The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1225: Weird talent

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Three miserable big men were sent out, one third-order flame hellhound, two second-order black night civets, and three second-order dark civets. This is the guardian pet team.

Well, the Flame Hellhound doesn't seem to be a pet. Ville and Lilith won't spoil him. As the owner, Wei Liluo is okay and won't take a second look at him. When he gets closer, he will kick with his feet.

It's really a miserable watchdog.

But even watchdogs have ideals, and the ideal of this blazing hellhound is to become a useful watchdog for the owner, and smash all the beasts that try to get close to the owner and steal their status. So far, its record is: All defeated!

If it weren't for the fact that he was sent by the owner's brother, he would have been exchanged ten times eight times, but for any master with a certain status, the monster pets they sent were better than himself, which made the Flame Hellhound very shameless.

Obviously I came first, and all of you were very weak when I came. Why am I not only the bottom one, but also rejected by others?

Are dogs inherently inferior to others?

No, I just want to be a useful and noble watchdog. Humans are arrogant. Now my master is a powerful demigod, and the master’s brother is a high-level demigod. As a watchdog, we can’t lose too much. , Still need to continue to work hard, at least advanced demigod can continue to lie under the feet of the owner and stick his tongue out.

Now he is only a Tier 3 demon, lying at the feet of the owner feels a little lost as the owner.

In order to demonstrate his ability, the Flame Hellhound worked very hard to complete his mission. The only second-order warrior wanted to break through the dog's defense?

Haha, you have been thinking too much, this dog is not an ordinary hellhound, I am the pet of the powerful demigod!

The flame hellhound roared and went, his nose twitched slightly, trying to catch the peculiar smell in the air, but the smell disappeared in this place, which made it very uncomfortable. This forest has a dragon language magic circle arranged by the owner's brother, which exceeds a certain amount of extraordinary power in Chengdu It will be backlashed, and it is impossible for him to set fire on a large scale to investigate the enemy, only relying on his nose and eyes.

Dogs’ sense of smell is super sensitive, but their eyesight really cannot be complimented. As the saying goes, dogs look down on people, although it is derogatory, but dogs’ eyesight is really not good, and the most important thing is that dogs have color blindness. Many colors are indistinguishable, just like a suspicious object lying on the root of a tree.

The Flame Hellhound's nose tried hard to sniff, but he smelled a scent that he was most familiar with, but the smell was more or less faint, so he instinctively approached the tree, lifted it back, and snorted~~~

Feiquan rushed down, the Flame Hellhound was not an ordinary dog, after all, he quickly realized that he was here to do business, shook his body, jumped up to the big tree, and left without a trace.

The breeze hit the leaves making a rattling noise, and something unclear under the big tree was slowly twisting, and little by little recovered into a human shape.

Zac wiped his wet face, moved his hands and feet silently, and made a low voice: "The first level is barely passed. Of course, it is more appropriate to deal with dogs. The next one is cats and cats."

Ordinary cats, cats and dogs, Zach can be ignored, but the cats, dogs, and cats here can take out one and they can hang themselves. This makes Zac a little skeptical about life, and there are many people who are the explorer contract demon. Among them, the Devil Dog is the first choice. This kind of Warcraft, which has a well-developed sense of smell and hearing and can help fights, is definitely their best partner.

And they also know the most about this kind of beast, which is one of the reasons why Zac can think of a way to deal with the flame hellhound.

Why not choose the nasty smell of the Flame Hellhound?

This is the cleverness of Zach. Warcraft, especially the powerful warcraft, have good wisdom, but they are only warcraft after all. If they get angry, just come over with a flame, wouldn't you be wronged?

Dealing with different monsters requires different means, and dealing with the same kind of monsters in different scenarios also requires different means. Carefulness has always been Zach's way of survival.

