The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1195: The truth of the world

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No one asked about the poor living in the downtown area, and the rich had distant relatives in the mountains. This sentence Xiaowei had already deeply understood.

When I was just an unknown kid, I lived in a coffee shop in Drake City. The uncle was the real power lord of Mabster County (although the territory was small and weak), but no one in the church had ever asked about their lives. Obviously they needed their help very much at the beginning.

But when Xiao Weiya exposed the identity of the reincarnated god, she got a seven-story holy tower and showed her superior-level aptitude, and her relatives around her became more and more.

The Wizard of Star Mountain doesn’t count. He has been there all the time, protecting them and getting close to them, both overtly and secretly, but what about the others?

Although the uncle's family also cared about them, they only cared secretly. They didn't throw their two youngest children over until they were up and down, and they went to death generously.

When Ville went to the Wizard Islands, the Star Mountain family (mainly Pollock) began to pay more attention to themselves. As their strength improved and because of the promotion of Baihua Yin to become a god, more and more people approached themselves, and then the stars The elven patriarch appeared in his own life as his grandmother.

After the achievement of a demigod, the entire Star Mountain family became its own backer, or it could be said that oneself became the hidden backer of the Star Mountain family. This was the real recognition of the ancestors, although it was too late.

This time I returned to the Continent of the Gods, but the graves of my father's ancestors were all opened by others, with a free purpose and a relationship.

An ordinary demigod might not be worth it for them to do this, but a high-level demigod who is less than forty years old like Little Ville, especially an absolute genius with a power of their own, deserves more means.

Of course, Ville’s identity is a little bit more, no matter who wants to think carefully about him, he needs to consider the consequences. It is really hard to say how hard the final result will be, such as the middle-level demigod who was caught on the elven island. Another example is the mid-level demigod captured in the six-ring construction wizard tower, and the high-level demigod captured in Oshima.

Or the Crystal God and the Justice Judge who were caught in the Crystal Palace. They are slightly better. They are accomplices and are not direct offenders. The Crystal God is temporarily imprisoned, and the Justice Judge is released on bail, requiring him to be released within a time limit. Catch and kill the two ocean goddess devout believers, capture the prisoner who became the bishop of the ocean goddess church, the storm mermaid, and the lord of the sea can atone for his sins.

The righteous judge knows who the criminal is, but he can't catch this person himself, even though he knows that he really committed the crime.

But this crime was planned by so many of them, and he was just an implementer.

So he has been looking for concessions, and finally came to the conclusion that there is only one person who can save them: the cause of the incident, the demigod Wil Star Mountain.

However, the Continent of the Gods is a private land tightly protected by the gods. The strong half-gods dare not enter without permission. The strong half-gods who enter the Continent of the Gods without permission will be punishable by the gods without reason and without trial. .

Closer to home, in order to persuade Little Ville, the Pope of the Night told him the truth of the world he discovered.

"Do you know the reality of the world?" The words of the Pope of the Night made Little Vil wonder how to connect. The topic of the reality of the world is a bit too big. Do you want to say that the gods are actually not strong enough to improve? A fifth-tier and sixth-tier powerhouse that can only be promoted with the help of believers?

The truth of this world must not be what he wants to know, right?

Little Will respectfully cooperated and asked: "What is the truth of the world?"

"It is recorded in the "Night Sacred Code" that the world has just opened up, there are thousands of races in the world, giant dragons are kings, and there are innate gods from time to time, the earth, ocean, sky, night, and sun are respected, and the human race is mediocre under all races. "

"The giant dragon is born and powerful, has a strong heritage, and is the first of all races. The giant dragon is greedy and lazy, and the giant is violent and aggressive. After God created the world, the three treasures of creation left behind, one treasure is called the heart of the world, one The name of a treasure is the foundation of the world, and the name of a treasure is the barrier of the world."

"The giants used the power of the whole family to find the palace of the **** of creation, and the heart of shattering the world was passed on by the **** of creation, and created many alchemy objects with the spirit of all things, thus greatly increasing their strength, defeating the dragon and resisting the gods, and thus oppressing The world governs all races."

"Then, in order to gain the foundation of the world and rule the world, the barrier of the world was broken, but the passage to **** was accidentally opened. The foundation of the world was broken, and some of the fragments were obtained by the gods, creating more ancient gods."

