The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1214: Follow the choice, all by intuition

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Little Ville turned around. There were many people willing to follow him to the battlefield of the abyss, but there were not many people who really had the ability to reassure him. Noby Corleone, Wall Dicas, Susan and Vivian got it. These places.

Why are there four second-orders?

Are they better than the third-tier strong in self-protection ability?

This is of course not. It’s just that every person of different level who joins the abyss battlefield has to undertake different tasks. Each Tier 4 demigod can have two Tier 3 followers and four Tier 2 quotas. If Tier 1 is not a special talent Will not be included.

Lilith and Guai Liluo didn't have any rebuttals to Ville's choice, but Ville lacked confidence in his choice.

One by one Destiny Dzi Beads has been integrated into the world of Snowwood, and Ville’s astrology has been greatly improved. In addition to astrology, his intuition and inspiration have also been greatly improved. This time he chooses manpower, and he is more than analyzing pros and cons Strength, but relying on your own intuition to make choices.

This kind of absurd thing really happened to Ville, and he explained it to Lilith and Guai Li Luo in the same way. Regarding this explanation, Guai Li Luo just nodded, and Lilith looked suspiciously. Hold him.

"Susan and Vivienne are our disciples. We arrange their training alone. It is normal to bring them around. As for the Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall..." Lilith was a little speechless, this Is there anything special about two people?

If you have to say something special, the Knights of the Temple of Wall are indeed special. His bloodline and mutation magic are special circumstances, but what about City Lord Corleone? This sky knight, second-order boxer, to be honest, Lilith really didn't see any difference in him.

In response to Lilith’s inquiry, Ville shrugged and said: "Lilith, I really can’t answer this question because I can’t see it myself. I just told me instinctively that it’s not wrong to choose him. Susan and Vivian were to train them, and Knight Wall was chosen because of his mutation magic. Choosing City Lord Corleone felt a little unacceptable."

"Hey hey hey, don't overdo it, we are still standing here, I am also the lord of a city anyway, please give some face to me." Not far away lazily leaning on the couch drinking a little wine. Nobby Corleone has a black line.

It is true that it was indeed me who offered to enter the battlefield of the abyss. It was also you who could choose to agree to join me. Is it really good to belittle me now for nothing?

Speaking of the battlefield, I have an advantage over you. After all, we were also a great knight who had been on the orc battlefield for more than ten years.

Compared to Ville and Lilith, Nobby Corleone is more practical. The experience of the two armies is definitely not comparable to the two of them, although the so-called two armies combined are not as powerful as their one hand.

"The intuition of a demigod is rarely wrong. Mainly, if you don't feel the panic, the problem is not big. In other words, should Susan and Vivienne's meditation ideas be promoted?" Lilith took the initiative to ask this question, and Ville naturally did not Rejected, Susan's meditation idea is okay, but Vivian's meditation idea needs them to work together.

You said Susan's meditation thoughts?

Haha, Xiao Weier, who has God-level Flame Meditation ideas on hand, can create a Holy-level Meditation Idea that reaches the third level with a small cut and simplify, and it is also in the same line as the god-level Flame Meditation idea in his hands. , Susan will upgrade to this god-level meditation idea in the future, naturally.

Regarding the departure of Ville and Lilith, whether it is Mojiesi, Florett, the wizard of Star Mountain, Elena, and even Xiao Weiya, they are all used to it. Over the years, they have almost gathered together less and more, although emotional They haven't become shallow at all, but they have been used to disappearing for a period of time from time to time.

Ville and Lilith went to the battlefield of the abyss with great fanfare. It was not as influential as the sneaking to the road to the dragon. In other words, although the influence has grown, the waves brought about are very small.

The elven aristocrats on the elven island have completely lost the idea of ​​competing with Ville and Lilith. Even if Ville, Lilith, and Guai Lilu left together with the three people who had previously pressed them on their heads, they did not deal with the sunlight in the slightest. Careful thinking of the place.

Others have left watchdogs. Only the watchdogs are stronger than them. That is a demigod-level monster. Except for the temple sacrifice, no one in the entire Elf Island can do anything about it.

