The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1247: We are just noobs

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"It is not shameful to ask the gods for help when we are weak. We will not be arrogant or arrogant. We will not be arrogant or arrogant. We will recognize ourselves and face everything around rationally without losing it. One's own passion and fighting spirit, the balance of which requires sufficient wisdom to hold it well."

City Lord Corleone was appointed as a part-time strategic guide for the centaur external instructor, responsible for training the elite of the centaur, but this guy recommended the **** of war faith to them at this time. The centaur is a natural fighting race, and they are born. An extraordinary physique, a superior vindictive cultivation aptitude, and an unyielding heart.

The battle anthem conquered more than 90% of the centaur warriors with just one battle anthem. It has the effect of enthusiasm and no loss of reason. The all-round blessing of speed, strength and vindictiveness. Although there may be a little loss of strength after the event, it is difficult to fight Passion is unforgettable.

The centaur warriors are not distinguished between men and women. Among the seven surviving chiefs, there is also a female chief. This female chief received a combat mission and organized a team of female soldiers. This team was in Corleone with a team of two hundred. With the blessing of the battle song of the Lord of War, he defeated the same number of male teams abruptly.

"My name is Aimar, a boxer of God of War and a brave explorer. I don't know if you are willing to stay in our centaur tribe forever and become a member of the tribe. The hospitable centaur tribe is willing to treat you as its own family. And I, Aimar, the leader of the piano tribe who is proficient in dance and music, is willing to share the power of the leader with you, and you will..." Aimar is a new chief, and she is the dream lover of all adult centaur races.

She is powerful, smart, optimistic, and generous. She is full of wild vigor, and always gives people a feeling of positive progress. However, the Lord Corleone said that she is just a passerby, an explorer, and a constant adventurous for the safety of the world. Little people.

"If one day you can enter the battlefield of the abyss, you will find that I am not as strong as you think. I and the partners around me cannot be said to be the bottom of the light sanctuary, but are at the bottom of the pyramid of strength, Aimar, you It deserves a better one, I am optimistic about you!" City Lord Corleone then briefly introduced the members of the Guardian Expedition.

The three semi-god powerhouses made Aimar shudder all over, "Is the semi-god powerhouse? It's hard to imagine, can I really see such a great powerhouse?"

Aimar turned his eyes and said with a smile: "Can you tell me why the strong are always the favored? Whether it is the three semi-god powerhouses or the third-tier top steward, they are the favored ones. But you people are just believers. Is there any secret in this?"

City Lord Corleone shook his head lightly, and nodded a little: "It is not difficult to understand your question in reverse. It is easy for a strong man with excellent qualifications to get the blessing of the gods. I have a dull aptitude and can only rely on the hard work of the day after tomorrow. All people can do is to give up their faith in exchange for the meager favor of the gods."

"God loves the world. They have created extraordinary professions to guard our homes and shelter us from the wind and rain. Divine art is a gift given by the gods to the faithful, and the favored ones are the children of the gods. They are enjoying the gods. While giving more care, he also bears heavier burdens and responsibilities.” The Lord Corleone showed off the great achievements of Ville, Lilith, and Guai Lilu one by one, and successfully displayed this high-sighted centaur beauty chief. 'S attention shifted away from himself.

Well, it was successfully transferred to Little Will.

A statue of God of War stands in the ancestral land of the Centaur. In just three days, more than 5,000 Centaur fighters became devout followers of the God of War. The God of War was never a **** of fist. In addition to the **** of war, the Lord Corleone was also a fighter. A mighty sky knight, an iron-blooded general galloping across the orc battlefield.

Training will never be able to train strong soldiers, Corleone City Lord directly led them to power level training, teamed up with the Knights of Wall and Ooze Monster Zach, and with the support of Caroline’s intelligence, they attacked and killed the Hell Devil again and again. The temporary camp abruptly contained the expansion of the **** demons, and even suppressed them.

The belief in the God of War became stronger with the battles, and Aimar became the first person to comprehend the God of War, so this God of War is impressively: war song. Inspiration!

"The Centaur is really good at fighting, singing and dancing." Returning from the battlefield triumphantly, a grand banquet was unfolded in the ancestral land, and the food and wine were full of the brutal style of the Centaur. The Lord Corleone, the Knights of the Temple of Wall , Ooze monster Zach very successfully blended with them, but the three female wizards seemed a little out of place.

Elegance has never been the style of the centaur, and their so-called slim body is not the standard that the centaur likes. They like tall, mighty, vigorous, and extraordinary, even if Susan and Vivian also have second-order vindictiveness, the same In the eyes of centaur warriors, they are a kind of opportunistic alternative, who are able to gallop on the battlefield and are accustomed to using witchcraft.

According to City Lord Corleone’s plan, the centaur warriors continued to attack the scattered **** demons, while Susan, Vivienne, and Caroline directly bombed their base camp with the help of aircrafts, trying to destroy the teleportation formation, forcing them The **** demon had to defend it all.

And the **** demon's reaction was as he expected, he began to shrink his defenses, and the situation was very good. At this moment, the two sky warriors, Alma and Maras, left the barrier.

"Friends from afar, thank you very much for everything you have done for us. The **** demons are our common enemy. Our enemies are powerful and cunning. Opposite the portal is a more powerful space than us. The owner of the space is Eyes on our world." A resolute expression appeared on Al Man's face.

"Time is very precious to us, but the longer the time, the more severe the penetration of that **** demon into our world. Those **** demons bring not only killing, but also the aura belonging to that demon space. They are constantly flowing. Entering our world is not just for slaughter and conquest, they are also the coordinate chess pieces of that world."

"Their souls and flesh and blood carry a strong **** aura, and these auras will become the source of power for the opposing space master to invade our world, and the source of power that can be used in our time is running out. Now, if we cannot close the portal as soon as possible, the power that the **** demon can use in our family will become greater and greater. Once Malas and I are together, we cannot resist his power. By then, our world will inevitably be Swallowed by him."

"Yes, my dear people, not conquering, but devouring, completely devouring the food of the other side's world. This is the cognition we have gained after being recognized by the world."

"Friends who have come from afar, please help us again and drive out the **** demon in one go!" Al Ma looked at the Corleone City Lord and waited for his response.

City Lord Corleone pondered a little, and asked in a deep voice, "As far as I know, after refining the key of space, he will become the owner of the space, and the owner of the space has the ability to expel foreign enemies from enclosed spaces."

Al Ma gently shook his head and said: "It's too late. The other party has turned the portal into the other party's domain, and we have lost control of it."

"Well, it can't be said to be completely lost. It's just that the land is contaminated with too much the air of the opponent. If we want to close the enclosed space of the teleportation array, we must first defeat the opponent or completely wipe the air of the opponent from the land. . So, my dear friend, I hope you can help us again, help us centaur."

"That's it, but is this range a little too big? Those **** demons don't seem to be..."

"My dear friend, please don't look at our enemies from the eyes of the big guys in your team. We are just rookies who have not walked out of this small space." Al Ma gave a deep salute to City Lord Corleone: " Please save us. With our strength, we are really powerless to fight the enemy!"

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