The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1221: The deep battlefield of the abyss

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"The Guardian of the Abyss is called a city, but it is actually an urban community made up of many suspended islands. These suspended islands can also be called suspended cities. We are habitually called by the sanctuary." Tommasina's voice carried. A hint of sacred taste.

The surrounding scenery shrank rapidly. The originally huge Bright Sanctuary turned into a room the size of a room in a blink of an eye, and quickly descended. The rest of the surrounding area could gradually be seen clearly. Upon seeing Xiao Weier, similar floating islands came into view.

The positive film space became extremely deep. Only then did Little Ville discover that the sky was not actually blue. The blue was just the color of the barrier over the Sanctuary of Light. The clouds were not real, but a powerful magic weapon.

"The closest to us is the Dark Sanctuary. The Dark Sanctuary has the same strength as our Bright Sanctuary. It is also controlled by three Tier 5 masters, but the number of demigods is a bit more than us. There are about thirty. ."

"The other sanctuary are the element sanctuary, the mysterious sanctuary, the blood sanctuary, the construction sanctuary, the sacred sanctuary, and the last dragon sanctuary. The eight sanctuary are eight suspended cities, forming the entire abyss guardian city. "

The scenery is still getting smaller. The outlines of the eight floating islands are gradually seen clearly, but the seven floating islands are not exactly the same size. On the whole, the light, dark, elemental, and mysterious sanctuary are about the same size. The sacred floating island is a bit bigger, but the largest is undoubtedly the Dragon Sanctuary.

The eight floating islands are housed in a different space, but this different space is very weird. It is created by the goddess of the night, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of the elves, the goddess of dawn, the gods of the beasts, the gods of dragons and the masters of wizards Different space.

From scratch, there is a different space created directly in the void, so the laws here are very weird. There is no earth, ocean, or night sky. There is only a void outside the floating island. All the power of the main gods and powers is poured into the eight hanging spaces. On the island and the barrier outside the alien space.

The scenery changed again, and the entire alien space turned into a huge seven-color crystal ball, and a huge palace community bound it tightly above it. Tommasina looked respectful and said solemnly: "This palace community You must have heard of it. Its name is: Temple of the Gods!"

The temples are places that can only be entered after becoming gods. According to the legend, it is a master artifact. As long as the gods live in them, they can not be harmed. The power of the temples is beyond imagination. It can accommodate the kingdom of gods and has endless space. It's just that what Xiaowei saw was different. Above the temples, the kingdoms of God were shining with different holy rays.

They do not inhabit the temples, but are located around the temples and guard the temples. One end of the temples is connected to the abyss and guarding the different space of the city, while the other end is connected to a huge space. No, it is not a space. It is the world, the world that they need to protect and thrive and fight for.

The situation of the world can be seen here. A huge palace is almost the reflection of the temples standing in the center of the Wizarding Islands of the world. The tower of the wizard on the second ring shines brightly, and the two towers of the wizard on the third ring exude different colors. Light, the fourth ring, the fifth ring, the sixth ring, and the seventh ring. All the wizard towers seem to have different lights, and these lights are connected to form a huge net that protects the entire wizard island.

No, they are not protecting the Wizard Islands, but the most dangerous place in the entire world. Ville was shocked to find that the edge of the world is densely packed with numerous large and small light **** gleaming. They have different colors, red, orange, yellow, green and cyan. Blue and purple, as well as pure white and deep black.

The closer the bottom of this big net is to the center, the larger the volume and darker the color of the ball of light. There are thirty-six special ball of light on the edge of the big net. They seem to be attached to the big net and form the guardian big net. In a wonderful connection, these thirty-six special light spheres collide with other light spheres from time to time.

However, they bounced off the small black and gray light **** that were trying to impact the world again and again. Every time those little light **** approached the world, they would be automatically installed by thirty-six special light balls, which made Ville suddenly think of something.

