The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1228: I don't want to die

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Little Will led Lilo and Lilith led Zeluo to appear out of thin air, and the rest of the expedition team saluted them, putting their posture very upright in front of the little transparent Caroline and the ooze monster Zach.

Little Will waved his hand: "It's all his own, don't be polite."

This sentence is because my own person made Zac's heart move slightly, and he knelt down on the ground and climbed up the pole: "Two-star explorer Zach has seen the leader. It is my lifelong glory to join the Guardian Expedition!"

Little Will waved his hand, and a force appeared out of thin air to support him, "Our expedition team is a team of relatives and friends. In theory, we don't accept strangers. It's just because we are new here and we really need some experienced people as assistance. Only then has it been decided to recruit individual new members. You can pass the first two tests and have entered the list of our candidate inspection targets. As for whether you can be selected..."

Having said that, Ville paused slightly and looked at Zac who was slightly nervous and waved his hand and said, "As for whether you can be selected, half of it depends on your own choice, and half of it depends on the review of your past conduct."

Zach let out a long sigh, patted his chest and said generously: "As a free explorer, I dare not say anything else. At least my character is not bad. After all, with my strength It is impossible to do bad things without this capital."

Zac’s words caused a burst of laughter from the Knights of Wall and City Lord Corleone. City Lord Corleone patted him on the shoulder and said with a grin: "Man, I like your calmness. As the examiner of your second level, I will The head recommended you."

"Thank you, big brother, the kind recommended by big brother will be unforgettable, and please be honored by the little brother!" Zach saluted City Lord Corleone very seriously, and the latter graciously replied: "The virtuous brother does not need to be like this, this is all big brother. It should be done. Ouch~"

City Lord Corleone's funny was interrupted by the Knights of Wall. They didn't count this kind of thing, and City Lord Corleone slightly overstepped it.

Little Ville waved his hand and said, "Your problem may not be big, but..."

But two words once, everyone's eyes focused on Little Transparent Caroline, who blankly tilted his head in response to Little Weir's gaze, with a dazed expression on her face.

Lilith waved her hand, and the white light in front of her flickered into a mirror. Two figures in the mirror came into view. One was the powerful imperial sister Mrs. Dark Night they knew, and the other was a tall beauty with long hair fluttering in snow-white armor.

"The Hammer of Light Expedition?" Mrs. Night looked at the silver-haired beauty in front of her, frowning slightly.

"The third-order knight Cecily of the Light Hammer Expedition is here to visit!" The silver-haired beauty gave a knight ceremony, and the lady of the night replied generously: "Guardian expedition team third-order mage night, I don't know whether the knight Cecily wants Which member of our expedition team will visit?"

Cecily stood up straight, her face stiffened slightly, but this question made her a little difficult to answer. After all, she did not have an acquaintance in the guarding expedition team. Although she knew all of their information, the other party But you may not know yourself.

"If possible, I hope I can meet the leader of your regiment Vail Demigod." Cecily gritted her teeth severely and directly made her request.

Mrs. Night shook her head slightly and said, "I can convey this request on my behalf, but the group leader is preparing for the first expedition recently, I'm afraid..."

"If your group leader is inconvenient, I don’t know the deputy leader Lilith..." Cecily stepped back and proposed the idea of ​​visiting Lilith. Anyway, according to her own information, the girl’s demigod's words were not important. Under Vale's body, sometimes even better than his words.

The look on Mrs. Night’s face remained unchanged, and she also lightly refused: "The deputy head of Lilith has gained a bit after studying in the Sanctuary Library for a period of time. She has entered a state of retreat and the date of exit is uncertain. If Cecily The knight is not in a hurry, you can leave your contact information, and I will convey it to the deputy head after leaving the customs."

Cecily couldn't help but got a black line, took a deep look at Mrs. Night, and said in a deep voice, "If the two heads don't have time, I wonder if the night steward has time?"

The smile on Mrs. Dark Night’s face remained unchanged, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. This is prepared. Although the personnel of the Guardian Expeditionary Team is not classified, it is not something ordinary people can understand. After all, it has been half a year since its establishment, except for necessary They rarely communicate with the outside world for training and layout bases.

