The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1269: The night elves return

"Ernst, why are you back?" The hell-style space door is completely different from the ordinary teleportation array. The huge palace is made up of blood-colored boulders, and deep and deep vortexes are arranged in an orderly manner. The vortex is a space channel.

A figure quickly rushed out, and the master guarding the hall activated the defense for the first time. Three figures appeared in front of the space passage in a blink of an eye, and powerful aura pressure followed.

"Don't do it, it's me, Ernst!" Ernst confirmed his identity for the first time and activated the demon mark on his body. The alarm was lifted, but the three demigods sitting here surrounded him round and round. Came out.

A big demon, a blade demon, a shadowless demon, three semi-god powerhouses talked and laughed with Ernst, but did not relax their vigilance at all, the big devil patted the night elves grinningly Ernst's shoulder, he smiled and asked: "Ernst, why are you back?"

A wry smile appeared on Ernst’s face, and he said unnaturally: “I encountered a strong enemy. The **** giant tree man didn’t know where he found a demigod giant bear beast. My pet was Don’t tell me, he actually summoned an army of treant warriors. My men are afraid..."

The smile on the big devil's face suddenly became cold, and his eyes flashed with faint light and coldly said: "Ernst, this joke is not funny at all, do you know when it is now?"

The cold sweat on Ernst's face instantly shed, and he said tremblingly: "Brother Patrick, there is a reason for this, I, I..."

"What made you abandon your army and escape alone?" A cruel smile appeared on the big devil's face: "If your answer can't satisfy us, our Master Devourer doesn't mind an extra demigod-level meal. "

"Different space, I discovered a new different space, and there is still a different space with a master. The owner of the different space is a junior demigod. For some reason, she fell into a deep sleep. There was a civil disorder under her, which led to the different space. Leaked on the left, afterwards..."

Ernst quickly brought his misfortunes one by one. He was originally planning to quietly reap a different space to improve his strength. From the medium strength of this army to the first-class strength, he did not want to be darkened by the little third-order. Actuarial calculations, not only did not get the different space, but lost the different space occupied by him.

The big devil Patrick couldn’t help but get a black line. This fool’s luck really doesn’t know whether it’s good or bad. It’s not common to know the space key. Their army is commanded by the fifth-order powerful Devourer Amundsen. Among the fifteen or six semi-god powerhouses under the seat, only four have spatial authority, and these four semi-god powerhouses have been reused without accident.

If they encounter Ernst's situation, there is a high probability that they will also choose to stealthily attack that different space to gain space authority, but what does it mean for you to break in alone when the situation is unknown?

There must be a limit to arrogance, or is your brain fed the dog?

Well, now your dog has been abandoned by you, what else do you have now?

"Go back immediately. We will soon arrive at the ancient gods cemetery. Any other space within the control range is a powerful weapon to attack the ancient gods cemetery. This operation is under the unified command of the chief commander. The three armies will advance side by side. A small team broke through the space barrier ahead of time and invaded the opponent's world, disturbing their sight, absolutely not to be missed."

The great devil Patrick said coldly: "The ancient gods cemetery is not empty, on the contrary, it is a key defense area for the indigenous people, and the soldiers have lost their soldiers. What do you use to attack the ancient gods cemetery?"

"Well, I can join the team that breaks through the opponent's world. This shouldn't be special..." Ernst looked at the great demon Patrick timidly, who showed a bit of murderous intent on his face.

"Ernst, this is the first time I have discovered that your brain will be so bad." Patrick's arm was slightly hard, and Ernst's shoulder moaned in pain, causing his face to be distorted, but he begged for mercy. Dare not make any voice.

"In this case, I don't want to hear the second time. How to act is formulated by the general leader. The plan of our army is to devour the adult. We only need to follow the command. If you still want to live well, live back. When you get to hell, don't have too many thoughts. The brain is a good thing, but if it turns too fast, it will run away." Patrick knocked Ernst on the head and knocked him directly to the ground.

"If you don't want your brain, I can take it out for you!" The voice of the great devil Patrick was cold and scary, and Ernst shook his head in a hurry, but did not dare to say a word.

