The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1248: Siege Hell Demon

"The troubles of the young wizard (

The rumbling sound is endless, a team of centaur soldiers rushing back and forth with buckets on their backs, buckets of river water pouring down like a cistern, and a water cannon car next to it is elevated to draw water from the cistern. And launched into the Hell Demon Camp not far away.

Why not use river water directly?

Not far from the side, a five-fifth-high God of War statue stands proudly. A group of centaur warriors sings and dances to contribute their beliefs to the God of War. The Knights of the Temple of Wall continue to gather this part of the belief and deploy them into holy water.

The holy water is transported to the reservoir. Although it is diluted hundreds, thousands or even ten thousand times, the holy water is holy water, even if it is meager, the essential part of it remains unchanged.

The magic power in Vivian's hands was released, and the ice arrows took shape quickly. Teams of sub-centaur fighters quickly received the arrows, and then whizzed and went straight to the front line, where the ghoul army roared towards them. .

"Boom~ boom~ boom~" A series of water cannons slammed the ghoul army fiercely, and the tens of thousands of times diluted holy water forcibly defeated them and broke their bodies, and even the holy water melted into their bodies and corroded them. body of.

"Swish~wish~wish~" A series of ice and sharp arrows came over the sky, and under the command of City Lord Corleone, three shots were continuous. The attack of the ghoul army was effectively contained by them, and they were brought back to them. Great damage came.

You said that ghouls have a good sense of fighting and attack them in a roundabout way?

Haha, this does not exist. City Lord Corleone has previously launched a team of Susan, Vivienne, Zach, Knights of the Wall, Caroline and others to create an isolation zone on the other three sides, leaving only the front side for entry and exit. , The purpose is very simple, lest the enemy will die.

But it was precisely this method of encircling three and missing one that caused great damage to the ghoul.

Aimar led a group of five hundred unranked centaur warriors to patrol the three-sided defense. Looking at the beautiful red flowers, she couldn't help but get goose bumps. "The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous it is?"

Yes, the City Lord Corleone and the others have built the Bloodthirsty Rose Defense Line. This magical plant that has been improved several times by Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo has now undergone earth-shaking changes.

The reproduction speed is fast, but there is only a limited number of reproductions, and it will not be flooded.

Aggressive, but only very aggressive towards enemies with the atmosphere of **** demon.

The defense is strong, both physical attacks and magical attacks have very strong defenses, but they are not very resistant to wood attribute magic and are completely controlled by them.

As soon as this kind of treasure came out, the whole centaur was in a tumult. They saw the dawn of victory. Why didn't this kind of good thing come out sooner?

City Lord Corleone told them that this thing is very limited and has a life cycle. Because it is ripening, it can only exist for a short period of ten days and a half, and it will wither completely after ten days and a half.

However, during this period, the use of the corpses of the **** demon can give birth to many precious fruits used to restore physical strength and injuries. To be honest, these fruits are not worthy of Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo. Compared with these fruits, they More important is the flesh and blood collected by these bloodthirsty roses.

None of the Corleone City Lord, the Temple Knights of Wall, and others are of wood attributes. Although they can also give birth to Scarlet Roses, their efficiency is very touching. What can each person do with a range of tens of hundreds of meters?

We must know that the **** demon’s invasion range has expanded to ten miles in diameter. In the end, it was Ville and Guai Liluo who indirectly shot in the seven-story holy tower to successfully build this large piece of bloodthirsty rose, but it also consumed a lot of their reserve seeds. This thing is out of date for them, if it's not that they can't play in person, they won't need these things at all.

Bloodthirsty Rose is now just a self-defense thing for City Lord Corleone, Temple Knight of Wall, Ooze Monster Zach, Little Transparent Caroline, and even Susan and Vivienne don't use it much.

Aimar gave an order, and everyone slowly approached the bloodthirsty rose with special gloves, and quickly picked off the outer ripe fruit for preservation. The centaur warriors are also excellent pharmacists, and they are also very familiar with plant medicinal materials. These blood-colored fruits are definitely high-quality treasures in their eyes.

Although it does not require refining to use directly, it has good results, but as natural pharmacists, they still work together in a short period of time. Under the guidance of Corleone City Lord (Little Ville is hidden behind the back), they have refined seven or eight. A simple recovery medicine and healing medicine.

Recovering physical strength, restoring fighting qi, restoring blood qi, hemostasis, pain relief, disinfection, etc. have good effects, and Aimar is one of the few great pharmacists in the entire centaur.

Collecting, cleaning, and refining, the efficiency of the five hundred senior fighter-level pickers should not be too high, and the next 100 senior fighters are used as transport workers. What about the running speed of the centaur?

Aimar did not personally preside over the refining work. She needed to keep an eye on the enemy's movements and was responsible for intelligence reconnaissance, defense maintenance, and logistics supplies. This was also arranged by City Lord Corleone.


Haha, the Lord Corleone will tell you that if you don't arrange so much work for her, you will be entangled by this little mare and cannot get away?

It only took an hour to deploy the defense, but it took three days and three nights to resist the **** demon counterattack, three days and three nights without sleep, and the Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall stayed on the front line.

"The sixth team quickly collects the enemy's corpses and throws them into the Scarlet Rose Grove. The third team is responsible for cover."

"The twelfth, thirteenth, and fifteenth teams transported corpses, focusing on the rear of the enemy."

"The line of defense moves forward a hundred meters, Vivian is the vanguard, and Susan supports it!"

"The range of the water cannon has moved three hundred meters, three shots, start!"

"The first team of archers are moving forward The second team of archers are following ten steps away, and the third team of archers is on standby!"

"Warriors, the last moment is coming. The reinforcement speed of the Hell Demon is far less than the consumption speed. The enemy is not invincible. The final victory is already beckoning to us. Persistence and persistence is victory. For our homeland. , For our loved ones, but also for ourselves, warriors, at this last moment, we must not relax!"

"Logistics team, everyone distributes recovery potions, and the wounded are focused on taking care of them!"

City Lord Corleone commanded the battle in an orderly manner. Five or six Tier 2 ghouls suddenly slew out, but they were blocked by Vivian for the first time. "The battlefield is spread out, the ice hell!"

"Fireball hell!" Susan is not a vase decoration either. Masses of huge fireballs hit the ghouls blocked by Vivienne. The power of the second-order witchcraft and flame specialization made those ghouls dead and injured. Disastrously, instantly lost combat effectiveness.

"Hmph, the **** devil should go to hell, this is not where you can come!" Susan snorted proudly, and the city lord Corleone next to him gave a thumbs up: "As expected, it was created by Brother Weier based on Guai Li Luo. Student, violent enough!"

Susan rolled her eyes and said: "Don't be funny, the camp of the **** devil was pushed into and divided by one-third by us. Bloodthirsty Rose is really able to shield it at this time, and we don't have much time. Is it..."

City Lord Corleone nodded and said: "Yes, it's time to launch a general attack, but it is essential to recharge before that. After all, there are not a few remaining **** demons. The most important thing is the consumption of holy water. It’s a little bit bigger. The power of faith contributed by this group of new followers of the God of War has not been transformed so fast, and it actually requires me as a guest to pay for it."

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