The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1213: Internal Meeting of the Harem in Vail

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The Guardian Island Crystal Palace is not a palace located in the core area, but a space-like semi-artifact created by Little Will. It took more than a year and almost all the magic crystals he had in the seventh level of the Dragon Path Putting it into it, it even consumed most of the fragmented heart of the earth in the ninth level, and this was a completed space-like semi-artifact.

Not to mention the defensive power of this semi-sacred weapon is super powerful, there is another feature, that is the connection with the snowwood world, its last resort is to escape into the snowwood world, and those who do not leave a mark on Ville will be turned away. In addition, this is the back hand that Ville left behind in the guardian island.

So who has the brand?

Ville’s mother Mojiesi, father Florett, grandmother Elena, grandpa Rhein Starshan, Lilith’s father Wright, mother Connie, and aunt Jasmine Paladin. The remaining members are Ville’s harem. Up.

Half-elf Leya, Kitty Nicole, Foodie Dragon Yami, Lady of the Dark Night, Construct Queen Julian, Thunder Naga Alesia, Senior Sister Lena, there are only these at present, and the others have not yet received his trust. Even these people have not received complete trust and can freely enter and exit the world of Snowwood, but can escape into the world of Snowwood through the Crystal Palace in a critical moment.

It's just that the Crystal Palace will be closed at that time, and they don't know where they are.

You mean Xiao Wei Ya and Guai Li Luo?

Both of them are authorized persons in the world of Snowwood. Naturally, they can go in and out at will, and there are almost no places they cannot go. The degree of freedom is quite high. They are both demigods and relatively safer, and want to take them down. It's not simple, but Li Luo is just a beginner demigod.

Ville was sent to form her own team. Three days ago, the Wizarding Alliance had already sent a letter for the approval of the Battlefield of the Abyss. As demigods, Ville and Lilith could bring their own team, but This team has strict requirements, at least one thing is clear, **** demon blood owners cannot join.

The battlefield of the abyss is dangerous. Although it is accompanied by opportunities, Ville, a newcomer, cannot guarantee the safety of others. Therefore, there are very few people invited this time, so I can only walk around to see if there is something suitable. Candidate, if not, he would rather go single-handedly with Lilith on an absolute elite route.

In the Crystal Palace, three demigods, Lilith, Weiya, and Luo, are sitting together. Opposite them are the half-elf Leya, the kitten Nicole, the food-eater Yami, the blood lady of the night, the makeup queen Julian, and the Thunder Naga. Alesia and Sister Lena are seven saint-level masters.

"This time going to the Abyssal Battlefield is dangerous and opportunity coexisting. I will go together with Weier and Xiao Luo. They have the power to organize a backup team, but the minimum strength requirement for this backup team is Tier 3. Of course, this is not a requirement of the Wizarding League. It's our own request. Even the backup team cannot guarantee absolute safety in the Abyss Battlefield." Lilith glanced away.

"You have the seeds of Vail in your body, and you should be able to feel the prototype space of Vail's kingdom of God. That is our final retreat. It's not that we don't want to tell you, but you are too weak to bear the secret. Me and Xiao Weiya , Xiao Luo teamed up to open up a space of a hundred li in God's country, carefully avoiding the intersection with the main world, and now granting you permission to enter and exit." Lilith said solemnly: "I only have one request, it is not a last resort. , Don’t just try to enter."

"This small space is still part of the kingdom of God, but it has been specially treated, and there are several layers of protection between it and the kingdom of God. If it is a powerful god-level master, it is possible to break these barriers and invade the real kingdom of God. At that time, Wil is very likely to be overwhelmed."

These last four words were quite deterrent, and several Tier 3 beauties were all startled, and they immediately promised that if they encountered such a situation, they would rather die than expose this secret.

"I and Xiao Luo have determined that we will go to the Abyss Battlefield, and the seven-story tower authority on our body will be transferred out." Lilith looked around for a week, and directly clicked on Léa: "You are the favored one of the fairy goddess, take over Xiao Luoyuan There is no problem with some of the holy towers. During the time we are away, you are sitting on the Elf Island and are responsible for the transfer of materials from various places to the Elf Island."

