The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1279: Immediate attack

"I can't judge." Patrick said here, turning his eyes to Patrick Song: "My panic comes from the fear of the strong and the crisis. I suspect that the reason for swallowing the leader is very simple. If it is a foreign enemy, there is no need. Destroyed one by one, after all, there is a big gap between Tier 5 and Tier 4. And Devour Commander..."

Lava Commander Butler nodded and said: "Very good reason, and this is also in line with the characteristics of Devouring Demon, especially when they break through the promotion, the pursuit of things is irresistible."

Butler looked around for a week, a big smile appeared on his face. This is the meaning contained in the smile, but it made everyone slightly cold: "What you are doing is not a fool. Everyone is a **** demon born and raised, and the strong respected. The concept has long been deep in the bones. If the strength of the fifth-tier masters can be improved, even if it is only a small class promotion, it is worth sacrificing a dozen or twenty fourth-tier masters, whether for himself or for the entire legion. It's all like this."

Everyone looked at each other, and Patrick's face collapsed slightly, "In the end, the adults thought it was because of the engulfing commander who needed a lot to advance, and eventually engulfing other demon generals?"

Lava Commander Butler shook his head and said: "I am just expounding a fact, a fact that has happened without knowing all the fuss. If the idiot of Devourer really breaks through a small level, the commander will not have any opinions, and even will Give him a compliment, and then continue with the previous task."

Patrick's face was sad, and sure enough, even if his strength reached the Tier 4 peak, it was still just cannon fodder for Tier 5 masters. Although it was a high-level cannon fodder, he still couldn't get rid of the identity of cannon fodder.

Seeing Patrick’s emotions, Lava Commander Butler laughed haha ​​and said, “You don’t need to be like this. This seat is not the Devourer’s monster race that needs to be promoted at the expense of the same race. This time, he has led the mission to deal with the ancient river god. More is to help your brother Patrice break through the fifth rank. This seat, likes to cultivate the strong as allies, and this seat also believes in your brother's aptitude and wisdom."

"Patricia, what do you think?" Lava commander Butler cast his eyes on his left and right hand, Patricia, who asked with a curled lips: "Is the truth really important?"

"Huh?" The Lava Commander admitted that he was not a fool, but was confused by his rhetorical question.

"This, it still has some influence." Some of Butler's own are not very sure.

"No! For us, this is not important, no matter who caused the third legion's mutation, there is no image of our second legion, because I decided to start in advance and not give anyone a chance!" Terry's words shocked everyone.

Lava Commander Butler reacted immediately, "Our goal is only one, and that is the **** of the ancient river. As long as you can get the godhead fragments or ancient **** consciousness left by him, you can break through to the fifth level, and our goal is also It's reached. How about the Third Army, actually has nothing to do with us."

Everyone was stunned, thinking silently in their hearts, is there a relationship between the Second Army and the Third Army?

This is more or less the same. After all, everyone is the main army under the commander. They perform tasks together. The masters of the two legions are more or less related. For example, the two brothers Patrick and Patrick They belong to two legions, and they also have a pivotal position and role in the two legions.

But this is only the relationship between the members of the two corps. If the two corps are individual, the relationship is really not big. It can even be said that after the commander issued this task, they have parted ways and broke the contact between each other, even half. Severed contact with the First Army under the commander's command.

Everyone here knows this, but not everyone can figure it out, but Patricia and Lava Commander Butler knows very well that when the commander separates them, he is already performing tasks independently.

"You mean, don't care?" Lava Commander Butler was a little unconfirmed, slanting the identity, status and strength of the great demon second only to himself in the Legion, and his eyes silently condemned: If this is the case, you What is the reason for calling us so eagerly?

Is it just an announcement, or telling us the unhappy things of the Third Army, so that we can be happy?

It turns out you are such a Patrie song.

At a glance, Patricia saw his unreliable leader's thoughts, and he couldn't help but a black line: "Everyone, are you ready for the war?"

The lava leader pouted his lips and said: "A native **** who has fallen for thousands of years, leaving only the will of the remnant soul, my lava can erupt into islands even in the sea, not to mention a small river."

Moros gave his second speech (why is the second one? Because the real second person is the one who asked, it is impossible to ask and answer at this time): "All materials are ready, all legions are already ready to go, I will wait The Hell Legion is at its peak all the time!"

Although a little arrogant, the warlike race of **** demons is really just enough to eat and drink and pick up weapons to fight.

