The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1194: You should belong to the church and not the wizard

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"Child, God loves the world, in you I have seen the strongest goddess so far, may the gods always be by your side." The Pope of the Goddess Continent of the Church of the Night Goddess is a kind old man, but this one is only three The elders with rank strength possess huge spiritual power that ordinary demigods can't possess.

His words and deeds seem to be natural, with incomparable divinity, but Ville knows that this is the result of the worship of countless people in the process of preaching for a long time, and through his contribution to the goddess of the night. side effect.

It's just that this side effect greatly enhanced his majesty, and besides majesty, persuasiveness, and affinity, there were no other benefits.

It is more appropriate to say that it is an additional product rather than a side effect.

Ville and Lilith are not too much suppressed in the Continent of the Gods, but others are different, especially those masters with the blood of **** demon, each one seems to be burdened with a large mountain as uncomfortable, but here they are easier Listening to the voice of the gods, more than 90% of the people directly found their faith here, and 80% of the people were sheltered by the gods.

This is something that Ville and Lilith hadn't thought of before, but this is a good thing, isn't it?

The results were so great that Ville had to slow down and it took a month to come to the sacred city of the continent of the gods. This is the palace of the gods, the headquarters of the church of the gods, and the headquarters of all the churches.

Well, except for the Church of the Beast God.

After receiving the consent of all the church leaders, Ville began to visit the highest level of these churches one by one, bringing Lilith and Sister Jill wherever he went.

Through Nicole’s coordinates, organize various ethnic and professional personnel to try to pray in various temples in real time, looking for the gods most suitable for them, and then organize missionaries from the continents of gods to prepare for missions.

Nicole’s tens of thousands of hard-working orc coolies, coupled with a large number of construction puppets provided by Julian, although only some tool-type construction puppets, they can exert tremendous energy in the construction industry, and they have returned to the Wicks on the Big Island. He became a housekeeper in his old business, and started his work in an orderly manner according to the plans of Ville and Lilith.

The population that has successively transferred from different spaces has exceeded 200,000. All the ranks are masters. These people are not very useful as coolies. There are more than 500 senior dark goblin research institutes, all of them. A good hand in manipulating a puppet is more obedient to Wicks, so the efficiency is naturally impossible to be low.

The power of the seven-story holy pagoda broke the distance, and once again shocked Xiao Weier. Is this the power of the power of the main god? Moreover, the seven-story holy tower is not filled with one or two, but the mighty power of seven master gods, and the function is naturally more powerful.

After visiting the Dawn Goddess Church, the Earth Goddess Church, and the Ocean Goddess Church one by one, Ville came to the Dark Night Goddess Church. The realm of his own was still high-level people, but this time they were more enthusiastic. Ville unexpectedly met an acquaintance: Goli Si Bishop.

These many years have passed, and Gelis is still just the bishop in white. When she saw Little Weier again, she even bowed her head and said nothing, suffering silently at the very edge.

With regard to Bishop Gelisi, Weier has no responsibility and resentment. He personally pointed her to her, and even used threats and inducements, but in the end she was reluctant to make progress. For such a person, Weier could only express powerlessness.

She is a very stubborn person, perhaps because Ville’s advice inspired her rebellious psychology. For a long time later, she subconsciously rejected everything related to wizards, which caused her to miss many opportunities and wait until Ville. When news of the achievement of a demigod came, Gelisi suddenly turned around and began to reflect on himself.

Many details of the past came to mind one by one, and the Gelis family also gave the answer after she took the initiative to ask, and she suddenly realized what she had missed?

After so many years, Ville and Lilith are already demigods. The group of people that he didn't like back then is now the lowest in rank two, but he is still in the first rank.

Not as good as people? Bishop Gelisi said that his qualifications are definitely the best among that group of people.

Resources are not as good as people? Bishop Gelis said that as a person from a church family who can be transferred to the church headquarters, do you dare to say that the resources are better than me?

Opportunities are not as good as people? Bishop Golisi may hesitate and tell you that back then, I was also a person who had been blessed by the goddess and had the control of one of the seven-story holy towers. At that time, how many brothers and sisters were jealous and pleased. look.

However, he didn't seize the opportunity, or rather, he extinguished this huge opportunity with his own hands.

Regret it?

Bishop Gelisi can't wait to go back in time with a knife, and kill himself who was so proud and ignorant of the sky.

It is a pity that medicines for regret cannot be bought, and time cannot be turned back.

After a simple welcome ceremony, Little Ville was called to a garden by the Pope alone. Lilith took on other tasks. In fact, the things that need to be discussed were already clear. There are also examples of the Dawn Goddess Church, the Earth Goddess Church, and the Ocean Goddess Church. In the past, the Church of the Goddess of the Night could not be an exception, otherwise it would cause them to be unduely excluded.

The two walked slowly among the flowers, and the Pope of the Church of the Goddess of the Night looked at Little Vir with kindness in his eyes.

Ville shrugged. Although he himself has the eyes of appraisal, he can't see the favorites on his body. Some things really only depend on talents, or require specific occupations to possess, and it is precisely that the favored ones of Ville are not righteous. It is impossible for a clergyman who has learned the Eight Classics to have a **** like the Pope of the Night.

"Which of the gods is the most powerful in me?" Little Ville asked casually, but was not ready to get an answer, but the Pope of the Night gave him more information.

"If you have to say how much the goddess is, the goddess under the crown of the goddess of night is the most massive, but the goddess under the crown of the goddess of the earth is the deepest, and the least is under the crowns of the goddess of dawn and the goddess of elves. "The answer of the Pope of the Night was a little bit beyond Ville's expectation.

The goddess of the night is the most fascinated. Little Weier believes that there are three god-level meditation thoughts he only got from the goddess of the night. He also said that the later essence compass is also a proof, and the church of the night goddess has always been very good to him, even in There are also Shadow Clan in the Continent of Gods that actively contacted If this is not secretly promoted by the Church of the Goddess of the Night, Ville would not believe that the Shadow Clan is much stronger than he was at the time, and there is no need to take the initiative to find himself. Yes, it is impossible for them to foresee the relationship between Teacher Troy and themselves.

The Goddess of Dawn has the least affection for herself. Little Weir has a deep understanding of this. She has almost never benefited from the Goddess of Dawn before. It was not long ago that she got "Dawn of Thoughts", which was more than 20 years late. .

However, Ville doesn’t really believe that the goddess of the elves is very concerned about him. He even has the tree of life. If the Pope of the Night has not lied, there is probably only one. The goddess of the elves is always reflected in his favor. Or hidden in the world of Snowwood, he couldn't see it.

The Pope of the Night believed that he did not lie, nor did he need to lie. He did not even ask Ville to believe, and continued: "You are a born clergyman, and your background and experience should allow you to devote yourself to the sacred profession."

"As the first guardian in the history of the Continent of Gods to have a seven-story holy tower, your origin and even your ancestors have been carefully investigated by us. Your ancestors are not simple, but one called the Lion of Darkness. A high-ranking church member just fell in the battle against **** demons."

"The Declan family was created by him. The original intent was the Lion of Darkness, but in fact, his bloodline is the Leopard of Darkness, but he has always wanted to be a lion." The night Pope's face showed a splendid look. Smile: "The lion of darkness and my ancestor are comrades in arms who fought side by side. The records of him are still kept in the library of the church and our family."

"Child, you should belong to the church and not the wizard." The Pope of the Night expressed his intentions sincerely.

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