The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1249: Old man, are you going to die?

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"It's time to dispatch our secret weapon!" City Lord Corleone looked at Elma and Maras standing in front of him, with a solemn face: "You really have confirmed that you can close the teleportation magic circle in the shortest time? "

With a trace of firmness in his eyes, Al Ma nodded fiercely and said: "If my strength alone may not be enough, after all, the people recognized by our ancestors are the two of us, and the authority of the space key is divided into two, either. Human abilities have been weakened a lot, but together we can exercise complete spatial abilities."

"Turning off the teleportation magic circle is only the first step. The second step is to completely isolate the space from the outside world, so that our world is hidden and no longer easily found by the other party. But before that, we must clean up the enemy's imprints here. clean."

Speaking of this, Elm’s eyes fell on the Lord Corleone. This foreign man helped them a lot, but got very little in return. As a qualified chief, Elm didn’t think this man was real. So kind, help yourself without asking for anything in return.

The good things in their hands made El Ma be heartbroken, and at the same time, they knew that the other party was very strong. On his own side, he couldn't even beat the weakest one of them, and the treasure in the other's hand was even stronger. It's shocking.

However, this was only before they got the space authority. Now they have two space authority owners. Their strength directly breaks through the limits of the space and can exert their third-order strength, and they can also use the space authority to enhance attack defense and perform some special ability.

"Well, in that case, after we have cleaned up the remaining **** demons, please destroy the teleportation array as soon as possible and close the space cracks." City Lord Corleone pointed to a small hill occupied by the **** demons in the distance. The atmosphere of **** is so strong that it affects the real world, and the black clouds are daunting.

This is the awe from the heart, the awe for the mighty power, the awe for the demon breath of hell, and the awe for the evil breath from the other party.

Even if separated by a space, you can still feel the breath of the opponent, the breath of the strong, the two centaur warriors who have obtained the space authority, Alma and Maras, clearly feel the strength of the opponent: Tier 3, and also It's not as simple as entering the third level.

Senior third-tier powerhouse, the middle of the third-tier? Third-order high-end? Or is it the pinnacle of Tier 3?

They clearly realize that if it is a head-on confrontation, they have no chance of winning. Fortunately, this is their home court, and the strength limit that this space can hold is the second-order peak, and the third-order will be ruled out unless it is the owner of this space.

Both Elm and Maras are now pseudo-third-tier. They are the third-tier under the authority of the space key. Once they lose the space bonus, they are still only second-tier. They are still facing the guardian expedition expedition team. The weaker one can plop the second-order sky fighters.

Don’t gossip, let’s say that at the order of the Corleone City Lord, ten first-order fighters walked slowly on a stone platform with a diameter of three meters. Although many people cooperated, they were neatly aligned and very stable. On the stone platform, a statue of God of War cast his eyes forward. Thousands of fighters lined up in a neat line to sing and dance. The leader is Chief Aimar. Among these thousand senior fighters, there are half men and women. The strength is not to say, but the level of singing and dancing is definitely not bad. .

City Lord Corleone walked in the forefront, muttering words in his mouth, and his aura rose steadily, from the beginning of the second stage, the middle of the second stage, and the high stage of the second stage to the peak of the second stage, but there was still a faint breakthrough in the second stage. The posture of Tier 3 made the two Space Powers, Elm and Maras, feel idle, and became more dreaded by the strength of this God of War boxer.

"Purification compass, come!" City Lord Kryon raised his hands high, and a mirror with a diameter of more than two feet and a complex pattern appeared quietly. The mirror exuded a sacred light in his hand and quickly flew into the air.

City Lord Corleone raised his head and looked far away. The small aircraft suddenly sprayed layers of mist, and the mist directly condensed by high-concentration holy water quickly enveloped the entire Hell Demon camp.

A burst of piercing and screaming roars sounded, and heads of **** demons rushed out frantically, and went straight to the gap where the Lord Corleone was, and even some **** demons rushed directly into the bloodthirsty rose bush and were stabbed by the bloodthirsty rose thorns. The broken body was sucked into dried meat in a blink of an eye.

