The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1271: Only lo*ic*n, you are not qualified to talk about others

I don’t know if it’s because of care or chaos, or because he is assisting a legionnaire who is not like the legion leader. As the most critical moment is approaching, the string in Patrick’s mind is so tight that he can’t relax.

"I hope it's just that I'm too nervous. Fortunately, there are some friends who can share the worries for me." Patrick cast his gaze into the distance, and a half-round crescent moon quietly hung in the sky, emitting a faint light.

Patrick curled his lips in disdain: "The white moon world that can't even rise to the purple moon and the blood moon is also trying to resist my **** army. I really don't know what is good or bad. There is no world of seventh-order power. After all, it is just a low-level world, or take the initiative. Surrender and be swallowed, or be conquered and become slaves, you have no more choice."

Patrick didn't know that at this moment, his best friend, the Shadowless Demon who stood firmly by his side and did his best, was struggling at the moment in the hands of the natives who disdain the world in his mouth.

Patrick was indeed very bitter and tired. He was indeed bewildered by Ernst's behavior. He set his sights on Ernst himself and the demigod he had dealt with in dirty transactions, but started to check the combat readiness in a different way.

People, materials, and different spaces!

After leaving a shadow warning, he quietly visited all the demigods preparing for the war and their soldiers. These demigods did not see too much abnormality. Although the soldiers who fought in the battle had some false false reports, in general Nothing was wrong, except that Ernst's night elves were missing a third.

The material area is a little bit difficult. The Legion’s material survey is still barely possible. As long as you don’t get caught, there is someone responsible for this area. If you forcibly intervene in this area, you will end up tearing your face with the other half, because it must be There is something tricky.

It is abnormal for the **** devil to not be greedy. It is commonplace to conceal a false report as a shoddy, and even use some small means to falsify. As long as the business is not delayed, generally no one will be held accountable.

The Shadowless Demon followed the path of the demigod elementary "Ernst" that he had seen, and walked all the way down, with a slightly weird expression on his face.

How to put it, the person in charge of material reserves cannot be too smart, and the person who is too smart is unreliable, but what if the person in charge of material reserves is too stupid?

The Shadowless Demon knew that Patrick had arranged several adjutants for the Void Demon, but the methods of these adjutants did not seem to be very good. They actually used the low- and middle-level materials that the Void Demon liked instead of the high-level materials and sent them into the warehouse. The Void Demon saw many useful things for himself, and then replaced this part of low-level materials with good things that he couldn't use.

Because the Void Demon’s methods were so inferior that the accounts were a bit messy, but he could not interfere with the fourth-order semi-god powerhouse of Wuying Demon. He could see the doorway at a glance, and I didn’t know if it was a coincidence or the Void Demon. Too honest, the batch of materials he provided is actually very consistent with the materials originally planned to be stored, and the quality is even better.

"Is this a crooked beating?" The Shadowless Demon couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Let's turn around and let Patrick change a group of people to assist the big fool, or else this batch of supplies will be exchanged again."

After completing the route of the demigod elementary "Ernst", the Shadowless Demon left a mark of its own and continued to inspect other places.

Under the dim and unclear moonlight, he found a little abnormality in the animal pen. The activity of the beasts was significantly reduced, and he looked sick.

Before he walked in and observed carefully, a strong smell of barbecue floated over. The insensitivity of the fourth-order demon was super powerful. Although the smell was very weak, it still couldn't hide from his nose.

"Interesting!" An arc opened at the corner of Wuying Demon's mouth, "I didn't expect that there are such masters in this place. Hey, since you dare to use public to gain personal gain, don't blame me for bullying the weak and taking the bully."

Isn’t it common sense to **** things from the weak among the demons of hell?

Ville flipped the grill in front of him lightly, and a two-foot scimitar cut scars. Lilith was instructing him on the range and angle of the reaction, while brushing the seasoning, Mrs. Night was holding Mochizuki Lolita next to him. Arranging drinks and snacks, Shenglong Lolita grabbed the corner of Lilith's skirt and slobbered down, while Guai Liluo continued to cut the meat of the beast.

