The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1289: Patrick's sacrifice

What is murder and condemnation?

Patrice originally thought that he knew very well, and what he was doing was killing people. He used the hands of this young powerhouse to improve his strength, and then appeared in front of him with a brand-new strength, defeating and wantonly humiliating him.

This is the script of Patricia, the perfect script.

However, not everything in the world follows his own script. Patrice considers himself a rare wise man. He has shown extraordinary wisdom since he was very young. He has always been the first among his peers. No matter what.

The Great Devil is not a high-end **** aristocrat. Their bloodline can only be regarded as the upper-middle class. With his own efforts and talent, Patrice has become one of the few young talents in one territory. His efforts can be imagined. And know.

However, in the end, he still couldn't become the first person of the younger generation, even in the territory of a demon lord, he could barely squeeze into the top ten, and even only ranked bottom in the top ten.

The arrogant Patrice repeatedly challenged those of his peers who ranked above him, but was beaten again and again, from close to the rankings, to the top five who was able to crush him, Pat Lige knew that his talent was not truly superb.

After realizing his own level, Patricia did not become discouraged, but instead worked harder and tried every means to improve himself.

After he could not get more guidance and promotion in the family, he resolutely ran away and became a wandering mercenary. In the battles, his potential was greatly improved, but the mercenary was not regular after all, and he then ignored the family's opposition. Put into the command of the spider lord.

The reason is simple. The Spider Lord has discovered that a medium-sized world is struggling to attack, and this world seems to be a bit tricky. It actually blocked the Spider Lord from invading again and again. Such an opponent can definitely provide him with more room for training and improvement.

As the twin brother of Patricia, Patrick has been watching him silently. Patricia’s achievements have made him envious. This brother, who he does not recognize, has always been the object of his yearning and imitation.

Patrice works hard, and Patrick, who is even less qualified, is even more diligent than him, but he has to learn all the things his brother has learned, and he has to walk all the roads that his brother has walked.

Patrick went from an ordinary member of the Great Devil to a genius second only to Patricia, not because his aptitude is really strong, but because he really works hard, and there is someone in front of him who has been leading the way.

It was not until one day, when Patrick challenged his brother to begin, that Patrick Song realized that his brother, who was not valued by him, had already walked in front of him without giving his footsteps, and brought the great devil family. The secret method: dual realms.

This thing gave Patricia a lot of new insights, and at the same time the hidden things inside made him quite heart-shaped.

There is a special secret to the dual domain secret method, which is the devouring secret method.

At a critical moment, one person on both sides can integrate and swallow everything of the other person with a powerful force, thereby turning the dual field of the two simultaneous attacks into a special field and ability unique to one person.

Moreover, the fusion of dual domains is also a tricky way to break through to Tier 5. No matter how you break through to Tier 5, Tier 5 masters are always one step higher than Tier 4. This is an indisputable fact.

With the help of Ville's pressure, Patrick and Patrick evolved a dual field, and developed the light of ice and fire with full confidence.

The four attributes of earth, fire, and feng shui are always wonderful in the combination of two. Among them, the fusion of ice and fire gives rise to light attributes. Among them, the power of extremely cold light and hot light is even more powerful and difficult to resist.

At this moment, Lilith suddenly came to an end, and the Holy Light Domain expanded, forcibly suppressing the light attributes of cold light and fire light.

If it was Lilith’s light attribute that suppressed the newly derived light attribute of the two brothers Patrick and Patrice, and they could barely accept it, then Little Ville used the land attribute, space attribute, and fire attribute to fight with them. Tian Sanye's opponents suddenly changed their shadow attributes and forcibly absorbed the light attributes that swallowed them, which made it difficult for them to accept.

What makes them even more unacceptable is that these two dog men and women are actually in front of them. With their pressure, they try to integrate the light and shadow attribute laws and realms little by little, trying to imitate them to create a dual realm of light and shadow.

Patrick and Patrick Song were almost outraged, and the raging anger couldn't be suppressed, and they were a frenzied attack.

But no matter how they attacked the two great demons, ice, flame, light, and even the talents of opening the great demon clan burned their own soul fire, and forcibly increased their strength, they still couldn't cause harm to both of them.

