The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1237: Centaur are never slaves

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Hell demons exist. The legend is true. It turns out that ogres are not demons. These are the real demons." Maras stood on a high hill, not far from behind, there was super noisy chaos, the tribe It is being transferred. All women, children, and elderly people are in battle, and everything that can be taken away must be taken away. This is an essential resource for their survival.

"Time is running out. The enemy is twenty miles away." A loud voice sounded, and the tribe suddenly became chaotic.

Maras flicked his fiery red hair, turned his body, and walked away with his four legs. In a blink of an eye, he reached the entrance of the tribal village. In the wind, he let out an angry scream: "Herod~"

"My dear people, we are brave and hardworking centaur. We are the masters of this land. We live a free life on our own territory. We love this land and love peace. But just ahead Soon, the legendary **** demons appeared, and they were full of stench and viciousness, cruelly destroying everything."

"Our brother tribe was broken by them, and all the tribesmen in the tribe, regardless of men, women, old and children, became their food. They were cruel and bloodthirsty and had no intention of communicating with us at all. They only need our bodies to become their food. Tearing our skin, sipping our blood, biting our flesh and blood, biting our bones."

"They treat our heads as a collection of trophies. They will destroy our beautiful homes and turn our beautiful homes into ruins!"

"But, brave centaur warriors, will we succumb?"

"No! The brave centaur race will never be slaves, so we will fight and fight until we defeat the enemy and drive us out of our home! Brave centaur warriors, do you have this courage and confidence?"

Maras waved his arm, and there was cheers around him, "Defeat the enemy, defeat the enemy!"

"The hunting team followed me to block the enemy, and the others protected the tribe from temporarily evacuating, all for the tribe!" Marath waved his arm, and the surrounding crowd gathered.

"Go!" With a bow and arrow on his back and a spear in hand, Maras made a "Herod~" sound from his mouth, letting go of his horse's hoof.

"Herod~" Amid the loud cheers, a team of 20 centaur fighters left in the dust, leaving only the inspired tribe members, and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Just as Maras said, everything is for the tribe. The old tribal chief watched his son go away, and a trace of crystal almost flowed out of his eyes. The appearance of the legendary **** demon is a symbol of the end of the world. The ancestors once left. According to the prophecy, the devil is a symbol of destruction. Unless there is an deceased in the place where the ancestors lived in the legend, they have no chance of winning.

Brothers’ tribes were destroyed, they couldn’t have said that the enemy’s ferocity made them fearful, their fierceness, and their ferocity were unacceptable by the old chief. The strength of the enemy is not only in ferocity, but also in them. The strength, quantity, and equipment displayed.

Hell demons are not the beasts they hunt. They are organized and intelligent, but they have no emotions. If it were not for these enemies to still have weaknesses, the old chief might be desperate.

"Everyone, speed up. For the tribe, we have to leave the tribe that has survived for hundreds of years. Our ancestors have also migrated many times to survive. As long as the people of the tribe are still there, the tribe will always be there. When it rises to the banner, everyone must leave." The old chief issued a death order, and all the clansmen responded in unison, and accelerated their actions.

The centaur is a race that is good at running. Even the children in the race can travel hundreds of miles a day. They chase the wind at a speed and are not afraid of wind, frost, snow and rain. They have defeated the warcraft and the harsh natural conditions. The **** demons did not arrogantly rush to the brainless provocation, but recognized themselves and chose to detour.

It is not shameful to retreat for a while. They have already seen the huge number of enemies and powerful combat effectiveness. The destruction of the entire army of the brother tribe has brought them many lessons, lessons of blood.

The centaur tribe is preparing methodically. The first group of tribes have stepped out of the gate of the tribe and walked far away along the mountain and river. There is the road that the ancestors once walked. It is on the opposite side of the mountain and in the river. There are also their brother tribes upstream, and they must unite all the forces that can be united to fight the **** demons together.

The momentary retreat is to better accumulate strength and give the enemy a fatal blow. The centaur will never be a slave!

What's more, judging from the enemy's posture, they don't need the Centaur to act as slaves. What they need is food!

Amidst the footsteps of "Rumble~", a cheer of "Herod~" belonging to the centaur warriors resounded in the air. Their footsteps were steady and heroic, rushing down the mountains and crossing the river, the bridges built by our ancestors went through Not bad for a hundred years, under their feet is their land.

"Boom~ boom~ boom~" A heavy voice came from the front, and the enemy's army gradually came into view.

