The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1243: Can't let them bury you

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Although our exploration team will not take the initiative to clash with the Hell Demon army in principle, as a two-day guest in return, we have to show something. Vivian..." City Lord Corleone cast his gaze on Vivian .

Vivian rolled a big eye. This **** really makes people call. If there is nothing to do, Vivian, although he can completely suppress everyone in this different space, can you call someone else, except yourself? Others are very strong, except for Caroline, everyone else can be regarded as invincible.

It's just that by contrast, Vivian is not only invincible singledly, but also arrogant and unreasonable in group battles.

City Lord Corleone: Just have one that is easy to use, why do you have to change? And my purpose is to let them know how good they are, so naturally I have to choose the best one.

Or book, the one that can bluff people the most.

Vivian naturally knew that she was the most suitable candidate, but she was still very upset when she should be upset, and stretched out her hand to the Temple Knight Wall: "Holy water, give me a few kilos."

The Knights of the Wall Temple almost fell down and couldn't help screaming loudly: "Several kilos? Do you think this is river water and well water, can you just get a bunch of it? Holy water is sacred..."

Vivian directly interrupted his yelling: "Just tell me, how much you have left in your hand, and you can give me as much as you can. We'll be in a hurry."

"Two catties, I can only give you two catties at most." The Temple Knights of Wall kept crying: "Holy water is so precious, and only you and Brother Wei will squander it. Most people use both, who is like you. Tens to hundreds of catties, you don’t even know the hardships of the priests who make holy water."

"Every one of you is a monk halfway through, and none of you have been trained by the strict church. Besides me, who else can make holy water?" The Temple Knight Wall is very confident in this aspect. Although his magical skills are a little weird, Holy water manufacturing is very standard.

"My teacher Lilith will do it." Vivian picked up the bottle with holy water, weighed her mouth with disdain.

"My teacher, Ms. Will, too." Susan also got in touch at this time and spoke for her teacher.

"Are you talking about normal people? They two full of enchanting evildoers can't be judged according to common sense." The Knights of Wall said that these two people are special and can be ignored.

Then turned to Vivian and asked, "How do you plan to use it?"

"There are many ways to use more, and few ways to use less. It's just a matter of mind. Unless you can provide hundreds of tons of holy water, the result will not be any different." While speaking, Vivian sprinkled holy water directly on the ground. The two crystal clear ice fragments then fell to the ground and made a "pop" breaking sound, and a strong chill broke out instantly and quickly spread to the surroundings.

"The ice wakes up, the ice hell!" Vivian's own power is only second-order, but her control is very powerful. Under her control, an ice **** with a height of three meters and a width of five meters and a length of 100 meters appeared on the ground and cut off directly. The road leading to the gate of Qiulin tribe is closely connected to the left and right with the dense forest.

Looking at this chilly ice **** full of spikes, the Temple Knights of Wall were a little envious, "This is what you call less usage? If I really give you dozens of kilograms of holy water, what do you plan to do? "

"Based on the principle of making the best use of everything, I will probably build a small ice fortress. Well, a small fortress that can accommodate two to three hundred people lies in the middle of this square." Vivian shook his head and said, "This Probably it is my limit, and whether it is the ice **** or the ice fortress, it can only exist for at most three days. It will not have much impact on the ultimate fate of the Qiulin tribe. It is better to say that it is the best now."

"At least it won't give them an illusion that they still have hope to hold on." Vivian is really not optimistic about them.

They talked about the fate of Qiu Lin Buluo without anyone else. They really made the Chief Qiu Lin tribe angry. If it wasn't for the enemy, and he really couldn't fight it, he would definitely teach you Vivienne a bit. , Let her know that the centaur's dignity cannot be trampled on.

However, City Lord Corleone, Vivian and others didn't give him this opportunity at all. They boarded the small flying vehicle directly, soaring into the sky with a "boom", and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The speed was shocking.

"This..." Can this be played together, you guys, this is Chi Guoguo's foul, is this kind of speed a Tier 2 Sky Warrior can have? You have such a big baby, why don't you take it out earlier?

If I knew you had such a big baby, could I still doubt you like I did before? This is a baby who has completely detached from our space. With this speed and the strength that the girl showed, even if our entire centaur team joins forces, it can't help you. It is more likely that you will be a little tortured to death.

"Old man, everything you said before is true?" Chief Qiulin tribe began to be a little scared at this both afraid that everything they said before is true, and afraid of them Have a plan for yourself.

Whether it's true or not, it seems that I don't have the power to resist.

Centaur will never be slaves?

Haha, in the face of absolute strength, is stubbornness really useful?

A river tribe asked the truth and gently shook his head and said, "Although I also hope that this is a dream, but..."

"I don't fully believe what these people say. They and **** demons are both outsiders. Even if they are opposed to each other, they may not really be friends for us." The chief of the river tribe saw it clearly." They look down on us from the bottom of their bones, and I will definitely not mistake this. However, in them, I really don’t see malice."

"Is there no malice?" Chief Qiu Lin asked for help: "Old man, this time..."

"Old guy, listen to my brother's words, let's go and evacuate immediately. We can't stop it. At least the strength of our two tribes can't be stopped." The chief of the river tribe pointed to the tribe members who were quickly gathering for evacuation. Said: "None of us are alone. We are chiefs and tribal leaders. We are responsible for the people of the tribe."

"This is my tribe, where we thrive, and the homeland our ancestors have struck down so hard, how can we easily give up?!"

"As long as someone is there, as long as the person is still there, the home can always be rebuilt, but if the person is gone, what is the meaning of the home?"

"Old man, in a word, will you help me?"

"You, you are shameless. Forget it, it's okay for me and Maras to stay? Anyway, the sky knight can fly, as long as the lamp is not exhausted, there is always a ray of life, other tribesmen, I They cannot be buried for you."


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