The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1280: Massacre and blood sacrifice

An army of **** demons is launched with all its strength, and the power is very terrifying, led by a Tier 5 powerhouse, and more than 30 Tier 4 powerhouses joining hands to tear the space apart. What is it like?

Ville and Lilith watched as a 100-meter-long space crack appeared out of thin air, and watched the fifth-order **** demon rush into it first, disgusting the blood and blood, and watched as a fourth-order strong leader led hundreds of people. A thousand third-order **** demons swarmed in.

Lilith's face was pale, and then turned into iron blue, and she stood up suddenly, but was hugged by Ville from behind and hugged fiercely.

Two lines of clear tears on Lilith's face slowly shed, and she grabbed the soft flesh of Little Ville's waist, and came a 720-degree poisonous dragon diamond, "When did you become so cold-blooded and merciless?"

There was endless indifference on Little Ville’s face, but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: My dear fiancee Lilith, you are already very powerful, so there is no need to apply your newly-understood rules to this, right? I know that you are a master of both magic and martial arts.

Lilith: How can ordinary methods be effective against you who are like you who are rough and skinless. If you don't use it, I can't move you at all.

"Although I know that these are all fake, although I know that most of these dead urban **** demons, although I know that the purpose of the other party is only to lure us out, when I saw this scene, I really wanted to Rush out." Xiao Weier's voice is very low, and there are many things that can't be disguised under the advanced appraisal.

The one-hundred-meter space channel is not fake, but what this channel leads to is not the cemetery of the ancient gods, but a different space that is not too big, inhabited by millions of people, most of which are hells. Devil, these people have only one "blood sacrifice!"

And this space has only one role, acting as a springboard and spear to invade the ancient god’s cemetery. In order not to destroy the blood sacrifice, the lava commander did not even dare to use his own flame. After all, the blood sacrifice was made of flesh, fresh flesh, and Not grilled meat and coke.

Lilith turned and plunged into Ville’s arms, and ravaged his waist frantically. As a more emotional girl, Lilith did not develop the habit of opening firm eyes as soon as she encountered things. Everything she had just now was The true feelings are revealed.

"The expression on your face is not painful, what did you think of?" Lilith is a clever girl. Now that she knows that all of this is false, she naturally quickly recovered her calm, seeing that Little Ville is still stern. The face couldn't help being a little surprised.

"What we see now is not completely false. Although most of them are middle and low-level **** demons, or alien races with the blood of **** demons, there are still many intelligent races belonging to our world, even , Man." Little Ville stretched out a hand, seeming to want to catch something, but he didn't catch anything.

"Their death does not bring us much pain and sorrow, because they are strangers, they are acquired natives in the different space of the abyss battlefield, most of them are visitors from hell, the executioners who invaded our world back then. And the descendants of the executioner."

"But, if one day, they break through the defense of the abyss battlefield, what will happen to our world? At that time, the tragic scene we are about to face may be ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times more than these. Hell Devil wants It is not just the resources of our world, flesh, soul, and even the world itself will be swallowed by them."

"Lilith, I have a profound experience of my weakness at this moment. I can't do anything to face this Hell Demon squad. If I really encounter the Hell Demon Army in the future, I can really protect my family and friends. Is it?" Ville held Lilith tightly in his arms, for fear that she would disappear in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Lilith calmed down completely, and found that Ville was holding herself tightly, burying herself in his arms and refused to let go. She couldn't help being amused. As an unmarried couple, she seemed to have never been too close to him. s contact.

Geluo is the crystallization of the blood and magic of the two of them. Really speaking, Mrs. Night is actually the one who has the most intimate contact with Xiaowei. After all, the moon is the first to get the moon near the water. This is the huge sacrifice made by Mrs. Night. of.

what? You blame Li Luo?

That's a child, well, a little guy who looks like a little loli but likes to sit in his arms and has never grown up.

It’s just that recently, half of this patent belongs to Zero. This little guy is as obsessed with Ville and Lilith, sitting in Lilith’s arms half of the time, and sitting in Ville’s arms half the time, his father and mother are impartial. .

Blame Li Luo is different, she only recognizes the arms of Xiao Weier, no one else can do it.

Well, occasionally Xiao Weiya takes advantage of her, and she won't be too resistant.

"Just a hug, don't overdo it, we haven't been officially married yet." Lilith's Dragon Diamond once again patronized the soft flesh of Ville's waist.

Reluctantly letting go of the fragrant soft body of his fiancée, Ville chuckled, "Go back from the battlefield of the abyss, and we will get married."

Lilith rolled her eyes: "My teacher said that your current behavior is called standing, and it will suffer."

Hearing Lilith mentioned her teacher, Ville couldn't help but get a black line: "Your **** teacher is not an old thing. The teacher wants to take advantage of me. You don't know that the speed of this bastard's strength is a little too fast. It’s like eating Jinke La, and it’s going up, and it can’t stop at all. Are demons so powerful?"

"Is your strength increase slow? You are not a devil, but a demon. Do you know how much hardship I have put in to chase you?" Lilith snorted, her hands a little itchy again, subconsciously asking Will Make up soft meat.

"Don't make trouble, let's talk about business now." Little Will hurriedly grabbed Lilith's hand and refused to let go, but her face became very serious, and Lilith's face was solemn.

"Well, I'm serious. Now that we even have children, it's really a bit unreasonable if we don't get married." Little Will's words made Lilith a black line. Is this your business?

After joking, Little Will cast his gaze into the mirror in front of him, with a hint of cold killing intent on his face: "Although I don't know who is so powerful, we are so sure that we are by their side, but they really irritate me!"

Lilith looked around and whispered: "I suspect it is the big devil in white clothes, the one who looks very similar to Patrick. He has been looking for us before. I am not very sure whether he found it. What? It's a pure guess, but there is no doubt that this person has a great say in this army of **** demons."

"Interesting, since you want to play, then Master Ben will play with you." Little Weir casually pointed, and a thumb-sized crystal mirror quietly flew out and landed on a Tier 3 **** demon As he roared loudly and rushed into that alien space.

The crystal mirror fell on a corpse during the battle of that **** demon warrior, and was thrown into the huge pool of blood by them. A bright smile appeared on Little Will's face: "Hell demon, thank you for providing me with so much. Nourishment, I replace the tree of life in Snowwood World, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your hard work."

Lilith couldn't help but grinned and punched him gently: "Don't be funny, they seem to be moving again."

Amid the loud noise of "Rumbling~", a deep and deep tunnel appeared quietly in the huge pool of blood. This is a spatial tunnel. It was three feet wide at the beginning. Heads of Tier 3 **** demons quietly drilled. enter.

As the space tunnel continues to grow larger, more and more **** demons have entered it. In just half an hour, thousands of third-order **** demons have entered it, followed by fourth-order **** demons.

The lava commander stood there quietly, his body shining with a faint light, and suddenly his eyes flickered: "Come!"

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