Moreover, the current Elf Island Sunshine Lands has dropped significantly in strength and influence with the departure of the demigod Vale, the goddess Viya, the demigod Lilith, the demigod Guililuo, the holy wizard of Mojiesi, the paladin of Jasmine, and the paladin of Wright , But as long as they are still the lord in name, no one dares to do anything, not to mention the fact that the Saint Sorcerer of Léa is still there, and with the support of the Star Elves and Moon Elves, their influence is still very strong.

The problem with the Elf Island does not exist. There will be no problem with the half-dragon leader Yami, the shadow dragon Shaun, and the ice and snow shadow dragon Rose, not to mention the silver dragon Linda, the white dragon Dariel, Aquaman Dragon Landis is still there.

You say lava fire dragon? It is an elementary demigod fire dragon evolved from Yalong, and can only act as an underground guard dog of the refuge island, and it has no influence at all.

The influence of Little Ville on the orc side has not been too big, but this time because of the increased influence of the Discovery Alliance of Gods, Nicole’s available resources have not decreased, but increased. As long as she stays on the guardian island, it will be There will be no problems.

On the contrary, it’s on the side of the Sea Clan. Alesia, the new Sacred Pagoda controller, is very busy. The most important thing is that she has no experience and needs help from other people everywhere. However, as she settled in the Sea Goddess Temple, a group of Sea Clan gathered around. Demigod, security is not a big problem, and it might be better to be busy sometimes.

Julian's power in the construction of the Wizard Tower is even greater. For this reason, Ville specifically applied to the Wizard League for a female demi-god wizard to protect her personally. They still gave a little bit of face.

There is no need to worry about the safety of the guard island. The black dragon Wezel has decided to settle here and no longer run around. His strength has reached Tier 5, and it is impossible for a rapid improvement in a short period of time. A place is needed to stabilize and settle. Own strength.

The Guardian Island, the Gods Exploration Alliance, is the best choice. There are many demigods experimenting with their own ways. Under analogy, maybe that can bring him a different insight.

The president of the Mercenary Association, Malfa, a high-ranking demigod, also values ​​the safety of the guardian island. He is one of the three five-star qualified alliance members, but it has not been made public. In private, it was Quiet Mimi who started the commission. The plan of becoming a **** of soldiers is carried out step by step in accordance with Ville's plan, and always keeps in touch with the guardian island, and often attends meetings and discussions of those demigods.

In order to express his magnanimity, President Malfa deliberately leaked a part of the news to other members as a sign of his active participation in the event. At the same time, he strengthened cooperation with other demigod members and promised to use the resources and channels of the Mercenary Association to help. They do publicity.

Well, of course it cannot be free.

It can be said that the Gods Exploration Alliance is thriving. On the contrary, the Demigod Alliance is a bit bleak. The seven councillors did not see the celebration of Xiaowei due to face, and they missed their first chance to join the meeting. The next time they have to wait. Ten years later They did not have the right to settle on the guardian island, nor did they apply for the treatment of the territorial test field, but it did not hinder their desire to participate, and even obtained the equality of the gods through their personal relationships. Table, made an analysis based on my own situation.

The result is naturally mixed. The person who interrupted the sin found that he was also a five-star demigod, and he immediately thumped his chest and felt very regretful. If he had left the house and ran around to guard the island, he might have been on the road to becoming a god.

Now I can only wait ten years later, and I will have to wait in line after ten years. After all, there are five-star members in the first batch of people, and the second batch of applicants for myself must be late.

If some of them become gods within ten years, the convict will definitely regret it even more.

It is necessary to know that although Baihua Yin became a **** within ten years, it was the result of the full participation and full promotion of Val demigod and Lilith demigod. Hamlin was able to become a **** from Val demigod who made a plan for him to become a god. It took twenty-five-six years before and after, this is the premise that they have provided a large number of believers.

This kind of coincidence is really something that can be met but not sought, so the convict maintains a wait-and-see attitude for the emergence of new gods within the ten years of becoming a **** exploration alliance.

The guardian island is relatively closed, but for these demigods, especially the relatively positive demigods, it is not difficult to come over, but many internal meetings and exchanges sometimes do not allow them to participate.

Little Ville was ready to go to the battlefield of the abyss, and did not leave too much worries.

You mean the justice of justice?

Most of the demigods in the Demigod Alliance have sharpened their heads and are preparing to become a member of the Gods Exploration Alliance. They are worried that they have not voted for a name. If the justice judge dares to act rashly, a group of demigods will definitely jump out and wait to catch him.

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