The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1215: It's cheap, there really isn't a good product

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"My name is Tamick, Tier 5 Light Knight, your guide, welcome to the battlefield of the abyss." Wearing a white half-length armor, carrying a five-foot red long sword, and a three-foot short bow hanging from his waist. The long beard hangs down to his chest, and a hideous scar on his face hangs diagonally from under his left eye to the corner of his mouth.

The original image of a tough guy was ruined by a pair of red pants and a pair of torn straw sandals to destroy the perfect upper body image, especially when he was afraid of this palm-sized flaming red fox, which made his image even more weird.

"Although it is said, there is still a little distance from the abyss battlefield here. It is necessary to go through the necessary procedures to enter the abyss battlefield." Tamick scratched his head and said: "The old man took a lot of effort to help. I won this task, and for this reason, I was a bit stiff with his old opponent. Although my guide may not be competent, I still need to work hard."

What is the concept of the fifth-order light knight?

There are definitely not many god-level masters in this world, and it is true that Weier and Lilith have a lot of face for being able to use fifth-order masters as guides.

"It's an honor for us and you, but can this thing really take so many people away?" Subei pointed to the flying battleship behind Tamick, which is only a five-foot-long ultra-small flying battleship, and there are still special ones. The kind of customized version of personal style.

The little fox on Tamick’s shoulder called out and bit Tamick’s ear. Tamick quickly calmed down and saved his ears. Then he continued to introduce: "This is my contract. Familiar, holy beast flying above the nine heavens, Winsti, the wizard of the wind."

There was a look of surprise on Little Ville’s face. The Eye of Appraisal was instinctively activated, but Tamick casually threw a piece of clothing over his head, “As a demi-god powerhouse for the first time to enter the abyss battlefield is rewarded, this bright robe I gave it to you in advance."

Little Ville is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very clever. The Eye of Appraisal is not unique to him. There are not many apostles of the wisdom gods, but it is definitely not a hesitation. There are three of them, with Tamek’s. It is impossible to have strength without contacting them, and it can even be said...

"Don't think about it, I am not your so-called companions. Although they are really powerful and most of them are active in the battlefield of the abyss, I really don't seem to be taken by the people behind you." Tamick's face was unhappy. Zhi Lu snorted and said, "Who made me not a genius when I was young."

Ville couldn't help but smile, the **** of wisdom did not choose the apostle by himself, but freely played by the apostle. He was selected by Professor Wezel, and Lilith helped to get the place from Troy. Blame Li Luo, Xiao Weiya is all related to herself, and according to her own intelligence, the apostles have only one criterion for choosing a target: genius.

Professor Wetzel has been a genius since he was a child, an absolute genius among half-dragons. Although Troy is sleepy, he is an out-and-out shadow dragon genius. Not to mention the high priest, the fifth-order high priest who has become an independent god. There is no one who has achieved four stars in general, even if they have already given up their unique talents when they were young.

Just like the original Little Weier, he wandered through the jungle of the advanced enemy with the strength of not entering the stage, and finally rushed out all the way.

"It looks like you have a lot of complaints against my companions." Ville smiled slightly, but did not insist on spying on Winsti, the Wind Elf, but began to contact the Fire Elemental Elf quietly in his heart. This has become the size of a palm. The little fellow of Firebird sent a piece of inherited memory over.

The evolution of elemental elves is divided into multiple stages. The first phase of elemental elves has no form but an ignorant consciousness, silently absorbing the derived wisdom of flames, and has no active action ability; the second phase of elemental elves is what Little Ville encountered Elemental elves, possess some instincts and action abilities, can find their own body and choose their own evolutionary path.

The elemental elves in the third stage are the current fire elemental elves and the wind elves Winsti of Tamic. They have condensed semi-entities with a certain symbolic meaning. The appearance does not seem to be much different from ordinary animals or monsters. In fact, The above is still just elemental.

The strength of the elemental elves in the third stage is in the fourth and fifth levels. The biggest feature is that their wisdom has been improved a lot, and the abilities they possess have become very powerful, not only supporting abilities, but also no longer lacking independent combat capabilities.

The elemental spirit in the fourth stage can be called the elemental lord. Its strength is in the sixth and seventh ranks, and its strength is even higher. As for the ability, Little Will is not known, because the strength of the fire elemental spirit is insufficient, its part The memory is not fully opened.

Tamick curled his lips and said: "Geniuses always have some arrogance and quirks. Isn't it common sense to be difficult to match? It shouldn't be difficult to understand if we are ordinary people?"

"Haha" Little Weier's mouth twitched twice, "Ordinary people of five levels? My companion may be a little arrogant, but he is not a fool. The strong need respect."

"But from the time we met until now, I have only seen you contradict me everywhere. There is no such thing as respect at all." Tamick really enjoys this way of getting along with Ville, naturally not artificial, there is a kind of weirdness of an old friend. It feels like it's just the first time we meet.

"Kaz~" The door of the Flying Battleship opened, and Tamick made a request, but he walked in first.

The appearance of this small flying battleship is unremarkable, but although the sparrow is small and complete, the space inside is really not small, and the various facilities are complete, and even a little bit gorgeous, at least more gorgeous and advanced than the little Ville's flying battleship.

However, it should be common sense that the driver of Tier 5 is superior to that of Tier 4, right?

"We will be comrades-in-arms in the future. As long as we are not rude, it will be fine, and it will not take long for our level to be level. There is no need to engage in so many false polite tricks." Little Weir's words were exchanged for Tamic's big one. Thumb is very optimistic about his confidence.

"It's in this state!" Tamick grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth: "Only by holding this belief can you not be easily hit. The battlefield of the abyss is a hunting ground for the strong, no How about a little confidence. You brother, I Tamick recognizes it!"

"Welcome to my driver's seat, Flying Fox." Tamick's flying warship is a combat type, which uses a space expansion technique. The 272 is not the usual three to five times expansion, but twenty times expansion. There is actually a small warship spirit inside, a dozen auxiliary steel puppets.

A crisp and melodious voice sounded: "Welcome to the Flying Fox, Bieber, the steward of the battleship. Do you have any needs? You need to eat and raise your left hand, and you need to rest and raise your right hand. If you want to fight, please be on all fours. If you need the bathroom urgently, please turn around and leave."

Little Ville and Lilith looked at each other. The steward spirit of this flying battleship is really not ordinary with personality.

"Not a real spirit." Tamick shrugged and said, "A demigod-level genius constructed as a joke of a wizard. I bought it because it was cheap. Except for occasional inconvenience, it's still relatively easy to use. Yes. Bieber, prepare the dinner party, and be richer."

"The owner whose IQ is not online and whose brain is severely deficient in nutrition, it is still morning. Are you sure you want me to prepare a dinner for you? As the key to due diligence, I will try to extend the preparation experiment to the evening as much as possible. Or, the stingy owner is actually I didn't intend to entertain a few guests, just on the surface it was polite? After all, the whole trip took less than a day."

Listening to this counterfeit housekeeper spirit, Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled. Suddenly they felt that their elves and research spirits were good, and they seemed to have very good personalities.

Then there is a kind of enlightenment, cheap, and there is no good product.

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