The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1197: Oolong, whose fault?

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What kind of feeling is it like to be instantly enveloped by the realm of the three-tier high-level demigods?

The Justice Judge just took a deep breath, and then habitually burst out to cheer himself up, but the reaction it caused exceeded his expectations, and it also made him understand one thing.

In their minds, they are not a friendly party, a neutral party, or even a kind and credible party, but a kind of hostile and untrustworthy one.

This feeling is real, but it makes the justice judge’s mood instantly fall into the bottomless abyss. He is a demigod with very keen intuition. This intuition has saved his life countless times and is analyzing and judging justice and evil. Time has extraordinary correctness.

When he saw Ville and Lilith, he felt a strong sense of justice from them, even above himself. This is recognized by the world, far from being disguised by witchcraft, vindictiveness, or even experience. It is formed by truly contributing to the world and being recognized by the world.

But now he is standing on the opposite side of them. No matter if they think unilaterally, or if they are forced into helplessness, the end result is that they are not in harmony with them.

If you can, I really want to make friends with them. Their achievements make me feel incredible. They have unlimited potential, unlimited future, and even the glories visible to the naked eye. Such a person cannot be an ally or an enemy.

But do you have a choice?

The justice judge was lost at this moment. Under the three-tier realm of three semi-god powerhouses of the same level, he was lost at all?

But this is enough to show that he did not have malicious intent, and he did not even intend to really conflict with them, otherwise this one would be enough to make him irresistible, and Ville, Sean, and Linda also regained their domain after seeing this, knowing that they were. Too nervous and engaged in a big oolong.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing. Don’t look at each other at the beginning of Vil, Sean, and Linda. After all, such embarrassing things happen to three high-level demigods at the same time. It’s really hard to see. The most important thing is. It's very embarrassing.

The justice judge quickly recovered from the depression. Seeing the appearance of the three high-level demigods not far in front of him, he almost couldn't help but smile, but he confirmed one thing more. They all have principles and bottom lines. people.

The loss and absence of my own just now were true and intact. At that time, I was definitely the easiest to defeat, but after the three people on the opposite side confirmed their state, instead of attacking, they were embarrassed one by one.

At this time, if you are a super thick-skinned person, you will just pretend to be nothing. If the city is deeper and the heart darker, you can even take the opportunity to take yourself down, but they don't.

It's not that you can't, but that you keep a trace of the moral bottom line in your heart. Such talents are truly accommodating people and those who can truly get along with themselves.

The justice judge bowed solemnly, thanking them for not killing them just now, but this made Ville, Sean, and Linda even more embarrassed.

Just then, Lilith said: "Time is up."

what time will you arrive? The justice judge was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of a very serious matter. The little guy had only given himself five minutes to ask for a statement before, but he was embarrassed to say it in person at first, but it was delayed for half a minute, and finally came out again. With such a big oolong, five minutes have passed?

"This..." The justice judge is really speechless, he doesn't even have a chance to speak? And for the next four and a half minutes, I just took a deep breath. Isn't it you who really wasted the time?

This is also OK?

After engaging in a big oolong, Ville can't wait to find a place to sew it right away. Now Lilith has given herself a fair chance to end, Ville will not miss it, and she does have some feelings for people like the Justice Judge. Can't deal with it.

If he is a wicked person, he can use violence to control violence, but the reputation of the justice judge is very good, and he has even done a lot of good things, which makes him a little embarrassed. You can't kill or fight such a person, and you even have to defend it a little. After all, there are not many people with such persistence this year.

"Sorry, it seems that we don't have the opportunity to communicate in depth this time. If you are willing, when the island is opened in three months, please come by and I will post an invitation to you." Xiao Weier faced justice. The judge saluted, then turned and walked towards the flying battleship.

The Justice Judge hurriedly flew forward to intercept Xiao Wei, but Shaun the Shadow Dragon and Linda the Silver Dragon flew in front of him.

"Although we know that you are not a bad person, but for us, you are not a friend for the time being. No matter what causes it, today's meeting is a foregone conclusion. Please don't make us embarrassed." Xiao En said on his face. The shame has long since disappeared without a trace. Ville has experienced relatively few things, and such accidents rarely occur, but as the old You Tiao Shaun the Shadow Dragon and Linda the Silver Dragon have experienced a lot, and they recovered very quickly. .