A cat is a very arrogant animal. You can’t be tough to deal with this kind of animal. Zach’s hands-on ability is really not so strong. For a while, he left a cattery with as many as seven or eight large and small, tall and short. Let alone whether it is beautiful or not, but it is absolutely comfortable. From a cat's point of view, the incense will be lit at the end.

The faint scent dissipated in the wind. In the deep forest, small figures wandered around. With the meowing and roaring of the earth, the five cats chose their favorite nests according to their strengths, and they were comfortable. He was lying in it, sniffing the hay with the dried fish in his mouth, and let out a lazy cry.

Not far away, on the big tree, two big men stood and watched everything happen, but they didn’t mean to stop them. Everything here is under the control of Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo, and no one can escape. Their monitoring is nothing more than remote monitoring. After all, they are not as good as watching them up close. Zach's abilities can be seen clearly by the two of them.

"I haven't seen the specific combat power, but I deeply admire this caution and understanding of Warcraft, and how shameless it is." The Temple Knight Wall stood on the tall tree, holding his chin pretending to be deep. Said: "Seeing him will remind me of that year..."

City Lord Corleone leaned on the thick tree trunk, sipped a sip of wine and said boredly: "I've long been tired of this little trick on the battlefield of orcs. Compared with the professionals who specialize in orcs, this can be changed. The guy who has become a tuoshi is still far away."

"There is no wonder in the world, there are so many weird bloodlines in the world, that, should it be the bloodlines of ooze monsters?" Speaking of bloodlines, the two raised the crystal mirror in their hands at the same time, with a petite figure on it in the forest. Staggering forward, the speed is not fast, the route is messy, and the physical strength is not even comparable to that of the first-order fighter.

"After all, it's a wizard, definitely not comparable to us knights and warriors. Anyway, it's a bit strange." City Lord Corleone slid his finger on the crystal mirror, and the figure on it quickly became smaller, while the scenery continued to change. Big.

"Although it feels a little unbelievable, she was able to avoid the flame hellhounds and kittens very accurately every time." City Lord Corleone slid his finger on the mirror, and the route was the path of the little transparent Caroline. , "Do you see anything?"

The Temple Knight Wall glanced, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I have collected some information about this little girl. I don't know if it is physique or talent. Anyway, this little girl can always encounter difficulties. Time to make accurate judgments to avoid danger and find even the most smiling opportunity to escape. UU Reading"

"Sometimes, she would get out of danger for some inexplicable reasons. This kind of luck really cannot be explained by common sense. Correspondingly, after encountering danger, her companions seem to have bad luck, just like before. Three hapless guys who were dragged out." The Temple Knight Wall is not a reckless fool, after all, he is an adult with a family and a mouth.

City Lord Corleone nodded thoughtfully: "Do you steal luck?"

"It shouldn't be such a simple luck stealing, otherwise the drunkard could not be passed so easily, or a more complicated talent, but it is related to luck." The temple knight Wall scratched his head and said: "This little girl before. I also investigated the intelligence in general. It seems that the completion rate of the people around him is not very strange. But it is the least dangerous of all the teams."

"It's completely different from the situation in the battlefield of the abyss." This is the conclusion of the Knights of the Wall, a bright smile appeared on the unreliable face: "This little transparent girl, perhaps the most valuable one of all this time. Maybe."

City Lord Corleone shook his head and said: "This kind of weird talent that cannot be completely controlled may be very powerful, but because it is uncontrollable, the risk is bound to be great. Compared with this little girl, I am more optimistic about that slime monster."

The Knights of the Temple Wall squinted at him and nodded in agreement and said, "This may be the so-called stinky concord, his shamelessness is in the same line as you."

City Lord Corleone: "I've been rewarded, I'm still a bit inferior to you after all."

Knights of the Temple Wall: "Polite and polite, just talking about the face, I really dare not to teach with you, no, you have a deep teaching. After you have a face, you are only seen in the next life, such as the level and the demigod level. Live, at least it's a **** level!"

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