Well, Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo visited the other demi-god powerhouses, except that they beat all the demi-god powerhouses in Guangming Sanctuary.

In terms of the assignment of the positions of the expedition team, the team leader is Xiaoweier, and the deputy team leaders are Lilith and Guai Liluo. They are all demi-god powerhouses who are naturally capable of such positions, or if the demi-god powerhouse does not have the position of deputy team leader. It seems strange.

But the positions of other people are not that important. The reason why Mrs. Night takes the stewardship is more because she is the only third-order powerhouse, and she doesn't lose face when she goes out.

The position of stewardship is not high or low. It is a bit of a loss for the demigod powerhouses to take up the position, and for the second-tier powerhouses such as Susan, Vivian, the Temple Knights of Wall, and the Corleone City Lord to serve, they cannot support the expedition Face, but there are really not many people who know her identity.

The management office of the expedition team definitely knows it. If you want to inquire about the intelligence of the guarding expedition team, you must be a demigod. After all, the strength of Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo are there, and their strength level is destined. Their intelligence level, even if it is semi-public information.

"As the steward of the Guardian Expedition, I usually communicate with the outside world. As long as the matter is not too big, I can still call the shots." Mrs. Night said that she still has some status and status. As for how much this is, it is necessary. To see who it is, from her playful eyes, Cecily can see that her so-called visit this time can at most shock her.

"This visit is indeed a bit presumptuous. In fact, my goal at the beginning was not your group. The person I was looking for was Caroline the Explorer." Cecily exposed her purpose directly. After all, people already Falling into the hands of the Guardian Expedition, and judging from the three people lying on the ground, the little transparent girl seemed to have entered their camp.

The camp of the expedition team is not so easy to enter. Being able to enter it can only show one thing: She has been recognized by the opponent, and it is very likely that she will become one of the opponent's members.

"Caroline Explorers do have some talents. They have initially passed our assessment and entered our guardian expedition camp." Mrs. Night nodded and said: "Actually, I just learned that Caroline Explorers is actually the leader of the team. Therefore, they had friendship as early as when they were in the Wizarding Academy, but then each side slowly broke off, until the two little girls, Susan and Vivian, the disciples of the former group leader, recognized Caroline, this was... "

How about this time? Mrs. Night did not say the following words, but gave Cecily too much imaginable space.

She is naturally very clear about Caroline’s identity and background. She is the second-level wizard of the Genius Wizarding Academy, and she knows how many low-level talents the Genius Wizarding Academy has sent to the Abyss Battlefield. It is only because the high-end combat power is really too small that she has not been able to form a unit. Torrent.

Sometimes, a good leader is very and the Wizarding Academy of Geniuses is defeated at this point. They do not have a qualified leader, which leads to the fact that although there are a lot of resources at the bottom Has been unable to integrate.

In the entire abyss battlefield, the explorer expedition members of the bottom two levels, and those from the Wizarding Academy accounted for more than 20%, and this proportion was already quite large.

Are you a step late? They actually already knew.

"Before, our Bright Hammer expedition team released an expedition mission. The mission was led by a senior explorer of the expedition team. Caroline Explorer participated in that mission. Although the mission ended in failure, he brought it back. Valuable information, there are some details we need to confirm with Caroline Explorer, so..."

"This is not a big deal. Later, I will personally extract her memory and send it to your group as an image." Mrs. Night said that she would cooperate fully here, "After all, our head is still very strong to your head. I admire the fact that there are so many demi-god powerhouses who can fight our heads one day and one night without losing the wind. Including your head, there are only three or two in the entire Bright Sanctuary.

"Thank you so much!" Cecily hesitated, and finally turned away without saying much. Before leaving, she did a favor to Mrs. Night by the way and took away the three unlucky ones who were unconscious.

They have been eliminated!

Guarding the expedition team does not enroll cumbersome!

"The Light Hammer expedition team seems to be very concerned about you. If you take the initiative to come to your door, they should be happy to accept you, so I want to know your own thoughts." Ville's eyes fell on Caroline.

"I don't want to die." Caroline looked at Little Will deeply: "Leave here, I will die."



"Your special talent?"


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