The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1227: Really good

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Ragged with bruises and bruised nose and swollen nose, Zach, who seemed to have been indescribable ten times over and over again, appeared in the spacious and bright hall. Looking at the gorgeous round table, the little transparent Caroline drank fragrant black tea and ate delicious refreshments. His eyes flushed, and he almost cried on the spot.

"They are all newcomers who participated in the test. Why is the difference in treatment so big?" Zach looked at Susan and Vivienne next to Caroline, then looked at him, whistling and picking his fingers. A big man with a grudge on his face.

City Lord Corleone shrugged and said: "Don't look at me, I just punched you, suppressed your fist, by the way, broke through the level a little, suppressed your momentum, to be honest, and Did not cause much physical damage to you."

Well, the psychological damage is not counted. After all, he was suppressed in his best boxing technique, but he also broke through with his own hands. Zach's mentality instantly collapsed. Okay, you should know that you are a 60-70-year-old. Man, he can't compare to this little man who is so much younger than himself.

To be honest, Zach also believes that he is indeed not the opponent of City Lord Corleone and the Temple Knights of Wall, but the difference is definitely not a world of difference, but what was the biggest reason for being pressed and beaten by the Temple Knights of Wall later?

The mentality collapsed, and his strength was not even half of his heyday.

The Temple Knight of Wall picked his nose and snorted disdainfully: "You, a big man, a dignified second-order sky warrior, actually kneeled before my opponent of the same level with thirty or fifty moves. You are embarrassed to cry? I have been merciful time and time again."

Zach couldn't help but get a black line when he heard this. Yes, you are indeed merciful, but what the **** is it every time?

How many are thirty or fifty moves at a time, ten times?

And this **** saw City Lord Corleone break through and regarded himself as an experience baby, grabbing it was just a beating, and he would use holy water and potions to recover if he was injured, and then continue to fight.

Once, twice, three times, five times, ten times...

If your resistance is weak, you will punch hard, and you will be more tortured if you repeat your moves, but if your resistance is too strong, this **** will also increase his strength, and the thing that breaks Zac most is that this **** is actually a member of the church. , Has a weird magic technique that even the gods can't predict.

"By the way, this girl has already appeared here, does that mean that she has passed the second test, and the next drop is the fight between the two of us?" Zach suddenly looked straight, his face was The bruise recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

This effort to change his face caused the Temple Knight Wall and City Lord Corleone to give a thumbs up.

"Why didn't you return to normal just now, you must come in with a pig's head?" The Temple Knight of Wall suddenly found that his hands began to itchy again.

Zach squinted at him and hummed: "If I didn't behave a little bit miserably, would you let me go so easily? If it wasn't for your potion to run out, would you stop?"

"No!" The Temple Knight Wall gave an accurate answer very directly, "After all, losing to this guy is really uncomfortable. You must know that I have always had the upper hand."

The lord of Corleone patted the temple knight Wall on the shoulder, smiled and said: "Young people must know how to be humble, and I never remember that your strength was above me. Since our first meeting, my strength I have been steadily overwhelming you. You don’t have any advantage except knowing Brother Weier before me. But now, in terms of making a request, I still have a deeper relationship with Brother Weier."

"Hehe, my wife is under Brother Vail. Under the leadership of Brother Vail, she has made significant contributions to Drake City. Even if the friendship between the two of us and Brother Vail is not equal, I still have an advantage here." The knight unceremoniously pulled his daughter-in-law out to fill the count, and his words were not wrong at all. This **** wanted to raise the value of his daughter-in-law, but he did not say anything about it.

This has also led to a consequence. With the growing strength and influence of Little Will, the status of the poor orphan of Catwoman in the Dicas family is actually getting higher and higher, except for Wo In addition to the increase in the strength of the Templar Knights, the biggest factor is Xiao Weier.

The Dicas family is a church family through and through. They cannot do without the church. Naturally, they attach great importance to the strong, especially those who are capable of becoming gods. Originally, they valued Xiao Weiya, the reincarnated god, but as young The increased strength of Vail and Lilith gave them another hope, and naturally they paid more attention to the Knights of the Temple of Wall and Catwoman.

This is probably the so-called one person who wins the Taoxian and the chicken dog.

Knights of the Wall: I am not a dog, nor a chicken.

"Haha, are you the only one who has a wife? My wife is also the worship of the God of War church that Brother Vale pulled up with one hand, and unlike your little cat who can only nest in the continent of the gods, my wife can go out of the hall and the kitchen on the battlefield. , Her own strength is no different than yours, only a great man like me can subdue her." When it comes to her lover, City Lord Corleone is very proud. Frina’s identity is strictly higher than herself. Being able to conquer such a beautiful person is the most proud of.

"Haha, I remember that you have never been married, right?" The Knights of the Temple of Wall gave him a fatal blow. City Lord Corleone and Frina were indeed together for sacrifice, but they never had a real status, although Everyone knows the relationship between them, but it's always a bad name.

City Lord Corleone couldn't help but have a black line, do you think I don't want it? But the daughter-in-law is too strong, she can’t suppress it. Her own magnificent city lord of Mabster, openly marrying an orc beauty in the land of the gods, has too much influence on the family, even if she doesn’t care, the Corleone family will bear Continue to gossip.

But having an orc lover, especially an orc lover with a high status, is a very glorious thing. In this matter, strictly speaking, it is oneself who wronged Frina.

"I will officially marry Frina when I go back this time!" City Lord Corleone waved his arms. He is already a Tier 3 master and is definitely the top powerhouse in the Continent of Gods. The so-called race and country can no longer suppress him. I can already give Frina an explanation.

"This is good!" The Knights of the Temple of Wall gave him a thumbs up, "I am waiting to collect the body for you, and then I will tell Frina that you love her."

"Bang!" The Temple Knight of Wall fell to the bottom in response, a big hull protruding from the top of his head.

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! What kind of ghost fist is this? It can't be defended?" The Temple Knight of Wall rolled all over the floor, and the Lord Corleone blew his fist lightly and said: "A fist full of love cannot be resisted. ."

"True me!" Zach paused, and Manchester United looked at City Lord Corleone enviously. This is the realm he has always longed for, but he has seen it in others. You must know that the profession of boxer is already in the human race. Very few, very few, the real spread is the orcs and barbarians.

Why do you say?

Hehe, of course it’s because you are poor. The poor can’t afford weapons. Isn’t it cheaper to use your fist?

Suddenly there was a wave of space fluctuations in the hall, and several figures appeared quietly.

"Teacher!" Susan and Vivian immediately stood up and saluted respectfully. As soon as the Lord Corleone's face was no longer laughing, the Temple Knight of Wall jumped up, tidyed up his clothes, and restored what the Temple Knight should have. Deportment.

Zach was slightly surprised, there are three demigods!

The upper limit of the strength of this guardian expedition seems to be unexpected.

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