The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1240: The collision of the first meeting

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Who are you?" Maras looked at the tall man in front of him, his first reaction was: "Ogre?"

City Lord Corleone immediately shut himself down, and pointed to his nose and let out a roar: "Have you seen such a handsome ogre? Lao Tzu is a human race!"

"Human? I seem to have heard of it somewhere, but are you really a juvenile ogre? Two arms and two legs, except that the skin is whiter than the ogre, and the body is a bit smaller and thinner than the ogre. Others It doesn't seem to be any different from the ogre." Marath's words made City Lord Corleone a black line.

"Hehe, this gorgeous suit of Lao Tzu, handsome and unrestrained appearance, elegant and noble temperament, how can this group of people who can't even start a fire and cook, and don't know how to wear garbage can be compared. Boy, dare you say more An ogre, believe it or not, I just chop off the back half of your body and turn you into an ogre." City Lord Corleone is eager to beat him.

Maras felt a strong threat from him. Although the opponent concealed his strength very well, he still let him know that he is not an opponent. Well, after all, he was silently grabbed by the neck from the temporary station. Come out, no matter how you look at it, it's better than yourself.

Although he hasn't fully recovered until now, but Xiaoban's strength is not so bad, this person is a master!

"You remind me of the person hiding under the bridge during the day?" Marath suddenly thought of something, a strange expression flashed across his face.

City Lord Corleone nodded and said: "Yes, during the day, I explored the camps of the **** demons, and they are catching up with them to attack your tribe. Seeing how difficult you are to resist, I just pointed out casually. Although your kid has a little talent, But on the battlefield, it’s a little too much difference. You are just a half-hearted layman."

"I am the future chief of the river tribe, the current battle hunting team captain, and once hunted Tier 2 monsters." Maras retorted unconvinced.

"Hehe, with your strength and IQ, you can only deal with those no-brained monsters, and a little brainy enemy can eat you to death." City Lord Corleone snorted, "Don't be convinced. , If I lead twenty first-tier fighters, no one will be injured. Not only can it block the enemy’s path, but it can also cause more damage."

"Ha ha"

"Hey, my violent temper, today I will definitely let you see how powerful Lao Tzu is." City Lord Corleone was eager to teach him a lesson, but Marath was so speechless that he could not speak a word, "You can also Bully my sick number. If you have the ability, go and fight those **** demons."

"Bang!" City Lord Corleone punched him to the ground, and said angrily: "Do you think there are very few **** demons I have killed?"

"Have you killed a lot of **** demons?" Speaking of **** demons, Marath immediately came to the spirit, and the Lord Corleone smiled and said: "Where do you think I come from? Do you know what this small space looks like outside? world?"

City Lord Corleone threw a bottle of sacred potion in his hand, Maras drank it unsuspectingly, and then realized that most of his injuries were relieved at once, and the toxin disappeared without a trace, making his eyes flashing involuntarily. Brilliant light, "This is..."

"Holy potion, a brand-new sacred potion created by wizards using holy water produced by the church." City Lord Corleone waved his hand and said: "It's a little thing, it's not worth the fuss, let me tell you..."

Marathi’s heart surges can’t be heard by himself, the continent of the gods, the wizarding islands, the battlefield of the abyss, the different space, the great warrior, the sky warrior, the holy warrior, the demigod powerhouse, the gods, and the main gods. It turns out that the sky warriors are not the peak of strength. In the battlefield of the abyss, it is only qualified to participate in front, not being the cannon fodder at the bottom.

It turns out that my own world is just a small alien space. The outside world is so vast. The world where my ancestors lived is called the Wizard Islands, where there are more centaurs, even the strongest. Demigod level.

"Then you are from the Bright Sanctuary of the Abyss Battlefield. The strength of the Bright Sanctuary is so strong. The minimum strength requirements for the explorers are all Tier 2. Can you send back the information here? Is it possible that as long as we cooperate, you can send more Many more powerful masters, can we clear out the **** demons and save us?" Marath looked at City Lord Corleone without expectation.

City Lord Corleone pouted and said: "You are in a different space with a low level and small space, and cannot accommodate a strong person with too much strength. The second-order peak is already at the limit. The strength of the different space that Sanctuary needs to fight is generally very strong. There is only this. Space only has the value of expedition. Unless it has a great impact on the wizarding islands and gods continent, ordinary first-order and second-order different spaces are not worth launching an expedition."

"Why is it not like this?! Isn't the **** devil our common enemy?" Maras couldn't help but be very anxious.

City Lord Corleone took a deep look at him and said: "This world is like this, full of the weak and the strong, and utilitarian. Everything must be measured, whether the investment and the harvest are balanced. It is not worth it. Expedition is different from exploration. It's very big, your different space is not worthy of the Sanctuary's too much energy.

"Is it limited help? You don't mind extending a helping hand, as long as we can pay the due price." The voice of the old chief came from behind the big tree not far away.

Malas hurriedly stood up and ran over, "My father, why are you here?"

The old chief rubbed his fiery red hair and said, "My son was taken away in the camp. If the father doesn’t come and see how he can feel relieved, he just didn’t expect the **** demons and human race predicted by the ancestors. Has appeared one after another, is this the so-called destiny?"

City Lord Corleone shrugged and said, "Sa, who knows, but one thing can be confirmed. Hell demons appeared in this alien space earlier than us. They were not brought by us. It is more likely that they caused their invasion. The fluctuation of your coordinates in this different space caused the reaction of the star map, and we have this time of exploration mission."

After a salute, the old chief said: "I didn't doubt what you meant. After all, when facing the **** demons, our position is the same. We hope to get your help, no matter how big or small."

City Lord Corleone laughed. It’s strange to believe you. You old guy is more cunning and black than your We may not be the same in the face of **** demons. Perhaps for the natives in different spaces, In fact, we are not very different from the **** demons, we are all outsiders.

It's just that the **** demons are more aggressive and more brutal, while the positions of those of us are a bit ambiguous. They may be enemies or friends.

Well, the premise is that we will not take the initiative to plunder the resources of this different space, otherwise they will definitely stand on the opposite side of their own.

But what did the expedition team go to different space for?

Space and resources!

"What am I waiting for in the abyss to throw my head and sprinkle my blood? Isn't it just to protect my homeland? In the face of **** demons, we kill if we can kill, or if we can kill, our position is indeed the same on this point. It’s just that we’re just an exploratory squad. The number of members is effective, and we can still make a difference in the face of a few **** demons. This time the number of **** demons is a little bit..."

"Understand, the master has the usage of the master, the army has the usage of the army, the number of my centaur warriors is enough to offset the number of the **** demon army, but the master level is slightly insufficient, if you can..." the old chief seems Did not let him off.

City Lord Corleone smiled and said: "In this exploration, we explored a total of six members, the lowest strength is also above your son, and I am the strongest among them, cooperation is possible, but we need to see yours Sincerity."

"By the way, the invasion of **** demons this time does not seem to be simple. The number of **** demons may far exceed your expectations. There is a teleportation formation in their camp, and new **** demons are constantly pouring in, although the carrying capacity is not Not much, but the victory is continuous. If this teleportation formation cannot be destroyed as soon as possible, I am afraid..."

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