The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1220: Sanctuary of Light

This is an unpleasant journey. Ville has experienced space teleportation more than once, and even teleportation in different spaces has experienced many times, but the teleportation to the abyss battlefield took a full quarter of an hour. This is something that Ville had never thought of before. Yes, and the transmission is still carried out under the auspices of a fifth-tier master, what if it is self-transmitted back?

There is a high probability that the time will double. Little Will will not be presumptuous. Although his demigod domain is not comparable to the fifth-order domain of Tamic, he has already begun to integrate some attributes, plus the little Wei blessed by the Snowwood World. He didn't think he couldn't bear even this degree of spatial transmission, even if he passed through the light realm, he could clearly feel the pressure from the void.

The law of space is also a part of the law of the world. Through this transmission, Ville’s understanding of space has been improved a little. The vortex-like passage is surrounded by endless darkness, and the colorful passage contains powerful power that can break through the limitations of space. , The front suddenly lit up: the destination has arrived.

"Welcome to the Abyssal Guardian City, I am the head of Guangming Sanctuary, Tomasina." There was a bright light ahead, and as a soft voice sounded, a warm force came, and all the discomfort on the body disappeared without a trace. .

"Oh, I'm back, Xina, don't call me about this kind of transportation in the future, Patricia's big beauty is more suitable." Tamick greeted casually, with a natural look, and then He waved his hands to Xiaoweier and the others and said: "I'm a big boss. It's okay to find me for fighting or something. The others can find them. I'll go back first. When I have time, please feel free to come to the Paladin Hall to play. "

   Tamick didn't wait for Will and Lilith to react, the whole person disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he didn't even feel a trace of spatial fluctuations.

   Xiaoweier, Lily Ribbon, Wei Liluo and the others saluted the tall beauty in white mage robes and a weird crown in front of him, um, the junior salute.

Only then did they have time and energy to pay attention to the surrounding environment. This is a teleportation hall, a huge teleportation hall suspended in mid-air, but this hall is semi-open, and the blue sky can be clearly seen from the top of the head. Complex formation patterns are engraved on the ground, surrounded by cyan walls, and there is a portal three to five hundred meters away.

Tommasina led them out of the teleportation hall slowly. The huge portal was an invisible barrier, and wisps of light swept across them. Outside the gate was a circle of flat bluestone ground, three teleportation arrays shining with faint light. It keeps running.

Only when you walk out of the teleportation hall can you see the outside scenery, and to the shock of Ville, Lilith and others, this teleportation hall is indeed suspended, but it is not the earth below it, but another suspended city. A huge suspended island with a diameter of more than a hundred miles.

Below is a huge city. Buildings in the city rise from the ground. In the center of the city, there is a mountain of hundreds of meters. Each of the three hills on the mountain has a huge palace. The sky is dotted with suspended buildings, as if Hooked by an invisible chain and unable to move freely.

This huge suspended island is shrouded in a huge protective cover, which protects the entire suspended island. They don’t know what the situation is on the ground, but from time to time in the sky there are flying cars and giant flying monsters. Tweeted and flew by.

Xiaowei looked far and found that there was a void below the floating island. There was no such thing as the earth and ocean at all. Some were just voids. There seemed to be three or five similar floating islands far away, but the distance was too far. Far from being real.

"Welcome to the Sanctuary of Light, this will be your home for some time in the future." Tomasina smiled and looked at the shocked people, and led them to the bottom, on the square in front of a hilltop palace, a soldier. , The wizard saluted her, and at the same time cast a curious look at Little Will and others.

   Few outsiders come here?

   No, it should not be the case. They see themselves not because they are outsiders, but because they are Tommasina’s guests. Her identity is not simple.

   Xiaowei shook his head slightly, can a fifth-order light attribute wizard be easy?

Tommasina led them into the palace. The two golem puppets in front of the door made Mrs. Night a little bit stunned. As her strength increased, the golem puppets were no longer useful. I didn't expect this Tier 5 powerhouse to actually be useless. Will use golem puppets to guard the door.

   But these two golem puppets seem to be not simple, they actually have Tier 3 strength.

The palace is tall and majestic, tidy and sacred, and there are endless people coming and going, but most of the strength is not very strong, and there is no bitter murderous in the body. It is completely different from the imagination of Xiaowei, Lilith and others, and more than half of these people are With a bright breath.

   Tomasina came to a room with a sign hanging in front of the door: Guangming Sanctuary Management Office.

   The door of the management office opened with a "Zila" when Tomasina arrived, and a dozen beauties in it all saluted: "Master Tomasina!"

   Tomasina waved his hand and said: "You continue to work, and the level and training of these newcomers are handed over to you. I am personally responsible for these three."

   More than a dozen beauties cast shocked glances at Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo at the same time, shocked at their youngness, and shocked at their strength. You must know that there is only one person worthy of Thomasina's personal guidance: a demigod.

Little Ville asked Mrs. Night, Susan, Vivienne, the Knights of Wall, and the Lord Corleone to work together, while the three of himself, Lilith, and Guai Liluo followed Thomasina to the innermost office. The door opened and an ordinary house came into view.

Just as they took one step, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. There was a solid ground under their feet, but the floor was not visible. There was a void above their heads, and the surrounding scenery became a splendid blur, like an endless starry sky. Beauty, only the half-open door behind it shows where they are.

"Welcome to the Battlefield of the Abyss, UU Reading, I am your receptionist, Tommasina, the director of Bright Sanctuary, I am very fortunate to be able to welcome you as family members of our department, and this will be your future home!" Tommasina After saying it, I laughed out first, "You don’t need to say more polite words, you are talents that your instructors are optimistic about, young and lightly powerful demigods, as the first lesson to enter the abyss battlefield, you are ready to see the truth in the world. Are you ready for it?"

   Little Ville and Lilith looked at each other, their expressions on their faces were slightly subtle. The truth of the world seems to have been heard more and more in recent years, but what is the truth of the world?

   Can it be revealed today?

   After getting the affirmative answer, the scenery under their feet suddenly changed, and it seemed to be rapidly shrinking. It was then that Ville and Lilith realized that the scenery under their feet was actually the scenery of the entire Hanging Island in the Bright Sanctuary.

"This is the Guangming Sanctuary, a huge suspended island. There are 100,000 inhabitants on the island, among which are 40,000 soldiers from the Abyss Battlefield, 20,000 logistics princesses, and the rest are their family members. The Guangming Sanctuary has the Three Sacred Palaces, It is seated by three fifth-tier masters. Among them, the battle palace is also known as the Paladin Palace, and the fifth-order light knight Tamick is seated. The guardian palace is also known as the healing hall, and the fifth-order light wizard Patricia is seated. She is the entire abyss battlefield. The best therapist."

   "This is the last place, Guangming Palace, also known as the Management Hall, and I will be in charge."

"There are three Tier 5 masters in Guangming Sanctuary, and there are more than twenty semi-god experts, but not all of these semi-god experts have light attributes. Guangming Sanctuary welcomes all masters with light in their hearts to join. You are just such children. , Welcome you again."

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