The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1270: Patrick's irritability

As the Chief of Staff of the Devouring Legion, Patrick has been very upset recently. This is the ninth day, but there are still some things he hasn't figured out.

Ernst’s anomaly is not obvious, but at this point, he has to guard against. The legionnaire is falling into a deep sleep period. If there is no need, no one will wake him up. He is replenishing his energy for the final battle. At that time, a fifth-tier master is more effective than ten fourth-tier masters.

Patrick doesn't intend to disturb him at this time, so now he is the largest in the entire army, and he can't talk about everything personally, but he has to inspect almost all key places every day.

He caught Ernst in the teleportation hall. His first reaction was that Ernst had a guilty conscience. Although the night elf "confessed" his negligence and escaped, he still couldn't let him go.

Just as I was preparing to investigate his affairs thoroughly, the teleportation array in that different space was disconnected. It would be okay if only the teleportation array was disconnected, but the coordinate point connecting that space was disturbed, making them want to use other methods. It was also very difficult in the past. The alien space temporarily lost contact, and it was impossible to know what had happened.

Then he sent the Shadowless Demon to stare at the night elf Ernst. In the first three days, he could not recover from his injury behind closed doors. Starting from the fourth day, he frequently went out to visit other demi-god powerhouses to change his stingy stingy before. Become very generous.

He is not asking for nothing in visiting the demigod powerhouse, but his requirements are also not too big, and they are completely incomparable with the effort.

Ernst actually asked the other demigods to excuse him as much as possible when he lost his duty in this time, and not let the legion commander punish him. You must know that the legion commander's punishment has always been only one: eating.

Oh, or to be eaten, it’s just that you’re eating your whole person, and it’s hard to say whether you’re paying a part.

If the six-eyed evil lion is still there and Ernst doesn’t mind sending his pet out, then the big tuft should be enough for him to eat, at least he has more meat than himself, but this time he lost it seems to be too miserable and can be dedicated to the legion. There are not many long things.

On the one hand, it is to ask them to intercede, at least not to fall into trouble, on the other hand, they are still actively buying food materials and preparing to please the army commander.

All this seems to be normal, but this normal is the biggest abnormality in Patrick's eyes. All the demigods are very clear that at this critical moment, even the legion commander cannot really kill him. It will definitely not be something a qualified commander can do.

Well, although to a large extent, Master Devourer is just a strong man, not a qualified army commander.

A slight wave of magic power appeared in front of him, and the shadowless demon's figure quietly emerged, "Ernstmi will be the tidal murloc demigod who has just returned from the ancient tower. He is eyeing the beast used by this blood sacrifice."

Patrick's face changed slightly, and he said coldly, "Be more specific."

"All of the beasts of Tier 3 and above were purchased at high prices, and they agreed to visit the ancient tower in a different space ten days later, and cooperate with the tide murloc to initiate a large-scale hunting, and he would purchase all the high-level beasts at a high price, even if it was his own hunting part. "The Shadowless Demon's voice didn't have many ups and downs, but Patrick was lost in thought.

"Is there any more? If it's just like this, you won't make an exception to meet me at this time." Patrick's eyes fell on the old comrade-in-arms who has been getting along for thousands of years.

"While Ernst was meeting the Tide Murloc, he personally spied the Legion Reserve in stealth. He walked most of the place, but he didn't take anything." The words of the Shadowless Demon made Patrick's eyes suddenly shrink. : "In person, in person?"

The Shadowless Demon nodded and said, "Yes, in person, in person."

"You, confirm?"

The Shadowless Demon shook his head and said, "It is precisely because I am not sure that I am anxious to come to find you. I have indeed seen two Ernsts, a demi-god intermediate, and a demi-god junior. He walked out of the dormitory and secretly secretly met the Tide Murloc demigod and spied the Legion’s reserve."

Patrick abruptly got up and wanted to go out abruptly. He stopped after just two steps, "Are both Ernsts still there now?"

The Shadowless Demon shook his head and said, "This is what I want to report to you. The demigod Elementary Ernst in the spy reserve has disappeared somehow, and passed by the reserve during the return of the demigod Intermediate Ernst. when."

"What do you think this is?" The expression on the face of the great devil Patrick was slightly unpleasant.

"If it hadn't been for seeing Ernst's wounds getting better in three days, I would say it was a parasitic demon, but it doesn't seem to be the case now." The Shadowless Demon said slightly distressed: "The talent of clones is not much in hell. See, but there are many. The real shadow clone of the Shadow Demon, the secret technique of the clone clone of the blood clan, and even the puppet puppets of the night elves are all possible."

"And these are all common methods. There are many other more advanced and secretive methods. The information I have collected is still too little, and I can't judge it clearly for a while. What is going on, but there is a moment for certainty. "

"Ernst, I'm thinking of killing blood sacrifices." Shadowless Demon finally gave his own guess, and was very sure.

Patrick hit the table with "Da! Da! Da!". This is his habit when thinking about problems. After a while, he shook his head and said: "Although I have great power, the end army is not the commander of the army. I threaten to intimidate others. People can, but you really have to do something against a semi-god powerhouse. You can’t do it until there is no real evidence of crime.”

A wry smile appeared on Patrick's face: "Ernst used a small trick before. He bought other demigods in advance to excuse him. If I moved him at this time, what would these people do?"

"You continue to monitor Ernst's every move. The focus is on the demigod elementary Ernst. Once he appears alone where he shouldn’t be there, he will be arrested for the first time. After that, all the demigods will judge Ernst. !" Patrick's voice carried a bitter chill, and the Shadowless Demon nodded slightly, his body gradually faint and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Several figures are constantly busy in the huge beast stall. Little Ville Longwei is shrouded in a small area. All the beasts in the area tremble and move and dare not move. On the other side, Mrs. Night and Little Loli Mochizuki draw blood. , Make imitation puppets, and then blame Li Luo and Lilith to quickly collect these monsters into the Snowwood World.

"The news has already spread. Teacher Wezel and Teacher Troy have asked us to obtain as much detailed information as possible. There is also news from the Guangming Sanctuary. Let us go back as soon as possible. Those who calculated us before are willing to compensate us. Loss, the behind-the-scenes envoy was also wanted for a reward." Lilith was busy reporting to Ville.

"The judge of justice may not be the real master behind the scenes, he is just a **** pushed out, or abandoned pawn. Forget it, it is almost impossible for us to calculate with his ability. Such a person does not need to care too much. , Our enemy is only **** demon from beginning to end. UU reading, by the way, is Morris still used to living in the snowwood world?" Ville said to Lilith that Lilith could help herself get the space of that different space. The key to the key, and succeeding in bringing Morris into peace feels incredible.

Mochizuki Little Loli, a pure-blooded family, was already an accident, but Lilith gave herself a bigger surprise. The giant tree man’s wooden puppet technique and Mochizuki little loli’s physical disguise technique are what they dare to do. Most of the beasts in this huge animal pen were swept away.

"You don't need to worry about this, he is a peaceful old man who is easy to go, he is very comfortable by the tree of life, and he doesn't even want to move." Lilith's words made Ville almost laughed.

"What are your plans for the next step? The Shadowless Demon is watching Ernst more and more closely. How long can your illusion control and guide him?"

"Quickly, our plan is about to be completed. When things have reached this point, they have already made a lot of money, but the longer the time, the greater our gains, and the longer the preparation time left for us." Xiaoweier cast his eyes on A huge palace in the distance, "As long as we get another ticket to the Tier 5 Hell Demon, we can retreat."

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