The justice judge looked at the two demigods in front of him. They never concealed their identities, "Shaun the Shadow Dragon, and Linda the Silver Dragon. Fortunately, there is no malice here."

Xiao En smiled and shook his head and said, "No malice and no wrongdoing are completely different things. No malice does not mean that what you are doing is good for us. You, yourself, should be very clear."

The righteous judge's face was sullen. When it comes to talking, he really hasn't been afraid of anyone. "No matter what the good or bad things are, you can't hide from them. After all, what should come is coming."

Shadow Dragon Sean snorted and said: "Some things are solved as soon as possible, but some things are delayed as long as possible. What kind of things do you think you are going to do belongs to us?"

“No matter when, it’s always better to solve it as soon as possible than to delay it.” The justice judge said solemnly: “I personally think that it’s good for everyone to eliminate the misunderstandings of the two parties as soon as possible. The pure dragon is not an in-service member of the Elf Goddess Church. After all, he wants to communicate with other demigods and needs to join the demigod alliance."

"Being below is not a threat, nor is it to show how much influence you have. Val demigod and Lilith demigod want to join the demigod alliance. It is definitely not a good thing to have a conflict with us, the official members of the demigod alliance." The words were full of sincerity, but Sean and Linda's disdain in return.

"It may be true for you. If you solve it as soon as possible, it will become a big problem if you delay it for a long time. But for some geniuses, what they lack is precisely time, and time will solve everything." Shaun's words don't mean anything. After that, he turned back to the flying battleship.

Silver Dragon Linda curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Don't use your principles to guess the real genius. You don’t understand the world of geniuses. Before making a decision and wanting to act, please use your mind. If it’s not Please don't mention it."

"Because even you know that such a request is excessive, so don't embarrass others. Do not do to others what you don't want." Silver Dragon Linda turned and left, before entering the flying battleship, she suddenly turned around and said: "I think Thinking about your title, shouldn’t you follow your most basic principles when encountering things? If you can’t even adhere to your own principles, such a person will not get our respect and nothing will happen.”

A wry smile appeared on the face of the justice judge, and then disappeared without a trace, "I am the justice judge, but the purpose of the judge is to punish the wrongdoer and lead the wrongdoer to become better. It is also the duty of the judge. I , Have been doing this all the time."

Do you really have a clear conscience? The justice judge asked himself quietly that this question had puzzled him for too long and too long. Every time he told himself that their nature was not bad, they just needed some guidance, to guide them to become better, to guide them to obey the rules, and to guide them to change. Renewal, this is the duty of the justice judge, and I have been doing this all the time.

But the result?

What were they discussing the last time they were together?

Save the goddess of pain and torment.


It was actually a sneak attack and kidnapping each other's relatives and friends, and then exchanged these people for the goddess of pain and torture.

Is this in line with your own way of justice? Although I opposed it, but in the end I chose to watch because the minority obeyed the majority.

But must the majority be correct? The justice judge knows that they are not correct, but in this small circle, most are the parties who make the action plan, and a few can only obey or withdraw.

From the results, they were indeed wrong, and they were wrong, because no matter the Church of the Storm God, the Church of the Sea Goddess, or even the Storm Mermaid clan, they were not wrong. Are they wronged by the arrest of themselves and the Crystal God?

To be honest, it is not wrong, because the two of them are also accomplices, and they are of the type that can't be quibbly been stolen by others.

And what is the reason why they committed so many wrong things?

Save the goddess of pain and torment.

Is it wrong to save the goddess of pain and torment?

From the perspective of these friends, there is nothing wrong, and it is very correct, but why is the goddess of pain and torment caught?

She was arrested because of her own mistakes, and the mistakes she made were very serious.

Then push forward again, why did the goddess of pain and torture go to catch Wil Star Mountain? Is Will Star Mountain at fault?

The justice judge thought about it, and finally it boiled down to one point: Everyone was innocent and guilty of his crimes, and the fault of Wil Star Mountain was to promote the music goddess Baihua Yin to become a god.

But is this wrong?

This is not wrong in itself, but it has aroused the coveting of other people. At this time, people contributed the method and sold it at a high price. The contents inside were carefully studied by the **** of justice. There is no problem, but it is too targeted. Something commonality is not enough to satisfy other demigods, especially demigods like the goddess of pain and torment, the goddess of pirates, and the goddess of blood hunting.

So they took action, wanting this genius young man to help them build the path of God.

Are they wrong?

The just judge was deeply confused at this moment.

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