The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1281: You invade my world, I copy your nest

Coming, what is coming?

The time to wait for the leader of the lava has come. The space channel has never been built unilaterally, nor can one party work hard to become huge and stable. On the opposite side, there are people with them, and these past **** demons need to do things. There is only one: stable and constantly expanding space channels.

"Boom~" A thunderous sound came from the opposite side of the space channel, and a blood-red color rushed to the opposite side crazily, complementing the power brought by the blood sacrifice here, and the entire blood-colored lake vibrated violently, as if there was something thinking about it. Want to rush out in general.

The space channel was dyed blood red, and the blood red light seemed to be strongly corrosive, forcibly supporting the space corrosion, making the space channel bigger and stronger at the same time.

"Raiding the ancient **** cemetery and snatching the godhead fragments and the power of the law of the native river **** is my goal all the time. In the past, I will be the vanguard!" Among the many demigods, Patri Song is the first He stood up, his powerful momentum quickly converged, and plunged in.

Patrick looked around, and it seemed that no one was in a hurry to pass, so he volunteered to stand up: "Although I am not a member of the Second Legion, I am also a member of the Hell Demon Group. This time, Patrick is obliged to attack the graveyard of the ancient gods. If you Don't mind, I will take the second place."

A mid-level demigod **** demon who was full of flames stood up, "The visitors are guests. Let the guests start the battle, but it seems that our army is unmanned. The guests are safe and restless. When we lay a base, I will invite you over. "After speaking, he plunged in.

"General Patrick has passed, and we should also leave. Although the base is hidden from the face, it is impossible to hide such a large movement of the space portal for long. The sooner you pass, the better." A demigod of the ice **** demon uttered a cry. Drink, and rushed in with a biting chill, and then more and more demon generals rushed into it.

The lava commander quietly watched the blood-colored lake roll and boil, and watched the space channel continue to grow and become stronger, silently calculating the time. Suddenly there was a violent shock on the opposite side, and the space channel seemed to be shrinking. There was such a look as expected.

"If you can't find out this, and can't react, I will be even more surprised, but can you really stop my army from invading?" Lava commander Butler can smoothly open up the space channel connecting the ancient gods' cemetery can only explain For that matter, the ancient god's cemetery has his internal response, and he is ready.

At this time, he could not tolerate any hesitation. The effect of blood stains was not satisfactory. The space channel seemed to be getting smaller. This time came a little earlier. Butler turned his eyes to the army commander Moros, "Keep your hands here and pay attention to controlling the blood. We will not have a lot of time for the Lake Forces to enter and command the army to enter. We should complete the goal before a large number of their powerful players can react."

"Here, promise to complete the task!" This is Morros's guarantee. He has this confidence. After all, it is impossible that no one is guarding him. On the contrary, he is the safest here. All he needs to do is to do the logistical work, and to leave behind. Not only is he alone, but there are also four half-length powerhouses to assist him.

Lava Commander Butler patted him on the shoulder and said: "You have always been my most optimistic person. You used to be, you are now, and you will be in the future. Make good use of your career, I am optimistic about you."

As soon as the voice fell, Butler hit the center of the space channel with a fist, a powerful flame force burst out and rushed forward, and then the whole person tore the space with both hands to avoid entering it.

Tier 5 masters do not have the ability to travel through the void, unless they have powerful spatial treasures and extremely precious star maps, but this does not mean that Tier 5 masters have no means to do their work in the space channel. The field of Tier 5 is very Powerful, far from the fourth-order can compare.

Well, it should be comparable to ordinary Tier 4 masters. Some Tier 4 masters’ domains are really unreasonable, such as the Domain Domain Space of the Whale King, and the Fusion Domain of Little Ville: Creation Domain. .

"Creation domain, space blockade!" Little Ville and Lilith appeared quietly, but what appeared was not the different space where the blood-colored lake with excessive transit is located, but directly found the teleportation hall of the second legion base camp. The whole blockade here.

"Who?!" The demigod middle-level **** demon uttered an angry shout, secretly crushing a small magic weapon in his hand, and the powerful aura on his body quickly increased.

"Quick battle, we don't have time to waste." Ville gave an order, and Lilith, Guai Li Luo, and Lady Dark Night rushed over at the same time.

"Light field, magical purification!" Lilith did not choose to attack at the first time, even if they are in a hurry now, but directly weakened the enemy's power by three points, and the **** demon after purifying the hell's devilish energy, will What is it like?

"Forest domain, raging transformation!" Ronaldinho, you have a forest domain, can't you use a few magic witchcraft, why the first thing that comes to mind is raging transformation?

Okay, I was wrong. The first thing you thought of was that the sledgehammer in your hand became bigger. After the transformation, the speed and strength have been greatly improved. The huge hammer head smashed through it, and the unfortunate one The mid-level demigod level **** demon flew out directly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and at least one-third of his body's bones were broken.

"Blood is boiling!" Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Mrs. Night knows that her strength is much worse than that of others, but she also has her own means, especially when dealing with injured people, when the injured **** demon is out of control, Night The wife took control of his blood for the first time, and was almost exploded by the impact of his heart, which immediately worsened the injury.

The **** demon knew that he was in big trouble, turned his head and rushed to a space channel, and Little Weier pointed at him, "Space, imprisonment! Earth, guard! Water curtain barrier!"

After three consecutive methods were used by Xiaowei, the **** demon was stagnant. After he broke free, he smashed through the stacks of stone walls with a sword, but hit the soft water curtain and bounced back.

Can't cut it?

"Draw a knife to cut the water and the water flows even more. Your means are not enough to cut off the water of a sea." Little Ville pointed casually, "Shadow, bondage!" The shadow at the feet of the **** demon suddenly flew out and quickly hugged his legs.

Guai Li Luo's sledgehammer blasted, and the long sword in the hands of the **** demon flew out, and the bones of both arms were broken and the whole person was thrown out like a rag doll.

"Blood, bondage!" Mrs. Night directly manipulated his own blood to form a thin net to bind him into a ball. As long as he struggles, the first painful and unbearable person is himself.

"Who are you guys?" The **** demon demigod was nailed to the ground by Lilith several times in a row with the sword of dawn. His body was instantly sealed up to ninety-nine percent of his strength, and his face was full of pain.

"The Captain of the Bright Sanctuary Guardian Expedition of the Abyss Battlefield, Will Declan." There was a faint smile on Little Will's face: "Come and slay the **** demon!"

"The Deputy Captain of the Guardian Expedition of the Bright Sanctuary of the Abyss, Lilith Kendall, come to crusade against the **** demon!"

"Deputy Luo, help my brother, fight the devil." Xiao Luo, said so much, I really embarrass you, my brother will reward you with a lollipop, which smells like barbecue.

"Abyss Battlefield Bright Sanctuary Guardian Expedition Team, Ye Brad, good fortune to meet!" Mrs. Dark Ye still has a hint of meaning on her face. She has just been urgently demigod not long after, and it is the time when her strength is rapidly increasing. Those who were captured before. Most of the demigod masters who surrender are not suitable for training, not to mention that there are already nearly half surrendered now, and it is even more inappropriate to find them to practice.

It's hard to run into a new enemy, and in the end, you are so unsuccessful, and you are still an intermediary, a demigod, and it's really embarrassing.

Hell Devil: He has the ability to fight alone. Eliminate the male captain who is not easy to provoke at first sight. He has used several attributes in a row. I am not afraid of any of you.

"You guys, why are you here?"

There was a hideous look on Xiaoweier's face: "You invaded my world and I copied your nest. Is there anything wrong with it?"

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