The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1255: Pleasure creates sorrow, space is stuck

"Break it for me!" Accompanied by a loud roar from Elm, a huge ball of light condensed on the bow and arrow hit the defensive cover around the teleportation magic circle, and the defensive cover was torn apart amid the violent explosion.

"It's now!" Maras threw the spear fiercely in his hand, and in a blink of an eye he arrived in the teleportation formation. The teleportation formation flashed light, and the figures of ghouls appeared quietly, and they rushed forward desperately. Lars's attack was blocked.

The ghoul's body was torn apart, and Marath's spear fell to the ground, making a "clam" sound.

"The last blow!" Alman and Maras raised their bows and arrows at the same time, and they stood side by side. The two bows and arrows burst into dazzling light at the same time, and the two **** of light intertwined in mid-air and turned into a dazzling one. The arrow of light hit the teleportation array fiercely.

The violent explosion sound was accompanied by violent vibrations, and the entire underground labyrinth was trembling, and pieces of rubble fell cracklingly. Alma and Maras did not mean to dodge at all, their faces were full of excitement: "Success. Yes! We made it!"

They succeeded and successfully broke the teleportation magic circle. The roar of the earth brought them joy. Although this trip to the enemy's base camp was full of hardships, the final battle was 300 rounds with a powerful three-headed **** dog. , But in the end they successfully broke the teleportation magic circle.

Our world is safe!

Alma and Maras watched the teleportation magic circle shatter, watched the dark tunnel behind the teleportation magic circle become undulating, watched the **** demons who hadn't had time to teleport out torn into pieces by the turbulence of space. Fragments.

Suddenly a hoarse voice exploded in their hearts: "Space is bound, fixed! Space is blocked, space is imprisoned, dimensional space is cracked, success!"

The blood-red light suddenly lit up, and El Ma and Maras suddenly discovered that the centaur bones and the blood of the **** demon around the teleportation magic circle shattered into a **** light, and the opposite side of the teleportation magic circle also lit up with a shining light. The blood-red light, the two groups of light collided violently in the dark space channel, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a translucent blood-red barrier that enveloped the two of them.

"The **** sacrifice of the **** devil." A message quickly spread into the hearts of El Ma and Maras, causing the hearts of these two space authorities to sink.

Taking the enemy’s bones and servant’s blood as the coordinates, and using the enemy’s blood and servant’s bones as the chain, a dimensional space is constructed under the powerful force of the space authority, and the adhesion of the two spaces is realized, and this adhesion is Unstable unless...

Unless this dimensional space has the authority of two spaces at the same time, it is like now.


Is all of this in the enemy's calculated value?

The diameter of the space between the dimensional space exceeds three kilometers, and the surrounding scenery changes rapidly. A huge castle projection quietly appears, occupying the passage of the **** demon space, and a deep forest spreads out in the blink of an eye, occupying the entire space of the gap. Half the country.

A rotating black space channel appeared behind Alma and Maras, and countless messages from the two people's hearts quickly transmitted, making them feel a little overwhelmed.

With a sound of "creak~", the door of the castle slowly opened. Two teams of tall knights in black armor stepped out in neat steps, and in the middle of the back, they were wrapped in chains and holding sickles. The yellow-green monster with four arms strode forward.

"Welcome to Mochizuki Castle, I am Errol, the undead captain of the guard here." The yellow-green monster is wrapped in chains, but these chains are not his weapons, but the extraordinary items that restrain him, and they are hideous. The sutures are clearly visible, making this monster even more hideous.

The four arms have only one weapon, a huge sickle, and his voice is hoarse and harsh, and every move is full of a different kind of noble aura, which is so ugly and ugly.

"Third-level high-end!" Alman and Maras saw through his strength level at the same time, and their faces couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness.

"This strength of mine is not worth mentioning in front of the great master. Two guests from different spaces don't know if they can admire their faces in a castle." The undead Errol has no expression on his face. As the undead, he There are very few feelings that he can have, and expressions are an untouchable area for him who has lost most of his sense of touch.

He still has his own feelings, but the way he expresses them has changed.

"What if I say no?" Al Ma unceremoniously chose to refuse.

The undead Errol looked at them with muddy eyes and slowly walked forward. The chains on his body made a rattling sound: "As the master guard, it is common sense to greet guests on behalf of the owner. For those who do not know the current affairs, I I am obliged to use some tough methods to complete the tasks assigned by the master. Are you sure you want to refute my face?"

