The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1216: The cruelty of the abyss battlefield

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The flying speed of the Flying Fox surpassed Ville’s imagination, and the speed was comparable to the flight of a demigod, and the defensive power of this flying warship should not be underestimated. The magic weapon equipped on it also shocked Ville. .

Do you want to understand the demigod-level magic cannon?

Originally, Ville was very confident about the goblin civilization and magical device in his hands, but after visiting the Flying Fox, Subei almost closed itself. Compared with the real high-end products, the Six Rings under his own support The construction of the wizard tower is really not enough, it can only occupy the low-end market.

In fact, Ville is a little bit arrogant. He has obtained more than one goblin civilization, whether it is the underground ruins of the gods continent, the dark goblin biotechnology of the seven-story holy tower, the dark goblin technology in the dream island, and the most important of the most important dragons. The goblin civilization in the space of the seventh level of the road, these things have good shining points, put together, it makes the 6th ring construction wizard tower rise at a high speed, and the technical reserve even exceeds the fifth ring, and even some 4th ring wizard towers. .

It’s just that Tamick’s flying battleship is not a mass-produced assembly line product, but a treasure hand-built by a demi-god strong, and there is more than one demi-god strong who participated in the construction. Such a treasure is not something ordinary people can buy. Only a Tier 5 powerhouse like him consumes a lot of meritorious service in exchange for it.

On the flying battleship, Tamick's orders were well executed. His lip-synch did not affect Bieber's work, but after habitually beating him, the banquet was quickly prepared.

Facing the fifth-order powerhouse, Weier and Lilith were very open. It was strange that Liluo ignored the others. Mrs. Night maintained her elegance as always, but she was somewhat uncomfortable. She believed in the goddess of the night. The blood clan, facing a Tier 5 light knight, there is still some pressure more or less.

As for the Knights of the Temple of Wall and the Lord of Corleone, they avoided the circle of these god-level masters and demi-god masters, and took the initiative to shrink in a corner to entertain themselves. Anyway, there is a lot of food on the flying battleship. Butler Bieber treats the guests. Still very polite.

As Ville and Lilith's disciples, Susan and Vivienne were not so lucky. They could only accompany Ville and Lilith, shivering in the face of the four big brothers but couldn't avoid them.

However, as a reward for the torment, Tamick Bright Knight gave them a bright blessing and adjusted their bodies. The conditioning effects of Tier 5 masters, especially Tier 5 Light attribute masters, are definitely not something ordinary people can enjoy. , It didn't feel so uncomfortable to make the two little beauties feel happy.

"The abyssal battlefield covers a wide area, and there are many entrances that can enter the abyssal battlefield, but people of different levels are treated differently when entering the abyssal battlefield for the first time, and your special team, because the three demigods are strong With the existence of the warrior, the treatment will naturally be better.” Tamick Bright Knight said lazily: “After all, you need to go through the abyss battlefield to break through the demigods now, and you...”

Ville shrugged and said, "This may be the so-called racial privilege. Lilith and I have a slightly special blood."

Tamick squinted at them and nodded and said, "It's really special, Druid, the dragon, I didn't expect to see it for the second time."

"Hey, Tamyk Knight has seen other dragon druids before?" Ville couldn't help but be very curious, knowing that the dragon spirit family has been fighting for the dragon druids for so many years, and it is also the laughingstock of the entire Wizard Islands. No hesitate, for what, isn't it the dragon druid?

But at the beginning, everyone thought that the dragon druid was just an idea, and never thought that there was already a dragon druid before.

Tamick looked at the scenery outside. The flying warship flying at high speed was lifted up to the sky for nine days. There was no human figure around, and there was a blue sky below. This is a beautiful world. "The dragon druid is not our side. Yes, it came from **** and was eventually beheaded by a strong elf clan, and that strong elf clan failed to survive the battlefield."

"At that time, we were all just half-god powerhouses. The fighting power of the dragon druids was even higher than that of the dragons of the same level." Tamick's words made Vail and Lilith feel a momentary trance. .

how can that be? !

Tamick took a deep look at Ville and Lilith, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "Does it feel incredible?"

