The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1204: End and invite

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Terrell’s sudden abandonment caused an uproar, especially after the convict’s repeated confirmation, everyone looked at the justice judge as if they were fools, and more of schadenfreude. You are playing tricks like this, and you are still being played. Nominator and seven councilors.

Terrell, you are good enough, you have a kind, we are waiting to see your tragic end in the future.

A melon-eating demi-god who had nothing to do with himself, raised his thumbs up to express his admiration for the justice judge.

"Trell, you have to know that if you give up this nomination application, you will lose this nomination qualification for a long time in the future, and the nominee Vera will not be nominated repeatedly for a period of time. Are you sure you want to give up? "The convict does not want this kind of oolong and scandal when he is the chief judge, so he is prepared to give the justice judge one last chance.

However, our justice judge has no other choice, or other choices are unacceptable to him.

Terrell saluted deeply, and said solemnly: "I apologize for making this application so hastily. Just as the Demigod Kader said, the Demigod Vale is very good and strong and has good conduct, but he It is indeed not a demigod who has officially retired from the battlefield of the abyss, and does not meet the basic requirements of joining the alliance. Before, I was blinded to see Taishan. I only noticed his excellence and strength, and ignored the most basic conditions. apology."

Kader demigod was unwilling at this time, and hurriedly stood up and said: "As long as you agree, I oppose it, and as long as you oppose it, I agree. Since you want to withdraw the nomination application, then I will withdraw the disapproval just now. Retort, and fully agree with Val demigod to join our big family."

"If there is no objection, can Val demigod be able to directly join the alliance?" Kadel's words made the justice judge very uncomfortable. This **** is pulling the ladder in the room, so that he can't get off the stage. The last excuses are somewhat inappropriate.

The convict took a deep look at Terrell, the Judge of Justice, and said meaningfully: "Terrell, the purpose of the Demigod Alliance is correct. All previous members are indeed the demigods who have retreated from the battlefield of the abyss, but this In fact, it is not a necessary condition expressly stipulated. The opponents of Val demigod have already given up. Are you still going to give up the nomination application now?"

The justice judge gritted his teeth and bowed his head in silence, but he did not even mean to withdraw the application.

At this time, Ville raised his hand and asked: "Well, let me ask, how long does it take to be nominated for a period of time in the future? I plan to formally establish a guardian island force in three months and make it public. If you can I will be very happy to include this power in the alliance."

The convict couldn’t help showing a wry smile, “My child, don’t be silly. The demigod’s time is very long. This period of time can be long or short. If it is long, it may be a hundred years. If it is short, it will take more than ten or twenty years. The situation may require you to walk around the battlefield of the abyss, regardless of whether you officially withdraw from the battlefield, this form cannot be avoided."

"After all, this is the only interface for the council to prevent you from joining this time." The convict uttered the word excuse very directly, but still couldn't let the Justice Judge Terrell let go.

"Then next time, if someone submits an application for me, can they tell me before I start and allow me to designate nominees? After all, more of this kind of thing will do a lot of damage to my reputation, and the prestige of the league is not Good thing." Little Ville shrugged and said, "I can't always behave outside the league because of such an accident, right?"

"Don't worry, for a long time in the future, Terrell Demigod will not have the right to nominate. This period of time refers to three or a hundred years." The convict directly added an accurate time to him and laughed. Hehe said to Ville: "As long as you walk a circle from the battlefield of the abyss before then, you have the qualifications to enter the alliance, and he will no longer be your hindrance."

Little Ville scratched his head and said: "I heard that Terrell demigod has good popularity and good behavior. There are also some friends in the league. Even if he can't use this little trick himself, he can use other friends to do it. To do, I don’t want to be a person who is abandoned one after another."

The convict was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head. "Child, the Alliance is a serious place. We will give certain punishments and warnings to Terrell's demigod's recklessness. If this happens the second time, we Allow you to have the privilege of appointing a nominee."

