampant, killing one or two demigods is just a trivial matter, let alone taking a few to become slaves."

"Shut up!" The thorn bearer snorted, and the thorns flew out of his body to hit the shadows, but he was hit back by the man in the crystal robe on the way. This is his Crystal Palace and also his Crystal Kingdom. How can we allow others to destroy it casually.

"You can't let him join the Demigod Alliance. Once he successfully joins the Demigod Alliance, it will inevitably affect the balance of the entire half-god alliance. His network is too large and will severely squeeze ordinary demigods who have no identity background. The voice sounded from the side, and everyone cast a surprised look. This was a special existence that was wearing bright colorful robes, but still unnoticeable.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you just now." The words of the justice judge instantly sank the little man who was about to continue speaking. He squatted on the ground and drew circles, muttering incessantly: "Anyway, my sense of existence is very weak. , Anyway, I have never been eye-catching, anyway, I have always been a transparent person, anyway..."

"In this world, all the dazzling people will explode, I am so inconspicuous, it is your fault!"

"Tandy, why don't you learn assassination from me. It's a pity that you are not an assassin with your kind of talent." A voice came from the roof of the Crystal Palace, but he could only hear it.

"There are also small groups in the Demi-God Alliance. The world is very deep. Even if the demi-god is strong, it is difficult to get the free life you want without holding a group for warmth." A loud voice sounded, "I have no intention of meeting with Wils. Dashan is the enemy, a forty-year-old high-level demigod who killed the **** hunting goddess, and captured the goddess of pain and torture alive. I cannot provoke such a person."

"But as a member of a small circle, the goddess of pain and torture must be saved." This is a strong, small man.

Well, this is a dwarf demigod, wearing a fire-red battle armor, carrying a seven-foot-long axe on his shoulders, and a gleaming axe blade with the thickness of a goose egg, all of which indicate that this is a murder weapon. , And the dwarf demigod who always carries this battle axe seems to be the only way to cover up his height disadvantage and show his strength.

"How about direct face-to-face negotiations?" The man in the crystal robe lazily said, "As far as I know, he is a little guy who advocates fair trade and exchanges. Well, this fair trade is somewhat moist, but exchanges are absolutely impossible. The Fairy Island, Sunshine Land, Half-elf House Commercial Street is the largest trading market in the Elf Island, and the controller is his half-elf lover."

"The six-ring structure wizard tower has suddenly risen in the past two decades, and a large number of good things have been sold on a large scale. The special products of the gods, the islands of the beasts, the sea clan, the elven clan, and the most distinctive structure alchemy are not too popular. The one who dominates all this is officially his other little lover."

The man in the crystal robe laughed and said: "I just got a news from a friend of the Siren Banshee clan. That little guy has a crystal treasure in his hand that can greatly enhance the crystal domain. I'm going to negotiate with him to see if I can. Give it to me. After all, I am the famous crystal **** of the Wizarding Islands, and the gems of crystal should belong to me!"

"It's difficult to estimate. I asked someone to send a letter to have a face-to-face communication with him. I tried to redeem Teresa by way of redemption, but he refused." The controversial judge shook his head slightly and said: " He pays more attention to his majesty and safety than wealth."

Everyone was silent. If you really want to talk about it, if you look at it from the other side's standpoint, his choice is not wrong.

When he was only a third-order paladin or a holy wizard, many demigods were always betting on his ideas. Among them were one or two of them. Among them, the goddess of pain and torture was no exception, but she was slow. A step was surpassed by the pirate **** of the Siren Banshee clan.

Well, it was killed first.

When that young man escaped from the road to the dragon and was full of ambition, the goddess of blood hunting and the goddess of pain and torment immediately took action, trying to catch him who had just become a demigod and had no firm strength.

The result was beyond everyone's expectations. This little guy was not a calf at all, but a giant dragon that had grown up. He directly beheaded the high-level demigod, the **** hunting goddess, and captured the goddess of pain and torture.

The blood-type hunting goddess is an evil god, and she is not in the demigod alliance, so she has no problem with it.

But the goddess of pain and torture was a registered demigod in the demigod alliance. She signed the contract of the demigod alliance, but broke two consecutively this time, and the name of the attack on Little Vil was unjustified.

One is that he is a favored person, a non-staff clergy who is protected by the gods, and is the object of the demigod alliance's explicit protection, not the object of offense.

Of the two, he is a student of Black Dragon Wezel and Shadow Dragon Troy, and a direct descendant of Carlson’s demigod. Although Carlson’s demigod has not included him in a clear protection range, Wetzel has already put him and Lilith is registered as an existence within the scope of protection.

These two types of people usually meet, if possible, they are protected by their members of the Demigod Alliance, but the goddess of pain and torture did the opposite, and actually took the initiative to attack him, if the black dragon Witzel really cares, She will only be worse.

"According to my gossip, Carlson Demigod, Hamlin Demigod, and Shadow Dragon Troy are all wooing other demigods and are preparing to jointly invite him to join the Demigod Alliance. We must act before that."

"What are you going to do?"

"Naturally it is a fair deal, one person for one person."

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