The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1254: Break into the bottom of the maze, Raiders Teleportation Array

I have to say that kobolds are high-quality miners second only to dwarves and above goblins. They forcibly turned a small mountain into a huge underground maze, layered on top of one another, making Elma and Mara Si has been walking three times, beheading hundreds of **** demons before finding the final destination: the teleportation hall.

"Roar~" A deafening roar sounded, a huge three-headed hellhound crawled on the ground in the wide teleportation hall, and its three heads roared at two uninvited guests, and the huge teleportation array shone with light. Several ghouls appeared quietly.

"Quick battle and quick decision!" Elm knew that the longer the delay, the more enemies there would be. There was a mess in the teleportation hall. Large swaths of centaur bones were everywhere, making the two centaur masters angry.

The Hellhound of the second-tier peak, and also the three-headed Hellhound, the aura on his body really made El Ma a little uncertain, and the bow and arrow in his hand emitted a bright light and shot at the past fiercely.

One of the three heads of the three hellhounds suddenly opened, and a sulphurous flame burst out quickly. After more than ten feet, it could be clearly felt that Al Ma's attack was instantly dissipated.

"Swish~wish~wish~" Wind blades spit out from a dog's mouth next to the three hellhounds, overwhelmingly killing the two centaur masters.

"Shield!" Maras rushed forward to stand in front of Al Ma, and let out a loud roar. The shield in his left hand instantly became bigger and protected them both, and the wind blade hit the shield and made a "pounce" sound. Turned into invisible, it didn't even bring much impact to Maras.

"The shield made by Master Susan is really amazing!" Maras couldn't help but admired again and again, his spear slammed into the sky, and a biting grudge went straight to the three hellhounds.

The last head of the three-headed hellhound opened quickly, and a rock stood up from the ground and stood in front of it. The vindictiveness was mounted on it. The rock cracked apart with a crackling sound, but it successfully blocked Marath’s fatal one. hit.

"Kill!" Seeing the final level, Elm doesn't care what is lost. As long as he kills the **** demons here to destroy the teleportation array, their mission is half completed, and the rest is disconnection and the opposite **** space. The connection, repair the space barrier.

Al Ma is not a stubborn fool, on the contrary, he is very smart. The first time he sprinkled a piece of fighting spirit, he instantly stupefied the little monsters that rushed out of the teleportation array, only three or five of them entered the hierarchy The ghouls escaped from birth, but they were all wounded.

The three-headed hellhound seemed to be very dismissive of those ghouls, and didn't even look at them. The three heads continuously sprayed flames, wind blades, and stone thorns, and forcibly beat the two centaur masters so that they could not move forward. .

Its huge body blocked the teleportation formation, making it impossible for Elm and Marath to enter. The surviving ghouls whizzed back to them, but they were easily beheaded by the two of them. The teleportation formation was contaminated with food. The blood of the ghoul exudes an inexplicable light.

"Quick fight, make a quick decision, make an all-out effort!" Alman always has a faint sense of crisis. This three-headed **** dog feels very strange to him. It looks very light and big, but I don't know why, I always feel something is wrong. The place.

Maras stared at the shield and moved forward quickly, but was hit hard by a huge stone stab from the three-headed dog of Hell. He retreated. In terms of strength, the four-legged Maras was actually not as good as this three-headed Hell dog lying on the ground. Head dog.

"Lasso, go!" Maras's shield stood on the ground, and a long chain flew out of the three-headed **** dog's head, which represented the wind attribute, and a whimper sounded. , The three hellhounds struggled violently, their sharp claws grabbed the chain fiercely, but they couldn't hurt it at all.

"Come here!" Maras pulled his arms hard, the three-headed **** dog let out a scream, and suddenly he made a "crash" chain sound on his body, but his body was not pulled by Marath.

Can't it? Maras was directly turned around, using his shoulders to carry the chains very hard, the screams of the Hell Three-headed Dog became even more tragic, but Marath's four hooves desperately grabbed the ground, but he still couldn't pull the Hell Three-headed dog. At the slightest, the entangled head swayed desperately but couldn't get rid of the shackles of the chains.

