The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1245: The situation is critical and the cooperation is happy

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Although I am very reluctant to admit it, I have to admit that the Centaur people have encountered the greatest crisis in history, which is ten times more dangerous than the ancestors facing the ogre strangulation." Al Ma is the chief of the Galloping Horse tribe. , And the Benma tribe is precisely the most powerful tribe in the ancestral land.

The chief of the river tribe poured the sacred potion into his mouth and watched the two rough female centaur warriors perform the bandaging techniques they just learned on him. They were so as to wrap themselves into mummies, but he didn't care at all. On the contrary, it was strange. I took a look at my old man: "Old man, I admit that the number of **** demons that suddenly appeared is really huge, and they are not afraid of death at all. They are very difficult, but our whole centaur is united, and we will be able to beat them back. of."

The chieftain of the river tribe is still very sensible. After experiencing this war, he disappeared from his mind directly. Like this time, he is very satisfied as long as he can beat the enemy back.

"Fight back? Haha, old man, you think too much. The other party's purpose is to kill us all and then occupy our world. Their strength is beyond imagination." A touch of sadness flashed across Al Ma's face, followed by excitement. Spirit said: "Even if the enemy is really strong, our centaur is not easy to bully. If you want to eat us, it depends on whether their teeth are good."

"Old man, what happened? Do you seem to know something?" The chief Qiulin tribe was wrapped in layers of white cloth, and it looked like a weird white horse from a distance.

El Ma looked at the seven or eight Tier 2 masters around him, and his eyes fell on the city lord Corleone who yawned boredly: "This time we were able to survive the disaster. I really want to thank this friend who came from afar, if not He, I'm afraid we Centaur will really be overwhelmed."

The matter is simple and not simple.

The **** demon invaded the different space and eliminated the Yanhe and Heihe tribes successively. Then, when they attacked the river tribe, Maras was delayed for a while, and the river tribe directly successfully retreated.

At this time, the **** demons realized that the centaur were not ordinary beasts that just stayed in place and waited for them to attack, so they changed their strategy, and a large number of **** demons continued to teleport along the space boundary to try to move The entire space was surrounded, and then contracted to attack on all sides.

It is conceivable that this kind of large-scale deployment of troops is huge, and they did not wait until the troops were fully in place, and they adopted a strategy of focusing on assaults on all sides. To the east, they followed the hilly tribe along the retreat of the river tribe, and a strange soldier Straight into the Centaur ancestral Benma tribe.

This squad is very powerful, with a number of about three hundred. There are all hierarchical ghouls. Among them, the number of second-order ghouls has reached ten. Their speed is not comparable to those of non-level ghouls. , Lurking all the way and approaching the Benma tribe quietly.

When the Galloping Horse tribe found out, they had already begun to charge. No one could stop where they passed. They directly smashed under the wall of Galloping Horse tribe. El Ma led the Galloping Horse tribe warriors to resist desperately, but they were eaten by ten second-order soldiers. The ghouls joined forces to open a huge gap, and Tier Three Hundred Ghouls poured in like a tide, and the Benma tribe was about to fall.

At this moment, a drizzle of rain fell from the sky, and all the ghouls wailed sharply, and then a ball of flames fell from the sky and exploded fiercely in the ghoul army.

In order to launch a wave of charges, in order to be able to form a strong impact, the ghoul army adopted a very dense and concentrated charging method. The powerful fireball did not need to be targeted at all, so it had to burst in the middle of the ghoul army. Take the lives of large numbers of enemies.

The fireball exploded, and the flames burned in the enemy army. A young and beautiful figure fell to the ground and stopped all Tier 2 ghouls rushing into the tribe. An ice **** encircled them all, and the ghouls were all in a flash The army of dragons without a leader fell into a dilemma of fighting each other.

A steel creation crashed to the ground in the sky, and four Tier 2 masters who controlled huge steel puppet mounts rushed out, witchcraft and vindictive, galloping across the ghoul army time and time again to divide the enemy and harvest lives, and the battlefield situation was instantly reversed.

Al Ma is not a fool, so he immediately summoned the troops to regain his strength, surrounded the entire battlefield, and used bows and arrows to harvest the enemy's lives on the periphery, and at the same time prevented the escaped fish from escaping.