The great demon Patrick reached out and took Ernst's neck and lifted it up, as if he was carrying a chicken and walked back to the hall, not hurriedly or slowly, as if he intended to humiliate the night elves, the two demigods behind were sharp blades. The demon and the shadowless demon looked at them with a smile, and they didn't mean to come out at all.

He left the night elf Ernst on the ground with one foot, and thrust him into the door of the space vortex hell. Ernst let out a helpless cry and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ernst went fast, and came back faster. Suddenly, the space vortex was distorted. The screams of Ernst Gang's interrupted scream came into his ears again, and a black shadow flew out quickly, "Bang!" With a bang against the big demon Patrick, the two of them slid out more than ten meters before stabilizing their figures, and the night elf Ernst rolled and fell far away.

"Yes, I'm sorry." The night elf Ernst got up from the ground, his face full of horror, "The space channel, the teleportation array, the opposite, the opposite teleportation array was destroyed, I encountered spatial turbulence, so... "

The great devil Patrick looked at his hand, then took a cold look at him and said faintly: "We will deal with this space. Go away, go back and prepare to swallow the lord's summons."

The night elf Ernst hurriedly nodded his head, bowed his head thankfully and ran away, and did not forget to nod to the Blade Demon and the Shadowless Demon with a smile before leaving.

Seeing the night elf Ernst running away, the great demon Patrick walked slowly to the space vortex, stretched out his hand and felt it for a while, his expression on his face was slightly uncertain.

"Patrick, this is not like your style of behavior. Is it okay to just let the little guy go? This is the sin of losing a troop, not to mention the control of an entire alien space." The Blade Demon smiled. After watching the excitement, I finally spoke.

The great demon Patrick shook his head and said coldly, "That night elf has a problem, and the space channel is good."

A look of surprise appeared on Blade Demon's face, "That night elf doesn't look like a fool anymore, how could it be possible to lie such an obvious lie?"

"The premise is that he is really Ernst." A bitter killing intent flashed across the face of the big demon Patrick. If it was not controlled by someone, then this night elf Ernst might be a fake, but who would dare to fake hell? Demons come to their base camp?

Or how did the other party fake the night elf Ernst? Know that he is a strong demigod. The demigods have their own rhythm. It is impossible to be faked while waiting. The demigod and the demigod recognize each other. It doesn't depend on appearance anymore, but on the breath and rhythm of the body.

I didn't feel much difference in Ernst, except that the aura on Ernst's body was slightly stronger when he first appeared, and when he appeared later, he actually suffered more injuries.

The injury caused by the retrograde space channel?

Patrick is not very sure, why would he do this? And just as the Blade Demon said, that the space channel is not abnormal is the biggest doubt.

"This is so weird. I must investigate it as soon as possible. The situation on the opposite side of the space channel is still unknown. I plan to go and take a look." I have to say that the big devil Patrick is a qualified butler, and he is devoured by his own boss. The demon’s temperament is very clear. If he rashly reports in the past, the most likely possibility is that his boss “trusts” him too much, and will swallow Ernst without a word.

"Is this a bit of a fuss, Patrick, at this critical moment, is it a little improper for you to go there personally?" The Blade Demon said, looking at the shadowless demon not far away, who gave a speechless shot. Forehead, this is really a disaster, I haven't said a word from the beginning to the end.

" I'll go, who made me the most good at hiding and sneaking in the shadowless demon, alas, it's a natural toil." The shadowless demon sighed there, but in exchange for the big devil , Two middle fingers of Blade Devil.

You, a guy who hides in the dark all day and yawns and voyeuristically, actually says that you are toiling.

The night elf Ernst, who had escaped for a while, walked out of the hall, his embarrassed appearance changed abruptly, and he returned to the manner that a demigod power should have. In other words, it is also because of the manner that a Tier 4 demon general should have in the base camp There must be, otherwise how to convince the crowd to lead the younger brother.

"It's been a long time since I came back, I don't know how is my lair?" Ernst muttered to himself, temporarily leaving behind the loss of the alien space and pets, and quickly flew away.

I, Ernst, are back!

Not far behind him, a translucent figure quietly reappeared, "Is this the base camp of the Hell Devil? One of the three-way army, where the Devourer is stationed."

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