The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1203: Sudden abandonment

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A simple join for the review and review actually made most of the members of the Demigod League watch the excitement. Seeing a group of demigods vying to be the nominee of Val demigod, the convict felt a sense of collapse.

But thinking of the things that kid had done before, he felt as if that kid was indeed worthy of them.

The nominator is not just the nominator, but also implies another meaning. The relationship between guides, factions, circles, predecessors, etc. will be established after this, and it can be said that a good nominee will indeed be able to join the alliance. Demigods help a lot.

But looking at this driving, does it matter who is the nominee for this little guy to join the Demigod League? As long as it is not Terrell, the Justice Judge, this guy looks quite honest, and he is actually playing cautious about this matter. This is using us judges as guns.

No, it should be said that this **** used the entire Demigod Alliance as a gun.

Very good, Terrell the Justice Judge, I remember you.

The convict directly interrupted more and more demigods who wanted to join in the fun and make relationships. They wanted to be nominees more and more weird, and even found some unmarginal reasons to prove that they were the most suitable. Among them, the reason of the beauty **** is the most nonsense. The little guy looks very handsome and conforms to my aesthetics, so I should join my circle of beauty lovers, and the nominator should be myself.

For this reason, the convict can’t wait to **** the mirror from her hand and slam it on her face. There is no "man" in the small circle of stinky beauty. Apart from the female demigods, there are only those twitching, let yourself see. The demon man who wanted to vomit when he got sick, the little guy he was optimistic about had a promising future, but they couldn't be ruined by them.

"Quiet, now we are going to the next link, please, the demigod Will Star Mountain!" The convict was so annoyed that he couldn't stand it anymore. Even him who watched the fun was too troublesome, but others watched. He was so cheerful, and even eager to try, this kind of weird thing was rare before.

The Dream Temple is the most important artifact of the Demigod Alliance. To enter here, you need a token. This is a good thing all official members have. As a temporary invited participant, there is also a one-time token. There is a trace of dream demigod power sealed inside, not only one-time, it will be invalid after consumption, the token is still specially made, and it can only be passively waited and cannot come forward.

A flash of light flickered, and Ville found himself appearing in a resplendent and dreamlike palace. The seven majestic demi-gods in front of him, the lowest strength is also a high-level demi-god, in fact, more than himself. The silhouettes on the left and right sides of the back should also not be underestimated.

"Bang~" The convict slapped the table, and a loud voice sounded: "Vill Star Mountain demigod, you should have heard all of Terrell's nomination statement just now, can you add or object to it?"

Weir could indeed hear some information through the one-time token. Hearing the words of the convict, Weir saluted him and the council, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with it in general, as I just met a month and a half ago. A stranger who passed by, he was able to collect so much information in such a short period of time, and to understand a lot of things that others did not know, it was really not easy. I deeply appreciate the magical powers of the demigod of Terrell, the Judge of Justice. admire."

"What do you say about the previous objection to the demigod Kader of the Mermaid of the Storm?" The convict continued to go through the process, which must be done, even if he knew that the demigod Kadel was against it purely for opposition.

Ville saluted Cadell half-length and said: "I apologize for what happened before. The reason why people scold Bolton and deprive him of trade privileges is actually protecting him and giving outsiders the illusion that we have broken. , So as not to bring him more coveted. After all, as my strength improves and the benefits in my body increase, he cannot keep the benefits I give."

"Trell's demigod's judgment is very accurate. I am really not an ungrateful person. Their plan to attack and kidnap Bolton really went beyond my expectations. The two saint-level believers were actually arranged by me for Bolton. Bodyguards, they are devout goddess believers, and I bear great responsibility for their deaths."

"When I become a full member of the Demigod Alliance, Bolton will be added to the list of protected persons. Please rest assured that the Kader demigod will take responsibility for his safety." After Ville finished, the Kadel demigod directly exploded. He stood up and said angrily: "Is the storm mermaid clan still unable to protect my people? Boy, I can't pretend that I didn't hear what I said just now."

Ville shook his head and said, "If I offended you just now, please forgive me. I just can't bear to see my friend suffer because of me. I also don't mean to look down on the storm mermaids, but the murderer has not been caught yet, Bolton Although he was rescued, he is still in danger of being attacked again. This quota is very important to him."

