The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1226: Corleone boxing breakthrough

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Zach is now in pain and happy. The injury that was supposed to take three to five months or even a year to heal was healed in an instant. He didn't even find out who helped him treat it. This ability made him tremble all over.


No, it's excitement. As a veteran explorer, Zach knows how important the healing ability is, and this is one of the most important reasons why he chose to stay in the Sanctuary of Light.

Yes, the members of the major sanctuary in the battlefield of the abyss can be mobile, although there are some restrictions in the middle, but they are not hindered at all, especially the low-level personnel, the mobility is really great, and Zach was not originally The explorer of the light sanctuary, he came from the dark sanctuary.

In just three or five miles, Zach walked for three full hours without going out. What is the Flame Hellhound? What is the night civet?

Cats and dogs are the easiest to deal with for senior explorers like Zach. As long as you are willing to learn, you can naturally learn a lot of ways to deal with Warcraft, but there are some things that you are not willing to learn. You must be able to learn, for example, magic circle!

Zach is now very sure that he is now swaying in a huge magic circle, and it seems normal when he thinks about it carefully. Although the Guangming Sanctuary is an expedition team formed by the demigod powerhouse, and it is located in the Guangming Sanctuary. The periphery, how could it not be so shabby.

What's more, all sanctuary has one characteristic, that is, the expansion of space and the attached secret realm!

It's just that this mystery is a little too big, the dignified Tier 2 Sky Warrior, running and jumping, and even flew for a certain distance with a great loss of vindictive energy, and found that the small building not far away was still in front.

"Illusion?" After trying many ways, after walking through forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts, Zach looked at the endless sea in front of him, his expression on his face was collapsed, although every time there was a glass of water at the junction of terrain, as long as Drinking this glass of water, his physical strength and anger, and even his injury can be greatly improved, but the mental loss will not be eliminated at all.

The small building is still in front, but there is a vast ocean ahead. Several lonely small buildings stand on the sea. No matter how you look at it, there is no way to break it even if you know this is an illusion.

If it is an ordinary illusion, he can barely cope with an illusion of the same level, but this illusion is too foul, even if he knows it is an illusion, he can't see the truth at all, so he can only passively follow the illusion. Going forward in the direction of the past, passively accept the test again and again.

"Are half gods all such monsters?" Such a huge illusion, and it also includes so many attributes, such a complex environment, and the power contained in it makes him feel terrified, and it is no longer just about the magnitude of magic power. The problem, including the ingenious use of space power, is even more unimaginable for Zach.

How far is this new demigod powerhouse from the fifth-order **** level?

Why isn't it the result of the joint efforts of many demigods?


The whole illusion gives me the feeling that it is one. This is naturally not that this illusion is so real that he can’t find any flaws. It can even be said that there are really many flaws in this illusion, especially in the eyes of a veteran explorer like him. Things are too crude and crude.

But it was such an illusion, but he had to be led by the nose, why?

Zach clearly knows that this is the power gap. In front of absolute power, some details are completely negligible. The other party is the rule maker, and he is just an ant bound by the rules, nothing more!

"Pump~" Zach fell to his knees and raised his hands high: "I surrender!"

"The surrender is invalid. Go ahead and pass all the tests, or be thrown out half-dead. Choose one yourself." A slightly familiar voice sounded, and the voice appeared not far behind him.

"If you don't know the importance of those monsters, we can actually do it for you. After all, after watching you play the monkey show for so long, if you don't express it at all, we will be uneasy." Another voice sounded, as if distanced from oneself. It's closer.

The two figures stood ten meters behind them as if they appeared out of thin air, not the Knights of the Temple of Wall or the Lord of Corleone.

"From you, I see my painful future, but before that, can you tell me what the **** is this?" Zach is really desperate. These two **** have something very similar to him. Breath, this is the same kind of breath.

They will not give themselves the opportunity to choose, and the final result is already doomed when they appear in front of them.

"This is the first layer of defensive enchantment outside our resident, um, or defensive magic circle, but the power of this magic circle is a little bit super-class." Mentioned this place, the Knights of Wall, City Lord Corleone They were all full of bitterness and tears. After all, the people who verified the effects of these magic circles were the two of them.

You mean Susan and Vivienne?

Hehe, they are the disciples of Brother Weier and Miss Lilith. They are so precious. How can they do such a heavy job? As for Mrs. Night, who is still above them, according to the careful observation of the two big trotters, this He was also the insider of the Weier brothers, so naturally he was also excluded.

But what they can verify is only the effect. As for the power, this is slightly beyond their ability.

"Haha, Chaogang? Is this one our one, or the one of the Sanctuary of Light? Or the one of the entire abyss battlefield? It's a good thing for young people to have strength, but it's too arrogant..." Zach The words were not finished yet, a fist had already arrived.

With a loud "bang~", Zach moved his feet flat and moved more than ten meters back, leaving two shallow marks on the ground, his arms trembled slightly, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

A brilliant arc appeared at the corner of City Lord Corleone’s mouth, “Interesting, it seems that besides the Sky Warrior, you are also a good boxer. I don’t know if your orc boxing skills are good enough compared to my Ares Boxer. "

"Orc boxing? Haha, the earliest inheritance of boxing is not among the orcs, but the giants. With the destruction of the giants, the inheritance of boxing has been acquired by the ten thousand races. There are new arrays based on the conditions of each race, and my boxing method , Originated from the barbarian family." Zach's momentum continued to rise, his whole body quickly condensed, a high-level phantom appeared quietly, and he screamed silently up to the sky.

"Is it the barbarian's fist?" Corleone City Lord grinned: "If you only talk about the fist, there is no second-order master who can be stronger than me in the entire abyss battlefield! Under the demigod, my fist is respected. !"

As the Lord Corleone laughed, a sacred figure appeared quietly. The Lord Corleone squatted slightly with his left foot in front and right foot behind, and his right fist withdrew, with constant strength throughout his body. Cohesion.

"Barbarians are never slaves!" Zach let out an angry roar, his whole body burst out in an instant, and his figure exploded quickly at his feet, and his powerful punches condensed into a suspicious group of steel-like fists.

"God of War, Divine Punch!" City Lord Corleone never thought that it was a shame to use divine power to perform divine power. Every time he performed divine power, he could feel that his understanding of martial arts went further. He knew it was. The martial arts of the God of War (the beast god) is not his own martial arts, but it is not a bad thing before he truly walks out of his own martial arts.

The two silhouettes crossed by, a powerful fist wind swept across the square, and the two stood opposite each other.

"Crack~" City Lord Corleone let out a cracking sound, and Zac slowly turned around, looked at his back and said: "After all, the borrowed one is not his own, and your punches are not pure."

"Hehe, the barbarian boxing mage is ashamed to say boxing in front of my dignified war-god boxer?" City Lord Corleone suddenly turned around, the decorative shoulder pad was crushed by his hand, and looked at Zach coldly and said indifferently: "I For the second-level boxer of the God of War Church, a beginner walking on the road of boxing, my way, the way of the **** of fist!"

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful momentum rose in an instant. The middle of the second stage, the second stage high section, and the second stage peak, a force descended from the sky into the main body of Corleone City. Order.

"Suddenly, broke through?" Zach spit out old blood, his eyes filled with Chi Guoguo's envy and jealousy.

The Knights of the Temple Wall looked stunned: "That's OK? It's too fake, isn't it? Who, Zach, right? Or, let's fight?"

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