The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1239: The secret weapon of the centaur

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"I'm sorry, father, I lived up to your expectations of me. I failed to bring the soldiers back safely." Maras lay weakly on the bumpy cart, and his elderly father personally pulled him forward.

The old chief shook his head lightly, his face full of kindness: "Don't blame yourself, my dear child, you have bought a crucial time for the tribe's retreat. You and those children who have not been able to come back alive are all tribes. Hero."

"I have understood the process of the battle. I can only say, my child, you are not wrong. Even if I am in this situation, I can't do better than you. You are good." Old The chief said softly: "It's not that you are not doing well enough, but that the enemy is too strong and too unfamiliar."

"Weakness is the original sin. In this world, we are weak and powerful. We can only control our own destiny if we are strong. We are not afraid of powerful enemies, but cunning enemies are more difficult to deal with. This time, enemies are powerful and cunning. They are better than ogres. It's more difficult to deal with."

"This world is a small closed world. The ancestors and the ogres have fallen here, and they have started a thousand-year-old struggle. In the end, the powerful ogres were defeated by us, almost killed and wounded. Our centaur became the world's Domination. In the time of our ancestors, we lived a precarious life. The ogres were not as powerful as our current enemies. They were even stronger, and they were just as cruel."

"The ancestors used their strong will and clever wisdom to redeem the disadvantages little by little, and finally reversed the battle and defeated the ogres."

"Child, a powerful enemy is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we are really afraid and lose the will to fight. The enemy is not invincible. You and those brave children have proved this. You beheaded a large number of enemy fighters, and The protection of the tribe has completed the transfer and saved the hope of the tribe. One day, the children of the tribe will grow up, we will become stronger and stronger, and the enemy will only become weaker and weaker under our hunt."

"Child, you are my son and the next chief of our tribe. You have to learn to be strong!" The old chief patted his son on the shoulder, turned around and continued to pull the cart, but the old chief who was full of confidence at the moment looked gloomy and completely Without the excitement just now, he gave the excitement to his son and carried the burden on his shoulders.

The centaur are excellent herbalists. After eating a pile of grass, Maras can walk on the ground by himself, while the other injured centaur warriors did not recover so quickly and could only temporarily lie in the car. The comrades in arms pulled forward.

As night fell, the Kashgar River was flowing quietly, and the warmth brought by the forest bonfire dispelled the cold at night. The old chief listened to his son's opinion and chose to move along the river.

Although it was only the first battle, Maras saw many things. After his father's enlightenment, he regained his fighting spirit and gave his father some advice. The old chief saw his son's condition very satisfied and decided on the spot to change his direction. , Abandoning the lofty mountains and jungles, chose to advance along the Kashgar River.

Water is the source of life, and the Kashgar River is the river of life for the centaur, and the river of mothers. Because it drags their families and their mouths, their speed is a little slow, but they still throw away the enemy.

"Here has entered the hunting area of ​​the Qiulin tribe. You can see their tribe after walking ten miles early tomorrow morning. The Qiulin tribe has a close relationship with our river tribe. There will be marriages from time to time. I originally planned to let you marry Qiu next year. The youngest daughter of the Lin family, I never thought about it..." The old chief couldn't help but shook his head slightly when he said this. When it's not really talking about this, it really is the most important thing to survive.

"My father, the **** demons are fierce, cunning and fearless to die. I'm not afraid of these, but their number..." Maras got rid of his children's love, and the topic shifted to the heaviest but unavoidable issue. .

"The appearance of the **** demon is a matter of life and death for the entire centaur. My father will gather all the tribal chiefs to discuss countermeasures. I believe that by bringing together all the tribal forces of the entire centaur, we will be able to drive the **** demon out. You can also ask for the secret weapons left by the ancestors." The old chief said that at the end, his voice gradually became low.

Marath couldn't help but was stunned when he heard the words, "Secret weapon? Left by the ancestors?"

As a future chief who worships the ancestor's foundation, Maras will not miss the rumors of the ancestors, and even collected a lot of them, but he has never heard of the so-called secret weapons of the ancestors.

The old chief took a deep look at his son, sighed and said: "This is a secret that belongs to the chief only to be entitled to know. Originally, I planned to tell you after passing on the position of chief to you, but now It’s a very moment. I don’t know when to face the battle of the **** demons. It’s time to tell you."

"The battle between the ancestors and the ogres was at a disadvantage at the beginning. Our wisdom was superior to the ogres, but the body and number of the ogres and their powerful reproductive capacity made the ancestors at a disadvantage. The ogres only We need to stick to it to get us back without success, unable to gain an advantage in the battle for territory."

"The great lands in this world are all occupied by ogres. The ancestors can only settle down in remote places, but even so, as long as the ancestors' camp is discovered by the ogres, they will be hit by the ogres. The ancestors I can’t even protect my homeland, even if there is only one place."

"The ancestors lived a precarious life, they began to get used to wandering, and constantly hone their mobile combat ability in the wandering, in order to escape the pursuit of ogres."

Maras was stunned when he heard this. In the stories he heard in the past, all the ancestors used guerrilla tactics and powerful mobility to play stupid ogres. Unexpectedly, the truth is actually like this. .

After all, Maras is not an ordinary person, but a chieftain with a river tribe in the future. He quickly realized that he has a stable homeland who wants to live a life of displacement. This time the forced migration has made him mature and grow a lot. .

"Until one day, the ancestors found a treasure and used this treasure to defeat the ogre in one fell swoop. In just a few years, he turned to the precarious situation and became the master of this world in one fell swoop."

"The ancestors did not use this treasure to completely eliminate the ogres, but beheaded their high-end combat power, and the rest were expelled and scattered and left as the objects of our descendants to hone and hunt. ."

"This secret weapon is said to be infinitely powerful, but the cost of using it is also heavy. The ancestor had only possessed it for twenty years and passed away forever. Before he died, he passed the treasure to another ancestor, and this second ancestor Although the treasure was used once for braking, it has not survived for thirty years."

"Then this secret weapon was sealed in the ancestral altar. It was only used when the Centaur was facing an unsolvable disaster, and it has only been used once since then."

Maras could not help but flushed his face. The centaur's life span is not too long, and the final life span of the second-tier masters is only two hundred years old. Even because of long-term battles and so on, one hundred and thirty-five years old is considered a long life. .

"If we can expel the **** demons to keep our people safe, even if we give all our lives, the big man should be like this!" Marath's words made the old chief shook his head slightly.

"The secret weapon is not so easy to use, not to mention that to get the recognition of this secret weapon requires the same strength and the same mind of the sky, and it takes a long time to temper. We have not yet come to that point. If someone really needs to make sacrifices, that person will not be you. Father, I am more suitable than you." The old chief patted Maras on the shoulder and laughed and said, "After all, it is me who can participate in the meeting to decide the candidate. Not you."

Maras froze for a moment, his eyes moistened, his fists clenched and whispered: "I won't give my father this chance. I will defeat the **** demons and protect our homeland and people. That secret weapon will let him. Always sleep in the altar of the ancestors."

"Hahahaha, okay, this is my son, with the spirit of the first warrior of the river tribe!"

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