Although I didn't know what these two groups of horses were at first, it was obvious that the first wave was enemies, and the second wave was friendly forces. Al Ma's decision saved the running horse tribe, and all the enemies were killed and captured.

Ghouls are a race with wisdom, although this wisdom is not full of goodwill, but full of animality and malice.

Caroline used witchcraft to obtain a lot of information from the captured ghouls, especially about the opponent's demon space and the invasion of this space.

"Corleone Boxer took us along the route of the Hell Demon on the border to the location of the portal. The number of Hell Demon in the central area alone exceeds 20,000, and the number is still increasing." There was a bit of bitterness on Ma's face: "The number of **** demons scattered everywhere is only a lot more than this. Among them, there are tens of thousands of **** demons who are besieging and hunting you, but they seem to be very cunning and want to consume you. Die, not take it all at once."

"The high probability is that you are afraid to arouse your fighting spirit, so you can break through." Al Ma is a very smart man. The number of powerful **** demons in this battlefield is far less than the **** demons who attacked the running horse tribe. The victory lies in the large number. If the two patriarchs are in good condition, it is not difficult to break through, but at first they were forced to stay in order to buy time for the fleeing tribesmen. When the tribes are far away, they want to leave again. Cha found that the encirclement was already very tight, and they...

And their vindictiveness and physical strength have already been consumed, and it is already very difficult to break through.

The **** demons are cunning and treacherous. They tried again and again, and weakened their power again and again without causing them too much damage. This method of boiling the frog in warm water almost brought many advanced players including the two chiefs. All died.

I have to say that it is very time for Elm and others to come. After confirming the overall situation, he didn't come to rescue in a hurry, but contacted other tribal chiefs and organized an army of hierarchies. .

"The enemy, is it really that powerful?" The chieftain of Youhe tribe was pale. Although he was prepared in his heart, he still couldn't accept the news after hearing the news.

"We are strong, otherwise it is impossible to invade us actively, but it is not really irreparable." Al Meng cast his gaze to Corleone City Lord, who nodded and said: "Assemble all the centaur powers, plus our hands. It’s still possible to limit the **** demons to a very small range of aircraft."

A river tribe chief's eyes fell on the face of Kryon City Lord: "It's just a restriction, can't it be completely eliminated or repelled?"

City Lord Corleone shrugged and said: “Use aircraft to launch attacks on the enemy at high altitudes, restrict the enemy’s outing, and block their main force around the teleportation array. Most of the other troops will clear out the **** demons scattered outside as soon as possible, and then concentrate all their power to complete the attack on them. Enclosed."

"Don't think about active offense. Defensive counterattack or guerrilla warfare you have the advantage, but the attack will bring too much damage, and even the entire army will be destroyed!" Corleone City Lord did not save them face, but told them very directly. They are insufficient offense and more than defensive. The best way is to use defense instead of I wonder how long you will stay here? "There was a question from the chief of the river tribe, which made the atmosphere on the scene suddenly become dignified.

Elma's complexion changed slightly, and his gaze towards the Lord Corleone was a little bit wrong. Because of the tight time, the communication between him and the Lord Corleone had always been dominated by **** demons. Instead, he looked at the information of the Lord Corleone and others. Not many, but the chief of the river tribe is different. He has passed through a lot of ditch with Corleone City Lord before, and his understanding of them is still better than that of Chief Elm.

"Hey, did you find it? But I didn’t conceal your meaning. After all, I am an outsider who always wants to leave. The time I stay here is not fixed, but there is a bottom line, one month, and the shortest time for each exploration is One month.” City Lord Corleone’s words were true, but he still played a slippery head, but the slippery head was still discovered by the chief of the river tribe.

"I don't know, how much time is left in this month? Or, how long do you want us to procrastinate for you?"

City Lord Corleone smiled and said: "Everyone cooperates with each other. After all, the magic stones that aircraft fly in mid-air every day are not small. Even if this space is occupied by **** demons, as long as they don't have a large number of flying troops, we are safe. Of course, I do have selfish intentions to help you, but this is a win-win situation, isn't it?"

"I hope your Excellency can help us frankly and openly, and my centaur will be rewarded."

"Sure enough, working with people who are too smart is troublesome, nothing more. I can provide intelligence support, tactical guidance, and even some knowledge and classics. But this is not free, and cooperation is not a unilateral effort. "The words of City Lord Corleone were approved by everyone.

"Happy cooperation!"

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