El Ma kept shooting with bows and arrows in his hand, dragging the remaining two heads of the three-headed **** dog abruptly, and soon discovered a little abnormality, "Maras, don't waste your efforts, this **** dog seems to be trapped. On the ground, you can't move at all and can only be closed in front of the teleportation formation."

Marath was stunned when he heard the words, and the spear plunged into the ground, and the chain was tied tightly around it three times. Then he turned his head and took a closer look. The power brought by the space authority made his observation power become abnormal. Strong, the situation of the three-headed dog in **** was immediately clear to him.

A chain that is invisible to the naked eye locked the three hellhounds to the ground, not to mention walking away, even standing up, and this three-headed hellhound seems a bit weird, as if the three heads are able to do their own things and interact with each other. They do not interfere with each other, but they can cooperate with each other to greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

"This beast doesn't seem to be born like this, but there is a kind of..." Maras always felt that this thing was a little weird, but Al Ma almost vomited blood, and hurriedly called for help: "Hurry up, help, this beast's magic is really amazing. Hard to endure."

Malas took out a scroll from his backpack, and threw it out with a grievance in his hand. The three-headed **** dog was extremely alert to the enemy who bound his head, and when he saw something hit him, he immediately abandoned it. The attack on El Ma turned to flame jet and went straight to the scroll, and the rock on the ground quickly rose to block in front of him.

Alma: Do you look down on me?

"You have been fooled!" A brilliant smile bloomed on Maras's face, and the scroll suddenly turned into a whirlwind that forcibly removed all the flames and the magic of the earth, and he quickly played the second scroll, and the scroll turned into one. The streamer came whizzing and fell on the three Hellhounds in a blink of an eye, freezing him completely.

"This, this..." Elm felt that his three views had been broken. He had never seen witchcraft before. At this moment, he felt that his brain was a little bit inadequate, and he had indeed seen Susan use fireball before. Shu and Vivian used ice to shape witchcraft, but how did Maras absorb the magic power of the three hellhounds just now? This is not scientific, wrong, this is not witchcraft.

"The scroll provided by Vivian Wizard, a magic seal scroll, is limited to the Hell Magic Seal, and it also has a certain range of seals. The second one is the Frozen Witchcraft that Vivienne Wizard is good at. Basically all below Tier 3 It can be frozen.” Maras said as he kept moving in his hand, a chain quickly flew out and bound the huge ice block.

"this is?"

"The chain of magic binding provided by Susan Founder is almost impossible to break free below the third level. The most important point is that the chain is doped with a magic stone, which can effectively isolate the magic power, and has a miraculous effect on the **** demons of the spell system. "The fully equipped Maras made Al Ma very injured.

Seeing a burst of light flickering in the teleportation array, another group of **** demons was teleporting from him, Al M suddenly woke up, his bow and arrows poured light in his hand, the whole person quickly rushed over, the bow and arrows were changed into long spears, and the vindictiveness on his body quickly condensed in his mouth. He let out a loud shout: "Break for Lao Tzu!"

Amid the loud noise of "Rumble~", the entire teleportation magic circle trembled violently, and a magic barrier appeared quietly, but it was shaken and faltered by El Ma.

"Huh, the magic barrier? Come again! Break it!" Al Ma's arms were slightly numb, and the whole person backed three or five steps, and then ran again, sending the spear fiercely in his hand. The magic circle rushed.

In a huge palace opposite the teleportation array, a yellow-green monster with four arms, chained and holding a sickle, made a hoarse voice: "Carton, can't you confirm the strength of the opponent? The defensive cover you set up will not last long. Up."

"Wait a minute, the power of the centaur is not a concern, but the wizarding methods and church methods that suddenly appear must not be underestimated."

"Hehe, it's a native of a medium-sized world. That space is only a small different space. The second-order is already the limit. What are you worried about?"

"There is nothing wrong with being careful. The master doesn't know when he will return. Before the master returns, we must protect the master's home. We would rather give up and devour other space than lose the master's home."

"It is precisely because the master is not there that we have to protect the master's home, so we should continue to expand our strength, otherwise the despicable people will use us to work hard to talk about things. Our strength is still too weak to protect the master. Home. If we don’t swallow the small space to improve ourselves, we will eventually be swallowed by others."


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