This is the special habit formed by generations of **** demons invading other worlds, burning, killing and looting wildly. It has long been integrated into the blood. It can be said that apart from the undead, the **** demons are the most capable of fighting, the most resistant, and the least fearful of fighting.

Unlike the undead who no longer fear death because of death, and because the five senses of low IQ decrease or even disappear without fear of fighting, **** demons are eager to fight in order to plunder and develop themselves.

The difference is just like cloud and mud, and they are not the same at all. Moreover, the undead are not afraid of fighting only at the bottom. Undead creatures with high intelligence are actually very afraid of death, otherwise the lich will not create a phylogenetic rebirth. , Other high-level undead creatures will not use trend low-level undead creatures as their main means of combat, and hide behind themselves.

But the **** demons really want to fight, from top to bottom.

The **** demons who can achieve Tier 4 and can sit here are not stupid idiots. Patrice just opened his head. They instantly reacted, and their fighting spirit was so high. The Lava Commander's eyes widened: "You mean, immediately Invaded the cemetery of the ancient gods?!"

"That's right, no matter who the problem is, does it really have anything to do with us? Our goal is only one, the ancient river **** in the ancient god's cemetery." Patrice vowed: "I want to take this The remnant soul will of the indigenous gods advances and breaks through. The leader needs to break the node. What the leader needs is to open a final channel for the lord. The generals want to plunder the countless resources in the ancient gods cemetery. Now invades and after Is there a difference in invasion?"

"But, isn't the time for the final final battle agreed by the chief? Will we do this..." Moros hesitated a little.

Patrice gently shook his head and said: "The time given by the chief commander is not the agreed time for the decisive battle, but the deadline for entering the ancient god's cemetery. The chief commander has never said that it cannot be attacked in advance. It can even be said, The commander hopes that we will enter the tomb of the ancient gods in advance, after all..."

"After all, the first person to invade the ancient god's cemetery will be caught off guard. He will take the initiative in the early stage, but then he will be besieged by the enemy." Lava commander Butler added his doubts instead of Moros. "After all," Even if it is me, I dare not say that I can challenge all the strong in the ancient gods cemetery. It can even be said that our entire legion may disappear under their full counterattack. The ancient gods cemetery is not that simple."

Patrice "hehe" smiled and said: "Then they must be able to find us. Who said we must seize the land of the ancient river **** now? All we want is his life! His power and laws! "

As the general manager, Moros is not really a pedantic person, otherwise he would not be able to live until now. He will still be the general manager of his second legion: "One hit kills, and then immediately flee, wait until the other two legions launch a general offensive. At that time, we will make a comeback again. Good! Good! Good!"

What's the good thing?

Moros quickly explained the ideas of Patri's song to everyone one by one.

There are many benefits of launching at this time. The first is to be unexpected. First, complete the task issued by the general leader to kill the ancient river god. Skills can improve your own strength, and it can also weaken the power of the ancient god's cemetery and break one of the nodes.

Second, immediately retreat after completing the task ahead of schedule, avoiding the enemy's reinforcements and main force, and also have time for self-cultivation, which will help restore and improve the strength.

Third, after an attack, the ancient river **** fell, that place will definitely be in chaos for a while, and it is inevitable that the strength will be reduced. Even if reinforcements are stationed all the time, when the commander and the third legion launch an invasion, they will definitely Will be transferred away, and the target of their attack at that time will be unprecedentedly weak.

Facing such a weak opponent, what would he do as a **** demon?

Beheaded and killed, and then drove straight ahead, taking advantage of the masters of the ancient gods cemetery being attracted by the first and third legions, UU reading immediately expanded the results of the battle, looted slightly, and occupied more territory. , To grab more resources.

Thinking of this, the hearts of all **** demons burst into flames.

"Command order, all generals are fully prepared for war, and launch a general offensive in three days!" The Lava Commander ordered everyone to cheer in unison, except for Patricia.

"Master Commander, the time can actually be a little earlier, how about tomorrow?" A big arc appeared at the corner of Patriege's mouth: the opponent hiding in the dark, I don't know who you are, but, be prepared to bear the **** I waited for Are the demons ready to attack like a storm?

"You can attack immediately."

"Then, attack now!" Patrice had a bright smile on his face.

Lava Commander Butler took a deep look at him, and after a moment he nodded solemnly: "Okay, attack now! Moros, you led the five generals to rectify the soldiers and horses. I waited for the ancient river **** to be killed or trapped, and immediately waved. In total, the other generals will attack with me!"

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