"There are many incredible things on the battlefield of the abyss. There are not only opportunities, but also dangers that ordinary people can't imagine. Five demigods joined forces to explore a demon space with only a high degree of danger. The result was three deaths and two injuries. You can imagine Come out?" Tamick's words shocked Vail and Lilith, and Susan and Vivienne trembled, and the Knights of Wall and City Lord Corleone, who had been watching them not far away, also put down their wine glasses.

They are very strange to the abyss battlefield, but as the front line guarding the world, it is definitely not easy. They went to the abyss battlefield this time with an attitude of nine deaths.

The Knights of the Temple of Wall and City Lord Corleone were originally not qualified or allowed to go to the Abyss Battlefield. Their strengths are too low and it is impossible to apply to enter the Abyss Battlefield independently. Their identity and background are in the Continent of the Gods, and that place is strictly controlled. The last safe place to be protected will not organize a large army to support the battlefield of the abyss until the moment of life and death.

Unless the two of them leave the continent of the gods and join the large and medium-sized strength of the Wizard Islands, relying on him can it be possible to enter here, just like this time, relying on the relationship of Xiao Wei, as a follower to enter the abyss battlefield.

The opportunity to enter the battlefield of the abyss is hard-won, and they will never give up, but as good men with a family and a mouth, they definitely don't want to be sent back as heroes and martyrs in a small box.

Therefore, it is very necessary to listen carefully to the experience and lessons of the predecessors.

"The abyssal battlefield is a battlefield. Everything can happen on the battlefield. The so-called level equality, the so-called rules, everything is for the service of war, which can be used as a reference, but if you really fully detail those things, then the consequences will be Very serious." Tamick began to explain some basic common sense in the battlefield of the abyss.

"Abyss battlefield, in fact, can also be called a space battlefield. It is a unique battlefield composed of spatial communities. There are countless different spaces of different levels and types, large and small. They are as bright and moving as stars, but these beautiful stars are deadly. It’s not uncommon for someone to suddenly jump out of a powerful existence that no one can fight against, even if it’s just the lowest danger in a different space."

"This is not a game, nor is it the so-called play tricks between the human race and the orcs in the Continent of the Gods. It is a real battle of life and death, a real battle of civilizations, and a battle of enemies." Towers Mick’s eyes fell on Xiaoweier’s face like electricity, and he said word by word: “This is not the kind of controllable alien space like the road to the dragon, and there is no dragon god’s shelter to enter and leave freely. Everything here is fighting the enemy. You need to fight for it yourself."

"Select a different space, conduct an initial trial evaluation against the barrier of the different space, break through the barrier of the different space, release the scouts to obtain intelligence, collect the intelligence and make a final rating of the different space, and then develop a different space strategy Different space missions, organize raiders, imprison different spaces, send out destructive devices to break the barriers of different spaces and release vanguards, vanguards build bases abroad, build teleportation wizard towers to meet the real main force, and then there is a life and death battle between the two sides Until one party surrenders or completely perishes!"

"This is the mainstream battle process in the Abyss Battlefield, and it is also the most regular and common combat task."

"Bound-breaking equipment consumes a lot, and the strength of the vanguards invested in the early stage cannot be too strong. In a different space strategy, the vanguard has the highest rate of damage, followed by the scouts. These two are the most dangerous. The vanguard is all. The number of annihilations accounted for 30%."

"The scouts are often not in one wave, but three or five times, or even ten or twenty times. It is possible to bring back the information from the different space relatively accurately. The scouts are often disabled, but only 20% of the real deaths. If you want to be a qualified scout, life-saving ability is the first element, and intelligence reconnaissance can only be ranked second. After all, sending a scout to sneak into a different space is not small, even if we have the support of the whole world. It can't be too wasteful."

"There is one more thing that requires special attention. There are **** demons in the different space, as well as people in our world. No matter who is in charge of the different space, we should not take it lightly. Don't think that the master of the different space is the fallen person of our world, the original abyss battlefield. All the comrades-in-arms will do well, and they may strike us a fatal blow at any time!"

"This is human nature!"

"On the battlefield of the abyss, you must trust your companions, because there are many dangers and dangers here."

"On the battlefield of the abyss, you can't trust your companions wholeheartedly. The opportunities here can turn your brothers against each other and your relatives can kill each other."

"This is the battlefield of the abyss, the cruel battlefield of the abyss!"

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