When Kader was speechless, the shadow dragon Troy stood up and said lazily: "Little guy, the number of protected persons is not as easy to use as you think. Even if Bolton really becomes the protected person, he will also block him. You can’t do anything to him. Have you not experienced it yourself, aren’t the gods of pirates and the goddess of pain and torment all the best counterexamples?"

"Only one's own strength is truly powerful. The main body of the Demigod Alliance is a demigod, and the protected person is only incidental." The shadow dragon Troy told the truth, but it made the seven panelists very uncomfortable.

"Troy, what kind of nonsense are you talking about on this occasion? It affects the image of our Demigod Alliance too much. It's okay to talk about it in private. If it is spread out, how will those gods and god-level masters see us? You are only a demigod now, and a member of the demigod alliance. If the demigod alliance falls, it will not be good for you." The black dragon Wezel, who hasn't made a sound, suddenly uttered, just what you said...

The convict, Mernard and other judges couldn't help but get a black line, but they couldn't help being shocked in their hearts. Is the problem of the Demigod Alliance already so serious?

However, the thought of Bolton being captured directly alarmed the Goddess of the Sea, and even the God of Storm himself took the initiative to capture the God of Crystal and the Judge of Justice. The problem seemed to be really big, and the little guy on the opposite side was standing behind more than just the ocean. Goddess, as well as the goddess of the earth, the goddess of night, the goddess of elves, and the gods of beasts.

At this time, the convict’s gaze on Terrell, the Justice Judge, was a bit uncomfortable. The thorn bearer sneaked into the Elf Island and seemed to have alarmed the Elf Goddess. Although he did not personally intervene, he dispatched the fifth-order high priest, and according to himself According to intelligence, they seem to have arranged for a demigod who wants to capture the beast **** Nicole.

How hard are you guys?

The expression on Xiaoweier’s face was not very good. He raised his head and looked at the seven panellists and asked: “The Demigod Alliance is composed of many demigods. The demigod contract is sacred and inviolable. I want to ask. Will the demigods contracted by God be punished as they deserve?"

The seven commentators were silent for a moment. The contract was not strict but very clear, but it was not the case when it was implemented. More often, they just closed one eye.

Ville sighed deeply at this time and said: "This question is a little bit big, so let me ask about my own situation. The pirate **** sneak attacked me, and was captured and killed by my joint sister. The goddess of torture was about to act on me just before I left the road to the dragon, and before my strength was consolidated, I was captured alive. If I join the Demigod Alliance, will her crime be unacceptable? Will she be acquitted? I can't embarrass her anymore?"

The convict shook his head lightly and said: "The Demigod Alliance is just an alliance, and the restrictions on the demigods are not so strict. However, disputes between the demigods in the alliance can be mediated by the Alliance Council, and generally there will be no life or death. The battle, after all, every demigod is the precious wealth of the alliance."

"So in the dispute between the demigods of the Alliance and the demigods of the non-Alliance, will the Alliance intervene?" Ville asked another question.

The convict glanced at him and said: "If the demigod of the alliance we will stand for him. If the demigod of the alliance really deserves the sin, we even need to apologize. The alliance has always been just. Injustice is only the individual."

Little Will nodded slightly: "I am not a full member of the alliance. If I inform others through the seven-story holy tower, and immediately kill the goddess of pain and torture, will the conflict between us be resolved? I join the Demigod Alliance?"

The convict froze for a moment, and he was unable to speak for a long time, because he knew that as long as he spoke, the goddess of pain and torture would immediately lose his life, and this sin would be attributed to him.

"Is there no other choice?" The convict hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously: "There shouldn't be that much hatred between you, right?"

"Originally there was no, but later the hatred accumulates more and more. She will not die for a day, and the relatives and friends around me will not be safe, so she will die." Xiaowei shook his head slightly and said, "Originally, I just planned to get close. She will be released at a certain time, but at this time she may never see it."

Terrell the Justice Judge suddenly stood up: "As a nominee, I give up this nomination application!"

The surroundings were suddenly silent, and the corners of the convict’s mouth twitched slightly. It is not uncommon to give up the nomination after applying for the nomination review, but it is usually just before the review or after the statement that the nominator finds that the nominator is highly likely to fail. It is done to save face for the nominees.

But this is the first time that this kind of nominee has already arrived, and it can even be confirmed that it will be passed. This is the first time that the nominee suddenly has to give up.

"Trell, are you sure you want to give up this nomination application?" The convict's voice was slightly dangerous, and his aura slowly increased.

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