The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1236: First entry into a different space

"The troubles of the young wizard (

In the mysterious space of the mysterious forest, six demi-god powerhouses sit in a group on the top of the towering wizard tower. A beautiful woman with wings on her back is green with iron, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Brother Will, Sister Lilith, Little All Sister Luo fell into the void, and the space channel was destroyed by the sudden magic of hell. All members of the guarding expedition team are missing!"

"Cheryl, it's not the time to be in a hurry. For us, falling into the void is not necessarily a desperate situation. After all, behind us..." A tall and burly man in a white armor waved his hand and said, "None of you are here. Outsiders, directly use the last resort to communicate through the elves."

Cheryl gave her friend a glance and said: "This simple method also uses your reminder. I have confirmed it before. Brother Weier uses the seven-story holy tower as a boat to burn merits and use the power of trying to escape the danger smoothly. At present, he has fallen into an unknown low-level alien space, and is squeezed out by the alien space in the seven-story holy tower and is not allowed to go out. He can only send his men to explore."

"Just let the three of them come directly to us through the Apostle Space and pretend to be rushed here by the space turbulence." Another sturdy man said grimly: "The space turbulence is unpredictable, no one said. It's not sure what the situation is, even if someone suspects it, there is no way to verify it."

Cheryl grunted and said, "It would be great if things were that simple. First, there are ten guardian expeditions, including three four-star apostles. What about the others? You know that the guardian mercenary group is a group of relatives and friends. They are basically friends and relatives; secondly, it takes merit to enter and exit the apostle’s space from a different space, and brother Weier’s merits have been burned in the turbulence of the void, not to mention the merits of sister Lilith. For the most part, they don't have much merit to use now."

The six semi-god powerhouses could not help but look at each other. Merit is a good thing, even if they need to save money, and this thing basically cannot be dismantled, and the intermediate process through the transaction is a bit cumbersome, not to mention it, it is very uneconomical. .

"What do you mean by Brother Vale?"

"Brother Vale let us not worry too much. He will gain merit by conquering different spaces, and then ask the Lord God to point out the path to return step by step. Although the process may be more tortuous and time-consuming, it can add some training experience." An anger flashed across Cheryl's face: "It seems that our apostles have aroused the vigilance of the high-levels on the battlefield of the abyss. The Vale brothers may be just a temptation for them."

"This matter can't end here. When we have captured this different space and returned to the Sanctuary of Light, I will ask them to give us an explanation!"

"Well, it's time to make our voice. Everyone is trying to resist the **** demons and protect their homes. It's meaningless to continue to be so jealous. If they really don't believe us, it will be a big deal to gather all the apostles from the abyss battlefield to form a family. All the abyss battlefields The apostles gathered together, absolutely stronger than any sanctuary, and our companions are not among the fifth and sixth-tier strong."

"There is no need to do this. Everyone is our own. This will push us to the opposite of the Wizard Islands, or..."

"Zigler, it is because of you people's retreat and tolerance that today's changes have occurred. We can't continue to do this anymore. Anyway, I can't bear this tone. I have to make a big fuss before I go back. The anger in my heart."

In the mysterious space of the Misty Forest, the six demi-god powerhouses quarreled together, while on the other side, Ville and Lilith were teasing Zelo, making a mess in a leisurely manner.

Mrs. Dark Night stood in front of them, glanced at the statue of the Emperor, with a weird look on her face. Is this the last strong master of the seven-story holy tower? But why have I never seen a record about him?

"The space here has been roughly explored, and the containment limit is the second-order peak, the concentration of extraordinary power is low, the atmosphere of **** is weak, and the natives living here are mainly descendants of our world, and their strength is weak."

"The space is vertical and horizontal for three hundred miles, dominated by forests and mountains, and there are two big rivers. The mineral resources are not rich, but they are rich in medicinal materials. The overall strength of the monsters is low and there are certain traces of civilization. In addition, we found the **** demon in one corner. In the camp, there seems to be a small space portal there."

"There are traces of battle in the space here, and the traces are very clear. The battle should take place nearby. The atmosphere of the **** camp is gradually increasing. It is very likely that the two spaces have collided, and the **** demon space is invading this space."

Each piece of information was passed through the mouth of Mrs. Night. Lilith waved her hand. A map appeared quietly. It was a general topographical map of this different space. Mrs. Night’s water flickered, a small black dot appeared in the air, and then one by one. The little red dot appeared quietly.

"This is the Hell Demon Camp. These places are the gathering places of the indigenous people in different spaces here. Their civilization is biased towards natural civilization. They have certain alchemy potions and alchemy casting capabilities. The buildings are simple and thick, and there is no sign of magical civilization."

Just at this time, the figures of Zac and Caroline appeared, "Report, the latest information, the **** side dispatched a large army to advance here, the main force of the **** side is ghouls, the number is nearly 10,000, and ninety are not advanced cannon fodder. With certain rough siege equipment, the strongest is Tier 2 Ghoul."

Ville and Lilith couldn't help but look at each other. What is the concept of tens of thousands of ghouls?

Ghoul creatures like Vil and Lilith are no strangers to them. They had encountered it before in Neverland when they were in the demon space, but that space was very low-level. There was only one ghoul in the entire ghoul domain. They were also directly and forcefully beheaded, and then they wiped out hundreds of ghouls.

The ghouls are very weird. They have low pain, prefer to eat decay, do not have any magic-related abilities, and they will not use the extraordinary abilities of fighting spirit. All of their abilities are related to themselves, strength, toxins, and resilience.

They have a certain degree of wisdom, especially their combat wisdom is absolutely not commensurate with their appearance. They have strict strength levels. High-level ghouls have absolute deterrence and a large degree of leadership against low-level ghouls. right.

The most terrifying thing about ghouls is their fear of death. The most troublesome thing is their super defense, resilience and endurance. Fighting with ghouls is the most unwise choice. Com, but ghouls also have weaknesses.

Regardless of whether it is a Tier 1 Ghoul, a Tier 2 Ghoul, or even a Tier 3 Ghoul, they do not have the ability to fly, and the ghouls run very slowly. For the ghouls, the rapid march is just a kind of I hope that guerrilla is the best way to deal with ghouls.

The premise is that the number of ghouls is not enough to sweep everything, but this time the army of ghouls has the capital to sweep everything, and the natives in this space are in danger.

"Where are Wall and Nobby?" When Ville saw that only Zac and Caroline were back, he knew that those two guys were not free again.

"They joined in the fun. By the way, see if they can fool some of the natives to help. We are natural allies in front of the **** demons, although they may have forgotten that we are in the same group." Zach shrugged. He encountered this situation. Many times, the longer the different space becomes one by itself, the more latent the bond with the original world and the weaker the sense of identity.

"Susan, Vivienne, you two should also help. If you can, help the local residents as much as possible. Don’t keep your hands on the **** demon. Zach, you immediately go to the **** demon’s camp to scout and investigate as soon as possible. The situation on the other side. Caroline..." Ville paused slightly.

Caroline nodded and said: "Together with Susan and Vivienne, although the leader temporarily suppressed the strength of the Corleone boxer to the second-order peak, he would not be repelled by a different space, but I doubt that he will open it up. Will not break this shackle."

"Okay." Little Ville took a deep look at her and threw a space ring to Vivienne. "You can use anything in it, don't worry about the lack of energy. Since the **** devil has equipment, it can't be used. Energy."


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