"Dream Island?" Ville's heart moved, as if he also had a Dream Island in his hand. Does that Dream Island belong to one of these thirty-six light balls?

Tommasina was taken aback for a moment, and took a deep look at Little Will, with a weird smile on her face: "Yes, those thirty-six different spaces are dream islands, which are the barriers to the small spaces that intercept the fish that slip through the net. They are the main gods. A special space created by the strong based on the corpses of **** demon of Tier 4 and above."

"There are thirty-six such spaces in total, one of them will be replenished immediately, no more and no less." Tommasina didn't say anything more when she said here, but just pointed at it, the light ball in the sky once again. As it became smaller, a bright starry sky appeared in front of everyone.

Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo were silent. After a long time, they slowly uttered two words: "The abyss."

Yes, they saw the abyss, a deep and bottomless abyss, a vortex-like abyss formed by countless deep **** of light, and the number of different spaces at the bottom of the abyss is scarce, the color is very deep, and the volume is obviously larger than usual The light sphere is bigger and stronger.

Among the many spheres of light, there is actually a weird aura of awakening, which quietly surrounds the world, very close to the world, but constantly repels other spheres of light that try to get close to the world.

"That's it?" Little Ville blinked, always feeling that this beautiful halo seemed not simple, it should belong to the friend.

But what it guards is not the most central place, but the appearance between the five and six ring wizard islands.

The Abyss Guardian City guards the core area, the most limited and densest place of light, and the thirty-six dream islands guard the place outside the Wizard Islands, but this ring of light guards the periphery of the Wizard Islands, greatly weakening the abyss guardian city. pressure.

I just don't know if it was his own illusion, Ville always felt that the color of this halo seemed to have a hint of gray and black, and it became not so pure.

"The ancient gods cemetery, also known as the last holy ring." A touch of grief flashed across Tommasina's face, and she said faintly: "There is the guardian space transformed by the ancient gods after their fall, and they are the remnants of the broken kingdom of God. The patchwork of special and different space, or the special kingdom of God, inhabits countless holy spirits and their descendants, as well as subdued **** demons."

"The holy ring is a very important place to resist the invasion of the abyss, but the conditions for entering there are slightly special. Only the favored ones can enter there, but for the favored ones of the existing gods, the attitude of the holy spirits who have lost the protection of the gods may not be well."

"Weird Long River!" A name blurted out, and many things were answered. A weird look flashed across Tommasina's face, "Ville demigod, your bond with the battlefield of the abyss is deeper than I thought."

"Dream islands, weird rivers, roads against the dragon, you are destined to shine in the abyss battlefield!" Tomasina was even more optimistic about this boy, "The weird river is just a branch of the sacred ring, which belongs to the **** of the ancient river. The incomplete kingdom of God is one of the few spaces where the holy ring occasionally connects with the world."

"On you, I feel the breath of the ancient river god. This shouldn't be an illusion, right?"

Little Ville shrugged and said: "It's a great honor to have traveled upstream in the weird river, harvested a lot of devil bone beads, and finally killed a demigod level monster, and received a trace of the gift of the ancient river god."

"By the way It is not me who received the gift of the ancient river god, but us. I, Lilith, and Xiao Luo all have it."

"The Sacred Ring is a good place. Maybe you can try to try your luck. It is a treasure place that all the demigods aspire to. There is the secret of becoming a god." Tomasina's voice was slightly different. Taste, and then added a sentence: "It is indeed a blessing for our Guangming Sanctuary to have you join."

Tommasina's gaze condensed, and the surrounding scenery changed again. The abyss vortex became dark underneath the abyss. It was invisible but vaguely felt the strong depression. Tommasina muttered to herself: "At the bottom of the abyss, there is a The gateway to hell, that unfathomable and powerful, even indescribable huge world is hell!"

"If the passage of **** is not closed, the battlefield of the abyss will not disappear, and our world will always be under the threat of hell."

"The final battle is not far away!"

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