The implication is that you will not have such privileges next time.

Ville salutes the convict and other panelists, "I deeply regret not being able to join the Demigod League. At the same time, I also know that there are some special reasons for my demigod achievement, so I am lucky to have gone through the back door. Son. I will definitely go to the Abyssal Battlefield. When I return from the Abyssal Battlefield, I hope to become allies and friends with you."

The convict nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, it should be like this, boy, I am very optimistic about you, I am waiting for this day to come."

Little Ville swept his eyes and initiated an invitation to the demigods present: "I have returned from the road to the dragon, because I have cleared the ninth level of the road to the dragon, and I got a special reward, a big island with two thousand miles in the vertical and horizontal direction. There I will build my own force, called the Guardian Island. Three months later, the Guardian Island will be officially opened to the public, and a large-scale ceremony will be held. I sincerely invite you seniors to participate."

"The guardian island is a peaceful island in the name of guardianship. All peace-loving people are welcome on the island. There will be many temples. There will be more than ten demigods sitting on the island, among which Hamlin, the **** of food The demigod has also decided to move the gastronomic capital to the guardian island. The city of gourmet food on the guardian island has been completed and can be put into use."

"Guardian Island welcomes all peace-loving demigods, and build their own cities or residences according to the way of the demigods who join the guardian island. Among them, the city of art built at the request of the music goddess will have the music goddess temple and The faint academy exists, and welcomes the demigods of the art range such as the **** of fine arts, sculpture, dance, architecture, gardening, etc., here will provide you with a better artistic atmosphere and environment, and hobbies Scholar of art."

Little Ville blinked playfully and said: "Now joining will give away land and build housing facilities for free. If you go late, there will be no good places."

Many demi-god powerhouses can't help but laugh, just want to win over them, these demi-god powerhouses?

Wealth, land, houses and buildings have never been missing from the demigod. What they lack is the direction and motivation to move forward.

It would be a good thing if you can get a residence and palace for nothing, but from the point of view of the need to move to the gourmet capital of Hamlin, the price to be paid for good treatment will definitely not be small, after all, people guard the island only half of the time. There are more than ten strong gods, but there is no shortage of one or two of them.

However, the names of the gods of fine arts, sculptures, dancing, architecture, and gardening mentioned by Ville just now are a little bit tempting. After all, there are examples of Baihuayin. This city of art may be promising. .

The weakest demigod nominated by Ville is also the mid-level demigod. They also have their own foundations. It is basically impossible to completely abandon their own foundations or merge into the guardian island.

The inability to fully join or merge does not mean that they cannot cooperate. Most of the demigods are not indifferent, and some demigods are quite emotional. They intend to take this opportunity to join in the fun and take a look at this so-called guardian island. What kind of place is the bottom.

This is related to the way to get along with them in the future.

Demigods kept saying that they would participate, and Ville also asked Shadow Dragon Troy to write down the personnel and send the invitation later. The convict and other judges expressed their congratulations. They only said that they would consider participating, and it was not clear whether it was shirk or shirk. Really busy.

However, they were still saving face, waited for Little Will to wander around before announcing the end and withdrawing from the Dream Temple.

Inside the six-ring construction wizard tower, Ville suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Lilith, Viya, and Julian in front of him, with a bright smile on his face: "It's time to deal with it, Terrell voluntarily gave up. The nomination application has bought me more than ten or twenty years."

"I’m afraid it’s not necessarily. I understand the intelligence of Terrell, the Judge of Justice. He is not a person who likes to play such small tricks. The one behind him should not be simple, but this is just the beginning, or A try." Lilith was a little worried.

Little Weier smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, we have someone behind us. Moreover, we have not been fighting for nothing in the past two years. We have almost prepared everything for us. We are only waiting for the last step. We guard the island's Tachishima Ceremony. If the colored eggs are not so powerful, they are not beautiful."

"In this world, we have no real enemies. Our enemies should be **** demons. They should be in the abyss!"

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