The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1196: Demigod blocking the way

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Ville can’t say that all churches are treated equally, but he also respected and respected each one. As a result, he stayed at the church headquarters for three months. During the period, he gained a lot. In addition to countless knowledge books and ancient secrets, Little Ville and Lilith also obtained many magic arts.

What is magic?

For Ville and Lilith, divine art is a good thing they can analyze and use, and it is also a shortcut to peek at the laws mastered by the gods.

At the same time, a group of people from Littleville were released, and within three months, they created tens of thousands of devout believers who were approved and protected by the gods. This undoubtedly made these church leaders extremely excited. You must know that the continent of the gods is a piece of faith. There are many believers in this place, but in fact their strength is low, and the power of belief that individuals can contribute is limited.

Although the number of people brought by Ville is only more than 10,000, more than 10,000 people are scattered and accepted by dozens of churches. If you look at it this way, in fact, the number of people allocated to each church is really not too many, and it can't stand the strength of the family. Powerful, the lowest level, the upper limit is actually a demigod, so that the power of faith provided by any one person is much more than that of a non-ranked character.

And as long as you develop a believer at the level of a demigod, the faith provided is definitely the amount that these church leaders can wake up in their dreams.

Little Ville had to leave in the end. The headquarters of the Church of the Gods, who had tasted the sweetness, sent a large number of missionaries to the Big Island, and helped Ville a name, the Island of Gods.

This name makes Ville feel a little bit helpless. He and Lilith, Nicole, and Guai Liluo are all gods. It’s not wrong to promote faith on this island, and it’s not wrong that the temple is popular, but here is still the Wizard Islands, the Wizard Is the mainstream.

After the discussion of Xiaowei, Lilith, Xiaoweiya and others, the big island without a name was finally named: Guardian Island.

This is a guarded island, guarding their own happy life, guarding peace and peace, guarding this pure land, guarding the New Year in their hearts, and guarding their freedom.

This island has a temple to intervene, but the strongest personnel stationed in the temple is only a mid-level demigod. Such strength is not invincible in guarding the island, and Xiao Weier, Xiao Weiya, and Lilith can all suppress it.

There are many temples on this island and thousands of missionaries, but the overall strength of these missionaries is really not strong, and they will also be constrained by Ville, except Ville, Viya, Lilith, and Guai Liluo. , Nicole can also restrain them.

They are either the reincarnation of the gods or the favored ones, and each of them is powerful, and they can still be restrained. They are not lacking in identity, status, and strength, and they are the real controllers of this island.

Well, besides that, Shaun the Shadow Dragon, Rose of the Ice and Snow Shadow Dragon, Janet the Night Elf, the Sea Witch Eleanor, and the Aquaman Dragon Landis also have a lot of privileges. As for Linda the Silver Dragon and Dali the White Dragon Er, they won't be here most of the time, but will be based in Little Ville's base on Dragon Island.

It has to be said that after the more powerful territory, the number of people who need to be dispersed and guarding will also increase. Fortunately, there are many allies outside, and the strength is very strong, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

Lantis, who was originally scheduled to sit in the far sea in the future, does not need to pass. The Storm Mermaid royal family has promised to pay attention to their safety. This time Bolton was caught and hit them in the face. It was clear that Ville had already warned in advance and said There may be people who want to make trouble, but they themselves don't care too much.

Even if they launched a thunderous blow afterwards, they assembled the power that made the Demigod Alliance had to retreat (the **** of the storm himself, can the Demigod Alliance not retreat?), rescued Bolton in one fell swoop, and took advantage of the two. Bit half-length.

However, the shameful face has been lost, and the demigod who did it has escaped, even if he already knew his identity and issued a reward for wanting him, even forcing the demigod alliance to remove him from his name, and demanding the judge of justice to arrest him. In fact, they have no hope of this.

The Judge of Justice can't completely do justice, just like what is now blocking the flying battleship and asking Ville to do.

"My name is Terrell, an ordinary demigod in the Demigod Alliance. I have to take the liberty to visit. Please forgive me." The Justice Judge alone blocked the flying battleship of Little Will, Will, Sean, and Linda. The three high-level demigods jointly stopped him, and the mid-level demigods such as Xiao Weiya, Lilith, Daryl, Rose, Janet, Eleanor, etc. were in the second line, and took advantage of the situation to protect the flying warship.

Seeing the three high-level demigods and six middle-level demigods on guard, a wry smile appeared on the face of the justice judge. To be honest, if possible, he really didn't want to treat them in this situation.

It doesn't matter whether he can play or not, what is important is that he has a guilty conscience.

Everyone has a guilty conscience for doing bad things. What's more, Terrell, who is named as a justice judge, strictly requires himself according to his title, but once thought that a friend of mine would be beaten to the evil side.

"It turns out to be the famous justice judge. I don't know what the Demigod Terrell is doing here? If it is not particularly urgent, can we wait for us to return to the Wizard Islands and make some adjustments before discussing it?" Little Ville looked at each other. There is no sadness or joy on his face, but the gesture of rejecting others thousands of miles away is made.

A look of helplessness appeared on the face of the justice judge. Since the other party knew his name and saw that he was trying to intercept him halfway, he still gave such remarks, undoubtedly expressing a meaning, they did not want to talk to themselves.

"Although I know it's a bit presumptuous, it's a matter of life and death for my friends, and I have to act like this. I also asked Vale demigod for convenience and give me a chance." The justice judge put his posture very low, but everyone on the other side did not. So relax your vigilance.

Sean and Linda shook their heads directly, and Ville turned their eyes to Lilith, who hesitated a little, and finally made a gesture.

Little Ville took a deep breath and said: "During the journey, it was inconvenient for a female family to invite you in. You came here uninvited. The timing is indeed a bit wrong. I am not an unreasonable person. I will give you five minutes, five minutes. Later, please don’t keep entangled. If something really happens, please wait until I return to the Wizard Islands to visit."

“We really don’t like this arrangement of interception in the middle. UU Reading” Weier’s words are indeed a bit of suspicion of slaps, but who made the justice judge’s behavior a bit surpassed, and can even say Some are sensitive, they have been very restrained without being besieged by so many demigods at the first time.

The corners of the justice judge's mouth twitched slightly, and the other party was still very angry, but now I can give myself five minutes and give myself a chance to speak, showing that I still have a chance.

But this needs to be able to impress him, otherwise five minutes really can't say too many things, and the most important point is, is it really convenient to speak directly here?

"I don't know if I can take a step to speak?" The Justice Judge himself was a little embarrassed, because his request was really unspeakable, not to mention so many eyes staring at him, and he was very sure that the people in the flying battleship could see it. The outside scene.

"Everything can't be told to others, and my friendship with your Excellency has not reached the level of speaking privately." Xiaoweier shrugged and said: "The people here are my relatives and friends, who can be trusted. I trust them. Please don’t have to worry too much. After all, even if we say things privately, I will tell them the truth later, especially my sister and fiancée. I will be miserable if I deceive them. By the way, remind you. , Your time is running out, there are still four and a half minutes."

The justice judge was shocked. This little guy's sentence was certified. He was really timing it, and it is very likely that this time he really only gave himself five minutes to speak.

This is not the time to talk about face and shyness. The Justice Judge God took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and a powerful aura burst out instantly.

Then Ville's earth realm, Shaun's shadow dragon realm, and Linda's cloud realm unfolded instantly.

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