The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1244: Come to life from desperate situation, come with reinforcements

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Go, get out of here!" The chief Qiulin tribe pushed his son away and stood up hard. Without arrows, the longbow has become a decoration. The spear has been scarred by weapon collisions.

After the fighting spirit was exhausted, his physical strength began to wear out, but the enemy was still pouring in, and there was no hope in sight. The warrior beside the chief Qiulin tribe had already lay down on the ground.

They are all first-tier great warriors, the elites of the Qiulin tribe and the river tribe, but now they have exhausted their power in the battle for a long time, and they have completely lost the power to fight again. The enemy is surrounded on all sides. If there is not one side, they are not too high. Closer, I'm afraid they won't be able to persist now.

"Father, it's too late. No one can leave now." The heir of Chief Qiu Lin threw the broken spear on the ground, picked up a spear that other soldiers had thrown on the ground, and looked at the one lying on the ground. My partner, his face was full of pain.

Seeing the sad look on his son's face, Chief Qiulin tribe felt extremely regretful, "It was my self-righteousness that harmed you."

"No, my father, this is my choice. After all, I am more willing to believe that this is a plot by the River Tribe to return to the ancestral land than the legendary Hell Demon Invasion." The heir of the Qiu Lin tribe chief had a smile on his face. As if the ghouls not far away did not exist, he turned his eyes to the west: "At least most of our tribe has been safely evacuated, haven't they?"

"Hey, hey, I'm still here, is it really okay for your father and son to say that?" The chief of the river tribe yelled dissatisfiedly: "Although returning to the ancestral land is my long-time dream, is it too conspiracy? A little too much. Old man, are you sure that this scumbag made a mistake in his judgment because he did not carefully study the documents left by his ancestors?"

"And you are not only your son, but also our father and son." The chief of the tribe looked at not far away leading a team of warriors to gallop freely, forcefully repulsing a wave of ghouls, with The son, who was slowly returning, covered in blood, had a loneliness flashing across his face.

"I was really wrong this time. The ancestral literature is something that every chief must read. How could I not know it, but who would have thought that the legendary **** demon actually existed and reappeared? Our world." Qiu Lin tribe chief was full of helpless expressions: "Before you came as a clan, you can't see any traces of wars, plus that guy's tone is so big, how do you look like nonsense? Badao unreliable guy, so..."

There is the chief of the river tribe: co-authoring or ours wrong?

"Father, there are too many **** demons, and there are still a steady stream of reinforcements coming from the rear. We, we are afraid that we will not be able to support it for too long." The gift that the Lord of Lyon gave him, the master-level alchemy equipment was not comparable to the weapons built by these indigenous people, and there was no damage on it.

"How much vindictiveness do you still have?" The chief of the river tribe suddenly asked, causing the expression on Maras's face to change slightly, "My father, I won't run away for the second time!"

"This is not an escape, but a strategic retreat. The needless sacrifice is shameful!" The chief of the river tribe whispered angrily.

"Maras, the fighting spirit in our body is basically exhausted. After a day and night of battle, the people have fled to a safe place. Now is the time to consider our own comfort. Any preservation of strength is for future counterattacks." The chief of the Qiulin tribe also began to persuade Maras to leave.

"Maras, after you leave, we will also choose to break through, but there are too many **** demons here. Our breakthrough may not be smooth. Even if we break through smoothly, we will be chased by them all the way afterwards. I hope you can be as fast as possible. He rushed to the ancestral land at the speed of the ancestor, and then recruited reinforcements to support us." The heir of the chief Qiulin tribe looked at Maras with a real face.

Malas couldn’t help but his eyes were hot. It’s not easy to break through. They are already exhausted teachers. Except for a little bit of grudge, everyone is almost exhausted. The reason why those **** demons don’t rush to attack is because they see They are almost at the end of the road, and they are unwilling to make unnecessary sacrifices.

As long as you spend a little bit of time, people like yourself will be crushed to death. There is no need to make greater sacrifices. After all, the previous 50 or 60 class powerhouses on your side have caused them no small damage.

"Damn bastard, their trebuchets are coming up again." A warrior in charge of reconnaissance and intelligence issued an alarm, and everyone immediately stood up and watched carefully.

"Everyone hides in the Bingling Hell!" The chieftain of the Youhe tribe gave the order for the first time. This is their last line of defense, but under the bombardment, the Bingling here has also suffered some damage, and as time goes by, the Bingling Hell The strength of the person is slowly fading, and I don’t know how long it will be able to support it.

Wait, are there more enemy catapults this time? There were hundreds of trebuchets slowly advancing in all directions, and they also saw that there were huge rocks on the trebuchets, and there were actually ghouls in a group.

In order to deal with the **** demons, they directly demolished some buildings of the Qiulin tribe and built a simple camp relying on the Bingling Hell to withstand waves of offensives by the **** demons. Now the fortifications are damaged and the people on their side are exhausted. Needless to say, the enemy is actually planning a wave of air strikes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The continuous roar was accompanied by the smoke and dust in the sky, the screams were endless, and a roar and hiss followed.

"The centaur will never be a slave!"

"Those who offend my centaur, kill without mercy!"

"Hell demon, this is the territory of my centaur, get out of our home!"

A group of figures fell from the sky and fell fiercely in the group of **** demon catapults, and the trebuchets were torn apart under the vindictive spirit. No powerful demons were manipulating the catapults, and they suffered heavy casualties under their powerful offensive.

"Woo~oooo~~~" A horn sounded, and thousands of horses galloping in the distance were extremely dusty. I saw a centaur army roaring, and the rain of arrows smashed the western army of ghouls. Huge hole.

"Hahahaha, old folks, are you dead? The great galloping tribe of Elma has come to save you!" A loud voice sounded, accompanied by a grievance, and blood and blood flew everywhere.

"It's the ancestral land, the ancestral land reinforcements are here!" There was a look of ecstasy on the faces of the chiefs of the river tribe and the chief of the Qiulin tribe, but Maras looked up at the sky, and a small aircraft in the sky kept jumping down. Smashing into the enemy's army, UU Reading disrupted the formation of the ghoul army.

"It's them, the exploratory team." Marath's words caught the attention of the two chiefs and at the same time noticed the situation in midair.

The two chiefs couldn't help being embarrassed. They are not fools. The reason why the reinforcements of the ancestral land came so timely must be inseparable from them. After all, the two tribes who escaped have a large number of people, and most of them are old and weak women and children. Slowing down the speed of advancement, these reinforcements were obviously not what they asked for.

And the only exploratory team that can do all of this in such a short period of time is the super-high flying speed.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a figure fell on the ground fiercely, and a huge fist waved to the side. A powerful force appeared out of thin air and would bypass the defense and quietly lurking in front of the ghoul.

"Oh, meet again, you don’t seem to look very good, is the **** devil very tasty?" City Lord Corleone smashed both fists continuously, and Dao Quan Ying rushed to kill the **** demon who wanted to destroy them. The bones broke and fell to the ground.

"Holy potion, the best choice for restoring stamina, fighting spirit, and energy, do you want a little bit? There is a 12% discount when you buy it now." The Temple Knights of Wall drove a Tier 2 steel puppet horse to gallop in front of them.

"The battlefield is unfolding, ice hell!" Vivian's voice made most of them tremble. This is not cold, but a reflex after being beaten up.

"Fire Dragon Hengkong!" Susan did not let Vivian be alone. A huge ferocious fire dragon flew out with waving wings. Wherever he went, the **** demon turned into a ball of flames, struggling to die and kill. The efficiency is still above the mobile ice cave of Vivian.

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