"Huh, what kind of face do you have for a corpse? If you want to invite us, let your host come here in person. A watchdog just wants to invite us. You are not far away." Fully mobilized, the general information of the monster on the opposite side was collected by him one by one.

The corpse monster, a special undead monster, the creation of the lich, has a powerful force, a strange ability, a powerful physical defense, and more importantly, such a monster's own pain is almost disappeared, and the physical attack is normal. The grudge doesn't do much to him.

"Hmph, how can the great masters make comments by the juniors like you, don't toast or eat fine wine, two small second-order juniors actually want the great master to invite them personally. I really don't know how high the sky is." No The turbid eyes of the deceased Errol flashed an anger, and he said faintly: "You can catch with your hands, and you can eat less flesh and bones, otherwise..."

"Go to death for me!" Al Ma is not a good boy. He just received the information about the current situation and greeted Maras the first time. The longbow in his hand suddenly opened, and a ray of light shot past. .

Unwilling to fall behind, Malas also bent his bow and shot arrows, the two rays of light intertwined and turned into a stream of light and shot at the undead Erol.

The undead Errol did not move, and with a light wave of the sickle in his hand, the combined attack of the two space authorities was easily cut off by him. "The difference between the second and third tiers is not a joint effort by one or two people. It can be even, you guys, it's a far cry."

"Really?" El Ma said with a cold smile: "I am the second-tier pinnacle, and the reason why I have not broken through the third-tier is not because of my poor bloodline, not that my qualifications are not high, but that our space can accommodate The limit of is only the second order, here is the gap between the two spaces, where the two spaces are balanced. The limit of the second order of our space has been raised here, so..."

"The power of space blessing, Tier 3, break it for me!" Ai Er Ma let out a roar, his momentum rose steadily, and in a blink of an eye he broke through to a Tier 3 holy fighter.

With a touch of perseverance on Marath’s face, a bottle of potion poured into his mouth: "My background is not as good as Chief Alman. As long as I am given time, I will be able to break through myself, but time cannot be ignored. So, I There is only one extreme truth, third order, breakthrough!"

After pouring a bottle of Grandmaster-level potion, and the power of space, Marath's momentum also increased rapidly, and soon broke through to Tier 3, but his aura was far less stable and natural than Chief Elm, but continued to climb, and There have been drastic fluctuations.

Errol the undead watched them breakthrough quietly, and then said, "Are you ready?"

Alma and Maras looked at each other, a flash of anger flashed across their faces, are you looking down on us? We are already Tier 3 masters, we are all on the same starting line, and you are so arrogant if you want to be one enemy and two.

"Kill!" Aimar and Maras roared at the same time, killing the undead Errol one by one.

"I gave you time to break through, and gave you the choice of surrender. If you still lose, there will be no complaints." The undead Errol waved his sickle in his hand and easily smashed the two centaurs. The clan master's attack broke, and his figure remained motionless, but like a high mountain, he couldn't shake it.

"Close combat!" Seeing that the long-range attack was ineffective, Al M immediately changed his mind and rushed up with his spear.

"Clang~Clang~" With two crisp sounds, Al Ma's spear was shot by the undead Errol, and the whole person fell under his feet and was stepped on by his foot.

"Chief Alm~" Maras did not expect that the enemy's strength was so powerful. Alm was broken in close combat and was captured by two The whole person quickly rushed over, a small bottle Smashed the past severely.

"Space is confined, set!" Errol the undead casually pointed, the small bottle stood still three meters away in front of him, and Maras shot a bow and arrow at the small bottle fiercely: "Break it for me!"

"Space transfer, go!" In a blink of an eye, the small bottle was moved out by the undead Errol and disappeared. His figure swayed around the arrow and came in front of Maras, with the sickle in his hand whizzing out.

Amidst the collision of "锵~锵~锵~", Maras retreated steadily, a stagger was photographed on the ground by him, and a shimmering sickle was hooked on his neck.

"You lose!"

Malas was ashamed, breaking through to Tier 3, with so many equipment on him, and even being easily defeated by the opponent when he launched a high-concentration holy water sneak attack. Is this the strength of a Tier 3 high-level master?

Is this the strength of the veteran space authority?

It seems that the two of them really underestimated each other, but the price was so heavy, it was so heavy that I couldn't imagine it and couldn't bear it.

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