Among this group of people, except for Little Loli Mochizuki and Mrs. Dark Night, the rest are big stomach kings.

It’s not that Mrs. Dark Night can’t eat, but she doesn’t like too greasy things. The remaining Guai Liluo has the first appetite. This little Lolita, who was able to feed in front of him before, can’t be fed anymore, and the second one is neither Little Ville, who has many bloodlines, is not Lilith who can transform into a dragon, but the little Lolita of the holy dragon.

Because of the signing of a contract with Lilith, Zeluo had some of the characteristics of the growth period in advance, such as transforming people, such as strength improvement, and another example: a great appetite.

The shadowless demon's figure quietly approached, and the thick smoke was filled with the fragrance that made the population flow. Even if it did not possess the attributes of food, the shadowless demon felt his throat about to move.

"Yo~" The Shadowless Demon flashed up in front of them, stretched out his hand to grab the barbecue that hadn't been fully grilled, and said hello naturally: "Isn't it because he doesn't even call me out for barbecues in the wild? The general manager asked me to inspect the material reserves to see if there are any corruption loopholes..."

Shadowless Demon's hand was blocked by a barrier, and his whole body was instantly stiff.

It's not right, it's super wrong. I actually saw a little loli with a bright attribute, a blood demigod, an elf little loli who obviously didn't have the devilish spirit of hell, and two young girls who she couldn't see through.

Wait, they don't have the feeling of **** devilish energy in them, except for the little girl of the blood race who is only Tier 1, and the aura transmitted from that little girl is also very weird, how to put it, the spiritual power or spiritual strength far exceeds their own strength. The weird feeling.

"It's really troublesome. You come to inspect the animal pen at this critical juncture. You won't die sooner or later." Little Weier said with a trace of regret.

The face of the shadowless demon was silent, but his mouth was reluctant and reluctant: "Hehe, dare to make trouble at this knot, your courage is really not in the ordinary sense, even if the commander of the army has no time to pay attention to you temporarily, the ten who sits in the base camp A demigod can also let you die without a place to bury your body."

"You shouldn't be here!" The magical power was poured into the hands of the shadowless demon, and the arm seemed to disappear out of thin air and appeared out of thin air. The arm penetrated three feet away and fell on the barbecue, forcibly tore off a piece of stuff in the mouth, "Yes, I I found a reason not to kill you, at least your barbecue is done very well."

"Sledgehammer domain, open!" As for who is the most obsessed with food, here is blame Liluo. Seeing that the food was snatched by the enemy before it reached his mouth, the two hammers in Guai Liluo's hands flashed and opened the domain directly. But Xiao Luo, you can complete the domain opening upgrade with the help of the giant tree man Morris. Brother is very happy, but why is it the sledgehammer domain? Shouldn’t it be the wizard domain or the druid domain? ? In fact, what my brother most wants to see is the realm of life. You have been with the tree of life for so long, so you made such a thing for me?

"Are you the fairy druids of the indigenous world?" The Shadowless Demon calmly tasted the delicacy of his hands. His figure instantly retreated ten steps, flashed through the sledgehammer attack of Guai Liluo, and a touch of disdain appeared on his face. Expression: "Even the genuine Elf Druids of the emerald green world, I have killed not one or two, let alone you, the fake Elf Druids of the indigenous small world, little guy, you are still a bit too tender, but ,I like!"

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a big hand fell from the back of his head, pressing him to the ground fiercely, plowing a shallow 10-meter-long pit with his face, and Littleville's cold voice followed: "I My sister, there is no need for you to be a perverted liking! As long as I dote on her, it is enough, you should go to death, lo*ic*n!"

Lilith, Mrs. Night: Only in lo*ic*n, you are not qualified to speak of others.

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