All the centaur warriors watched as they swarmed, and the faces of the densely packed ghouls instantly changed. Their power, speed, and number made them shocking, especially the Tier 2 ghouls running in the front. The number reached an astonishing second. There are more than a dozen heads, and there are more than a thousand ghouls in the ranks following them.

"Great God of War, your followers pray sincerely here..." In the face of the **** demons rushing, the Lord Corleone didn't have any organization to defend. Several centaur chiefs looked terrified, but he held up his head. Chest walked to the front of the God of War statue that had just landed, and "pumped~" bowed in front of the statue and began to pray sincerely.

At this time, the high-ranking centaur tribes such as Elma, Maras, Aimar, etc. were a little hard to choose.

Do you believe that he will pray with him, or will he immediately organize defenses?

This is related to their survival. After three days and three nights of crazily weakening, the **** demons on the opposite side still have the strength to compete with them, or even exceed them. This is simply unimaginable.

With such a powerful **** demon, why don't you rush out of the siege and expel yourself and others?

Aimar gritted his teeth and looked at the other centaur seniors around him and said: "I believe him. He has brought us many miracles. We can't fight these **** demons when we are independent. If so, why don't you believe them?"

Aimar finished speaking and waved a big hand, and directly led a group of centaur warriors to kneel to the ground. As the Lord Corleone began to pray piously: "Great God of War, your followers pray here piously..."

"There is always someone to make sacrifices, why can't it be me?" The chieftain of the Youhe tribe suddenly stood up, patted his shoulder and said: "Gods are great, I believe in gods, but gods are high above, not necessarily If I can take care of ordinary people like us in time, I will lead some fighters to meet the impact of the enemy. Just follow in the footsteps of the guests."

"Father always stands behind you!"

After what tribe chief said, he said loudly: "The future belongs to the children. Old folks who can afford weapons, let me charge!"

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Lin Lin to be a hero when he is old. Even if he loses his life here, it is worth it. Children, let you see how good old people like us are!"

"As long as four legs can run, the centaur warrior will not fall down, and the old centaur can also kick the ferocious demon wolf to death!"

"Years can deprive us of our physical strength and our lives, but not the heart and honor of our soldiers. Boys, take a look at the last lesson we old guys give you."

"Smack~" A gray-haired centaur warrior slapped a young centaur warrior aside with a slap, and said with a smile: "Boy, now is not when you are in the limelight. The future is yours, but now, old Honestly, look at the prestige of your old man. If you want to make Lao Tzu live a few more days, just listen to the chief honestly."

"Centaur~" The chief of the river tribe raised his arms, and the densely packed old centaur warriors shouted in unison: "Never be a slave!"

The strong vindictiveness rushes into the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu. The strands of com's breath turned into white silk threads visible to the naked eye and flew towards the God of War statue. A bright ray of light flickered on the statue and suddenly flew out and fell on the mirror in mid-air.

With a weird noise, the mirror in mid-air suddenly spun quickly, and a strange attraction appeared quietly. The black light on the ground was attracted by it, and moths rushed into the mirror like a fire, forming a huge The whirlpool, the whirlpool is getting bigger and bigger, and the attraction is getting stronger.

City Lord Corleone suddenly raised his head, raised his hands high and made a push, only to see that the mirror flew forward flat to meet the swarming **** demons, and the powerful attraction suddenly broke out and ran on the ground. The jumping **** demon felt a powerful attraction, and his whole body was suddenly suspended in the air and sucked into it by the mirror.

There was the first and the second, and then more and more **** demons were swept into black spots and fell into the mirror and disappeared. The **** demons ran around with a cry of horror, but there was that side in front. The weird mirror, behind it is the fog that makes them uncomfortable to vomit blood, and there is no way of escape around.

Was it sucked away by the mirror, or was it dying slowly in the mist, or was it trying to be sucked into dried meat by the dense bloodthirsty roses?

The chieftain of the Youhe tribe watched the dense **** demons flying up and disappearing in the air, his face was shocked, and his ambition to die generously just now fell into a trough and turned into a devout belief in the **** of war.

"Praise you, the great God of War!"

Maras looked stunned, and blurted out: "Old man, are you going to die?"

"Smack~" There was a river tribe chief who slapped him on the back of his head: "You kid, I can live another hundred years!"

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