"The world barrier is broken, and the giants do not worry but rejoice. They drove the war fortress to actively invade. First, they reaped a lot of land, and then the **** lord noticed that he took advantage of the situation to counterattack and suffered heavy losses. The giants restarted the world barrier based on the broken world , And started a war with the Lord of Hell, a tug of war that lasted for thousands of years.

"In the end, this battle ended with the giants paying a heavy price and closing the passage of hell, but the world coordinates left endless troubles for the lord of hell."

When Ville heard this, he couldn't help interrupting him: "As far as I know, when the Giant King's Court was breached by the Hell Devil, then he had to close the passage of Hell. Did their war really last for thousands of years? ?"

Little Weierzai carefully recalled everything he saw in the seven-story holy tower. It seemed that it was just a very simple pattern of the giant opening the **** passage to invade hell. When the harvest was full, he was counterattacked by the hell, the king's court was broken, and the unity The gods and dragons have been flat over the years, and have closed the lower pass.

But will the strength of the giant clan be destroyed by the first battle?

Little Ville suddenly felt that the things recorded on the seven-story holy tower were too rough, but the things the Pope of the Night told were more detailed and more credible.

"Gods don't deceive, especially when it comes to things that this longevity race knows. It doesn't make sense to deceive people. As long as you are willing, the truth can be verified. Now you have this qualification and ability." The Pope Dark Night did not refute, but instead asked him to verify it himself.

"After that, the giants still didn’t know how to repent. Instead, they tried to use the power of the broken world and the heart of the world to merge the power of the gods to break through to a higher level, and eventually led the gods and dragons to exile all tribes. Where did they go? There is no record in the scripture, only that it is a land abandoned by the gods."

"The giants were exiled, the gods were greatly injured, and the dragons needed to be checked and balanced, but the unknown goblin seized the opportunity to grab the biggest victory, and quickly rose to form an alchemy-based goblin magic empire. "

"The alchemy of the goblin empire is indeed amazing, but after all, they are not in the gods. They are not capable but have huge ambitions. They dream of being able to rule the world like their original master giant, and they will not hesitate to reopen the **** channel for the second time. Reach the goal with the power of **** demons."

"The world barrier was hit again, and the gods and dragons had to join hands to shut it down again. The goblin clan had an ambiguous position and was wiped out by the gods. The **** demons caused great damage to the world, and the biggest disaster was , A huge loophole has appeared in the world barrier, and it is no longer possible to perfectly shut out the **** demons."

"After the **** demons invaded time and time again, countless heroes emerged during this period, and the human race continued to rise at this time, and the wizard profession also inadvertently developed during this period and became the mainstream of the world."

"After experiencing the accidents of giants and goblins, the gods began to think about whether it is appropriate to continue to indulge the races, so they resolutely took the largest piece of land in their hands after a catastrophe of a demon With strict restrictions, this continent is the continent of the gods."

The Pope of Dark Night took a deep look at Little Ville and said: "The continent of the gods is the center of the world, and the Wizard Islands are just lines of defense set up by the gods to resist the **** demons. The wizards are just the gods pushing to resist the **** demons. Soldier. The gods are the real masters of the world!"

Ville was shocked. The Gods Continent that he originally thought of you as Novice Village was actually the center of the world in their mouths, or the last pure land in the world?

However, according to the information he obtained from the Wizarding Association, the center of the abyss is exactly under the core area of ​​the Wizarding Islands. It seems that everything he said is possible.

"Are these all things recorded in the scriptures?" Little Will frowned, but there was some discomfort on his face.

The Pope in the night shook his head slightly and said: "History is truly recorded. The passage of **** and the defense against invasion are obtained through some relationships. This is a secret that cannot be told casually. Of course, you have already applied to enter the battlefield of the abyss. It doesn’t matter if you’re a warrior. Anyway, when you get to that place, you will know that everything I say is true. As for the continent of the gods is the core of the world, and the gods are the rulers of the world, this is my belief and my deduction."

"This is what I see, the reality of the world!"

"My child, after knowing all this, can you tell me your choice? Still choose the path of the war wizard, or choose the Lord of the world and the gods? You are one of the few people who have absolute discretion. You are a **** People who are optimistic about both wizards and wizards, you are also a person that the gods are unwilling to force."

"Child, in your body, I see infinite possibilities, and also endless gods, even gods!"

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