Obviously I am already so strong, why can't I help you?

What makes them even more unacceptable is that their two brothers have painstakingly researched for thousands of years, and they are barely able to display the dual domain. The two little guys on the opposite side actually completed the domain integration in just two hours, and the degree of completion is even Still above them.

What is murder and condemnation?

Patricia wants to say that this is murder and humiliation.

When I was most proud of myself, when I was full of confidence, the other party bitterly crushed myself in the place I was most proud of.

After all, the Ice and Fire Domain was not able to compete with the Light and Shadow Domain. The direct collision between the domain and the domain allowed Patricia and Patricia to find the true strength of the two opposing people: the peak of the demigod and the high-level demigod.

However, the strength of this demigod pinnacle powerhouse is still improving, and there is no intention to stop. This makes Patrice's heart uncontrollably angry, and the fire of burning soul forcibly increases his strength, and then...

Then, Patrick robbed the control of the ice and fire domain forcibly, and chose to devour his own brother Patrick.

"In my heart, you have always been a hero, my idol, the strong man who guided me forward." Patrick looked at the big hand that passed through his heart, with a bright smile on his face.

"The strong in **** are respected, but birth is also very important. Our father can't give us glory and wealth. Everything can only be achieved with our own hands."

"The big devil has many attributes, and the water attribute has never been mainstream. My brother was bullied because of this attribute, and I was also implicated because of this. At that time, I hated you very much."

"But then I gradually learned that we were bullied not because of your water attribute talent, but my fire attribute talent. Fire attribute is the attribute that best fits the great devil, and my aptitude is divided among the same generations in the clan. I belong to the upper class, which makes it unacceptable for many people of noble background. This is why they bully me everywhere. And you are their excuse for torturing me. It is not you that hurt me, but I hurt you."

"With your own hands, you beat the sky abruptly, and your face was bruised and bruised, but you still smiled and told me that you won!"

"Your strength is enhanced with the color of blood, and the external pressure is borne by you, and I just need to be more behind you and move forward step by step. I think that as an adult, I will become stronger and turn my head to protect you. , But you forcibly took the lead all the way. You didn't give me this opportunity, and even went further and further, so that I couldn't see a glimmer of hope, until I discovered the secret of the clan."

"If my power is useful to you, then take it. A Tier 5 powerhouse is more precious than ten Tier 4 powerhouses. Take my power to live well, and then return to the clan gracefully. , Let those who look down on us bow their heads and admit their mistakes."

"I have always believed in this. My brother is the strongest. He will eventually return to the family with the strength of a Tier 5 powerhouse. I may not see it on this day, but..."

Patrick's chest was blood red, but there was a faint smile on his face: "I will be with you, sacrifice!"

Accompanied by his roar, all the power in Patrick's body instantly burst into Patry Song's body along the arm of Patrick Song through the heart.

Patrice’s face was green, feeling the power that was rising rapidly in his body, and a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "My stupid brother, do you think it was accidental that you discovered the secret of the double realm? Do you think this method of sacrifice? Who secretly passed it to you?"

"Hahahaha, I planned all of this for today."

"You have always been the food for me to break through the bottleneck. The reason why I spare no effort to train you is that it sounds like this."

"Then now stupid brother, are you still willing to pay for me? Hate me, your hatred will make me stronger!"

Patrick looked at his brother with a disdainful arc at the corner of his mouth: "Don't think of me as a fool. From the beginning, I knew these things were prepared by you. The twin demon is one in a million, and the opposite of attributes is even rarer. Do you think this is accidental? My stupid brother, neither of us are born big demons, but man-made twins."

"From the time we were born, we were destined to embark on this path, and it is not you who dominate all of this. Since we can't choose the final result, then take the initiative to choose our own destiny. My stupid brother, if not Because that big explosion ruined our way back, we have already become the experiment of others."

"This mission of confronting the black hand behind the scenes is up to you, good luck! Take my strength to the dying struggle. Sometimes you don't know how desperate you are if you don't work hard."

Patrick is dead, smiling and mocking.

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