"The Sacred Pagoda of Dawn in my hand, Yami, your attributes are the closest to me, are you willing to believe in the Goddess of Dawn?" Lilith asked tentatively. After the events of that night, the silver dragon in Yamei's body The bloodline was completely awakened, accompanied by the black dragon bloodline, and reached a relatively stable and balanced state.

"Well, I actually want to go to the battlefield of the abyss." Yamei raised her hand to speak, expressing that she also wanted to go to the battlefield of the abyss.

"Hehe" Lilith smiled slightly: "I don't recommend you to do this until the third-order Consummation. You still have enough time to grow and you can wait for the second wave of opportunities."

"Well, the dragon faith is very free, and the Lord Dragon God doesn’t need our faith very much. It’s okay to believe in the goddess of dawn. He is still pretty and looks very pleasing to the eye." Yami’s words made Lilith and the others. Black line, did you choose the gods in this way?

"Well, if I can, I would also like to go to the battlefield of the abyss, my strength should be enough." Mrs. Night stretched and said: "Although I was impulsive that night, but after thinking about it, I always felt it was difficult. It’s a pity to inherit the blood of the blood god, it’s a pity that it was wasted, so..."

"So I am going to refine the seed in my body, and not let it become a separate individual, I will become a part of the kingdom of God. By the way, I will also go to the abyss battlefield and break through the demigod first. Then I have reached the third level. Consummation, there is no way to advance in strength." Mrs. Night is a veteran blood clan, and is an acquired world blood clan that has been purified by the goddess of the night, plus the blood of the blood god, she is no longer a **** creature.

"You have to think about it. After refining this seed, you will never be able to separate from him?" Lilith didn't look angry at all. The good thing between Little Ville and them was still caused by her, but later. There are two choices, one is to choose to bred the seeds, and they will have some benefits as a mother, the blood will be purified, and the strength will be slightly improved.

After all, what they get is only the seed, and they need to pay their own strength to nurture and cultivate it. This seed really belongs to the existence that is closely related to the world of Xiaoweier and Snowwood. After they bred the seed, they still have a lot of freedom.

Freely choose whether to integrate into the world of snowwood.

Another option is to refine the seeds and integrate the seeds into oneself. This choice is to integrate oneself into the world of long as the strength does not exceed the limits of Littleville and the world of Snowwood, you will be subject to Snowwood. In the world, the amount of freedom will be restricted.

Even if Ville and Lilith didn't have this thought, this was an indisputable fact.

Mrs. Night chose to integrate the seeds into herself, but it greatly improved her own strength, or potential. This choice cannot be said wrong, but compared to Liya, it has less fetters and more desire for strength.

Half-elf Léa wants to breed the future Elf King, she will never consider other options.

The food-eater Yami is a little hesitant, but just like the makeup queen Julian, Thunder Naga Alesia, and Sister Lena, she is not strong enough, and it will not be possible to advance to the demigod for a long time in the future, so there is no better one. select.

Only the little cat Nicole is the most entangled. Her strength has reached the peak of Tier 3. Although she is not perfect enough, she can achieve it as long as she refines this seed. Then she can continue to follow Ville and Lilith to fight in the south and fight in the abyss battlefield. .

But as a little cat who has received traditional education, she is very caring about the offspring of her beloved, so she is a little hesitant.

It's just that sometimes, hesitate and you will lose. You rarely have the best of both worlds. Well, although it is rare but not without, as long as you are strong enough and have enough means, it is like Lilith.

Although I did not directly conceive the seeds, I put the seeds into the holy dragon eggs, and directly gave birth to a child with the blood of myself and Xiao Wei. Not to mention that this child has both the blood of himself and Xiao Wei, not to mention the seeds brought by the seeds. All kinds of benefits, without taking up your time and body.

Lilith can go to the abyss battlefield without burden, and even has a little helper, even if the holy dragon is just born, there are some miracles.

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