Maras waved his arms. The well-trained teammates knew what he was thinking with just one movement and one look. Twenty first-order centaurs uttered a cheer and immediately scattered. The tall and dense trees around them were the most. Good cover, birds start to fly and all beasts do not cry. In this land, the centaur is the absolute overlord. They have no opponents until...

"The great centaur will never allow their kinsmen to be killed for no reason, never allow their territory to be invaded by the enemy, never allow the honor of the race to be trampled on and tarnished, we are fearless!" accompanied by a low voice. Shouting, Maras's momentum rose steadily, his spear was thrust into the ground fiercely, and his bow and arrow fell into his hand.

The enemies in front gradually came into view. Ghouls’ eyesight was not well developed, but they had a keen sense of smell like hunting dogs. The appearance of Maras stimulated them, and a shrill cry sounded, and the ghouls’ team It was a little messy at first, and the cannon fodder in the front let out a roar, howling and rushing over.

"The honor of the centaur is defended by our own hands!" The arrow has been whistling with the sound of hunting wind, and it instantly penetrated the front ghoul, and pierced the second ghoul with the uniformly dark green blood. Inside the ghost, penetrated from its back.

Cheers rang out from the jungles on both sides, but Maras did not stop his actions, a neat line of arrows shot out fiercely, and the ghouls fell to the ground, but more The ghoul stepped on the corpse of his companion getting closer.

Two enemies with one arrow and three enemies with one arrow. Maras concentrated all his energy so that his arrows could eliminate more enemies. When he reached out again, the quiver was empty, and a whole hundred sharp arrows were all taken by him. Finished shooting.

The extinction ghouls were all over the floor, but they were trampled into flesh by their companions.

Deterring the enemy, expelling the enemy, consuming the enemy, and hunting the enemy are common tactics used by the Centaur. But this time they failed. With his second-tier strength, Maras defeated a few with his own example of archery. Hundreds of enemies, but not even the slightest fear of the enemy can be exchanged.

The consequence of not being able to frighten the enemy is that you will be frightened first.

"Everyone prepares, arrows rain!" Maras gave an order, and twenty sharp arrows struck in an instant, and the ghouls that came closer and closer immediately fell.

What will happen to the twenty archers who have entered the ranks and sneak attacks on the opponents who are not in the ranks?

The answer is a spike, but this result can't exchange the slightest chaos of the enemy, and the ghoul army still rushes towards them without stopping.

"Arrow rain!" "Arrow rain!" "Arrow rain!"

The sharp arrows filled with vindictive energy consume a lot of power. Not everyone can shoot a hundred arrows. The arrow rain gradually fades away, and the ghoul army is getting closer and closer to them.

"Aw~" Accompanied by a roar, the ghoul army suddenly accelerated, and quickly broke up into small teams and rushed towards the jungle on both sides.

With a spear in Marathi's hand, the ghoul who rushed in front of him was beaten into flight by him, and fell to the ground, flesh and blood, but the seriously injured ghoul struggled to stand Still indomitable to him.

"This group of lunatics!" Maras heard a scream, and his tribe had suffered casualties so quickly.

"Wind! Wind! Wind!" The spear in Maras's hand was airtight, and he moved quickly back and forth at high speed. The flesh and blood flew everywhere he passed. The ghouls kept falling and standing up again. As long as they didn't die, they wouldn't. Stopped, the ground was gradually soaked with dark green blood, and the corpses of ghouls became obstacles to his running, and the space for him to play was getting smaller and smaller.

"Wind!" "Wind!" "Wind!" A tribe ran out from both sides, brandishing the spears in their hands to harvest the lives of the ghouls, and quickly merged with him.

"Twelve." Maras's complexion sank slightly. In such a short period of time, he sacrificed eight members of his tribe.

In fact, the jungles on both sides are not suitable for them to fight. The grasslands are the most suitable for them, but their tribes are the losers in the grassland competition, and they are reduced to the land of high mountains and rivers.

The voice of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" came from the jungles on both sides, and Maras saw more ghouls surrounding them, and they actually tried to cut off their retreat.

"Retreat!" Seeing the familiar colors on the sharp claws of the ghouls on both sides, Maras almost couldn't help but rushed up to smash them into pieces, but reason told him that he was not alone, and spears fluttered horizontally. A huge grudge swept across the three armies, the ghouls surrounding the three sides were swept away by him, and Fangyuan was soaked with dark green blood.

"Retreat!" Maras shouted to retreat, but he stepped forward and rushed forward fiercely, but he was almost submerged by the ghoul army after he walked more than ten feet, and he could only explode and flew into the air quickly. After slashing the quarrel, he chased the footsteps of the clansmen and pushed to the other side of the river.

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